New: cancellationAll contentvideoblurtburnbotkractifitartgameszzanphotographylolznewswamblurtgermanr2cornellblurtblockaimusicjapanblurtindiaresearchfeclockHotTrendingNewDAppsarsalan7 in flight • last yeardense fog in Delhi causes cancellation in flightsDo you see the picture below, it is from Delhi. People are in trouble because of the fog in the city. Source It is difficult to drive a car in this weather with fog and talking about the…cloudblade in cn • 3 years ago欠债免还欠债免还 丹斯克银行(Danske Bank)于昨日(8月31日)宣布,免除了9万名客户的欠款,这些人的债务将不再进行查核与追讨 ... 丹斯克银行为丹麦的最大银行,其债务催收系统于2019年出现了系统错误,造成许多客户被重复讨债,或者超额还债,甚至还有没欠债却被追讨的...…