New: -All contentrewardsvideokrblurtactifitzzangamesburnbotphotographycentblurtgermanartphotographlolzblurtblocknewswamr2cornellblurtlifebyterebelHotTrendingNewDAppsblurtconnect-ng in blurt-131902 • 7 months agoBLURTCONNECT-NG LARGE SCOPE CONTENTS REPORT N#365 // 2% to NullBlurtconnect Witness and Curators welcome you to this brief recapitulation of posts in the communityblurtconnect-ng in blurt-131902 • 8 months agoBLURTCONNECT-NG LARGE SCOPE CONTENTS REPORT N#353 // 2% to NullBlurtconnect Witness and Curators welcome you to this brief recapitulation of posts in the communityblurtconnect-ng in blurt-131902 • 8 months agoBLURTCONNECT-NG LARGE SCOPE CONTENTS REPORT N#345 // 2% to NullBlurtconnect Witness and Curators welcome you to this brief recapitulation of posts in the communityborghesegardens in snow • last yearMost unsusual weather for Christmas up here in Canada.Hope we get some more snow before Christmas this year... Most unusual weather I'v ever experienced this year... Must be Climate Change..