New: areaAll contentvideoburnbotkrblurtactifitartgameszzannewsblurtgermanr2cornellphotographylolzaimusicwamblurtblockmemeblurtlifeblurtindiablurthispanoHotTrendingNewDAppsindia-news in room • 3 months agoCreative Room Renovation Ideas to Transform Your SpaceRenovating your room doesn’t have to break the bank or require professional help. With a little creativity, you can give your space a fresh, personalized look. Here are some inspiring ideas to…praneeth123 in blurt • last yearA bullied teenager becomes a model because of her incredibly dark skinA bullied teenager becomes a model because of her incredibly dark skin We all know that the fashion industry can be quite a harsh environment to work in. Many girls can't handle the pressure of…praneeth123 in blurt • last yearLast person publicly hanged in AmericaLast person publicly hanged in America The punishment was carried out by a woman On 14 August 1936 A crowd of 20,000 flocked to Kentucky to witness a white woman hang a black man. The last…praneeth123 in blurt • last yearAccording to the tradition and culture of the BanyakoleAccording to the tradition and culture of the Banyakole tribe who live in the Ankole area, southwest of Lake Victoria in southwestern Uganda, a virginity test of the bride and groom is mandatory…maruf4334 in electricity • 2 years agoElectricity connection in our areaবিসমিল্লাহির রাহমানির রাহিম। আসসালামু আলাইকুম। ওয়া রহমাতুল্লাহি ওয়া বারাকাতুহু। আমাদের এলাকায় বিদ্যুৎ সংযোগ। আজকে পুরা দিন। সকাল ৯ টা থেকে ৬ পর্যন্ত বিদ্যুৎ নেই। তা হচ্ছে আমাদের এলাকায়…stmp04 in our • 2 years agoDelicious Sagar bananas 🍌 for breakfast and afternoon tiffinOur area is famous in Bangladesh for Sagar Banana in Narsingdi District Manohardi Upazila. And most of that banana is produced in our Manohardi. Once there was a tradition of desi Sagar banana, but…cloudblade in cn • 4 years ago里里作为计量单位,本为面积单位,源自于古代的井田制,在井田制被废除之后,由面积单位演化成为了长度单位。 一里,约近于500米,即二里约近于一公里。 在井田制度被废除以后,里在城市与农村之间,分别演变为里坊制与里甲制(乡里制)。 又有以家数为里者,二十五家为一里,五家为邻,五邻为里。…