New: antAll contentburnbotvideokrblurtactifitartzzangameslolzwamnewsblurtgermanphotographyr2cornellblurtblockaimusicblurtindiajapanblurthispanofeclockHotTrendingNewDAppsleafstudynet in blurt-148706 • 5 months agoPoem 17: I'm BusyNo Timesonsona2017 in animal • last yearCentipede Carried by Black AntsCentipedes are elongated segmented creatures with one pair of legs per bidy segment.fotoajah in ant • 2 years agoAnt on the grass after rainPhotography by Location Camera @fotoajah Jawa barat,Indonesia Smartphone redmi 5a Lens Edited Default Lens No Thank you for visiting my blogj85063 in hive-193552 • 2 years agoMy Actifit Report Card: January 22 2023While out walking today I happened to notice some movement on a blade of grass and it was a spider and an ant fighting out for who was going to be dinner I think. I didn't stay long…cloudblade in cn • 3 years ago智斗小蚂蚁前几天在喝水的时候 觉得味道怪怪的 把第一口给吐了出来 又喝了几口 感觉怪怪的 打开茶杯一看 原来里面有小蚂蚁 把小蚂蚁给捞掉 在喝水 水的味道就正常了 原来那味道是蚂蚁的味道 很难以形容 就是臭臭的 后来 我就在桌脚的旁边放一些水杯 果然 茶水杯内就不在有蚂蚁了 蚂蚁都淹死在水杯内了praneeth123 in blurt • 3 years agoOne of the world's most interesting boldness is "Zombie Fungus"One of the world's most interesting boldness is "Zombie Fungus". It catches the mind of a worm, while it climbs up a branch and sticks to the bottom of a leaf before it is memorized. Once the worm…cloudblade in cn • 3 years ago蚂蚁雄兵蚂蚁雄兵 有一部电影叫做 "蚂蚁雄兵", 其实应当叫做 "蚂蚁雌兵" .. 因为蚁穴之中, 大多数的蚂蚁都是雌性.. 蚂蚁以蚁后为尊, 所有的蚂蚁都是蚁后所生... 而生下来的蚂蚁, 具有生殖能力的雌蚁和雄蚁的数量都非常的少, 即影片中的蚂蚁公主和蚂蚁王子, 他们都是有翅膀的.... 在影片之中, 兵蚁和工蚁都是雄性的外观, 无翅膀, 会让观众以为兵蚁和工蚁都是雄性…cloudblade in cn • 3 years ago蚂蚁的故事 "蚁后死了会怎么样"蚂蚁的故事 "蚁后死了会怎么样" 一个蚁穴代表着一个族群, 或者说代表着一个家族, 因为所有的成员都是蚁后所生, 而蚁后只有一只. 当蚁后死亡之后, 会发生么事? 假如蚁后在死前有指定继承人, 那么那只雌蚁就会成为新的蚁后. 若蚁后未指定继承人, 那么蚁穴就会发生大动乱, 现存的蚂蚁会拥戴既有的雌蚁, 鼓励她成为蚁后, 受到一定数目的蚂蚁拥戴之后…saradai in ant • 3 years agoHow a game engine for DeFi could facilitate accelerated developmentThe beating heart of any ecosystem of decentralized applications, DApps, is its underlying technology stack. For Ethereum (ETH), this is its “Nakamoto” consensus, Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM)…belalkhan in nature • 3 years agoবন্যা পরিস্থিতিতে পিপড়াদের মোকেবেলার শক্তিবিশালাকায় পিপড়া ভেলা তৈরি করে ফেলে এবং তাদের লার্ভা, ডিম ও রানী পিঁপড়াকে পানির হাত থেকে সুরক্ষা দেয়vectorshore in blurtography • 3 years agoMACRO PHOTOGRAPHY: ARMY OF ANTS | by @vectorshoreHey everyone, here's a macro photograph of an army of ants. I hope you like it. I was bitten a few times before I could get this shot though. Funny right? DEVICE INFORMATION…alim236 in hive-196037 • 3 years agoপিপিলিকা উপমারমাধ্যমে আল্লাহ আমাদের কি শিক্ষা দিয়েছেন।পিপিলিকার নামে আল্লাহ পবিত্র কোরআন এ কেন সুরা নারীর করলেন। আসুন আমরা সবাই জেনে নেই। ▶️ DTuberequired in how • 3 years agoHow you can learn from antSource How you can learn from little ant In fact, it takes a lot of hard work and knowledge to make yourself fit. And for that we can learn from anyone. The only reason we can't take our…rbbeachdesigns in blurtimals • 4 years agoVideo of Velvet AntVideo of a Velvet Ant I caught in Texas.rbbeachdesigns in blurtimals • 4 years agoExtreme macro photograph of an antExtreme macro photograph of an antphotocircle in photography • 4 years agoAn attempt to macro-shoot a moving antLately, I've been trying to create a macro photo series of moving subjects. It's really challenging for 2 reasons: my camera is not really fit for macro photography insects are not so easy…biplobpk in blurtimals • 4 years agoRed Ant PhotographyAnts are a small animal that go together in groups.The main food of ants is the sweet national food, a thing that can be found all around the sweet national food. Scientists have invented the…dipro02 in photography • 4 years agoBlack Ant Animal ( Insects )"Ant Animal" Galaxy M20 Ant Animal 18.11.2020 It is a kind of animal. These animals are known as a kind of social insects. These animals are always seen around us. These…bowlion in ant • 4 years agoHelping Hands of The AntMoving around alone, the ant is a lone soldier that scopes out and recons the area. Yet in a platoon, the ant carries the burdens of its fellow troops and will work selflessly to help one and…arsalan7 in blurtimals • 4 years agoANT🐜🐜This is an ant, when I went to someone's house today, I saw there... It was a sweet pudding spilled.. And all were sitting on it... All animals are very cute... Everyone finds their own way…