New: blurtlegalAll contentvideoburnbotkrblurtactifitartgameszzannewsblurtgermanr2cornellphotographylolzaimusicwamblurtblockmemeblurtlifeblurtindiablurthispanoHotTrendingNewDAppssponge-bob in blurtcars • last yearJacking in to 'The Matrix' 🚘 The Drivers Licence BluesIt's time to go get a driver's license. I set up an appointment and I arrived 2 hours early. They have a certain circuit that they run the streets around the DMV, if you can call it that.…punicwax in blurt420 • 4 years agoDEA Release Record of Discussion About MeIn 2017 I submitted my DEA RFRA Petition, in April 2018 they sent their initial reaponse, we scheduled a Meeting Aug 18th, 2018, so Miguel Lopez (4/20 Rally Founder) and myself planned a Holi style…