I haven't had the time or the brain power to write any new health/covid related articles this week. Am hearing a lot of brainfog and depression is going around. Even the Dollor Vigilante posted a long rambling confused video yesterday. He must feel the way a lot of us feel this week.
Anyway I just listened to the daily Fakeologist show and heard my name mentioned so many times I had to save it to my Odysee. I also grabbed a screenshot of an amazing comment about my cancer article and show which makes things much more worthwhile knowing it might be helping someone somewhere -
Another reason I'm bringing this show up on here is that Blurt was mentioned in the show too. I've tried to get a few people to come over to Blurt BUT it seems the sign up process is too daunting for some (I totally get that it was for me on hive) or it is just a 'pain'.
Show here - https://fakeotube.com/v/4399
I do think if Blurt wants to compete with the likes of farcebook the sign up process should be simplified. I will gladly donate 1000 Blurt to Fakeologist if he sets up a blog on here. He has helped me a lot and today I finally managed to put a donate button on my Wordpress blog because of his nagging me.
The other reason I've been busy is I've been finishing all the pressies for my grandchildren. A few years ago we decided to stop buying presents for Christmas as it is
- expensive
- wasteful
- stressful
- commercial,corporate bullshit
We opted instead to either give handmade presents or stuff we've bought from selected charity shops (no cancer research or british heart foundation or similar money laundering rackets).
Since we changed we found Christmas to be MORE fun. It doesn't matter if your present is crap as it didn't cost much and can be re-donated back to the charity. I bought my son a dvd one year as a joke because it looked so cheesy, was Korean and he loves all things east asian. It sat on a shelf for a long time and when we eventually decided to see what it was like it turned out to be brilliant. Oh we laughed.
So this year I've been busy making dolls mostly and just managed to get all the ends tied up and sewn in and made it to the final posting day. Here are some of my amigurami presents posing before they start their journeys -
and that's not even all of them, I didn't take a pic of the giant octopus or the lizard, hats and a few other bits.
Phew am tired.
Think I'll have a rest now.
I will be posting more of my Hive posts soon, after thinking about leaving the POB posts there but hearing that Azircom (or whatever his name is) has a big stake on POB I will not be leaving them there now. More to come.
That is the price for internet freedom, however, it isnt just internet freedom, its real financial security. Of course there will be some extra steps to handling an account with a wallet function. It takes less than one hour to figure it out. if that is too much then I do not think this platform is for the weak minded and lazy individuals who lack discipline in commitment. It is what it is.
The sign up process is not going to change anytime soon.
If you are reading this fellow readers, suck it up and go hard. go the extra mile. it is worth it. Join the web3 freedom train.
Hope you feel better @northern-tracey I really do enjoy reading most of your content. I don't usually comment because I just want to read the next article and also life take away much of my time. I can only speak for myself.
you spelled azircunt wrong btw
You're right I did spell it wrong. Hahahaha
I'm still learning the ropes here clearly and maybe I still have the wrong idea of what this blockchain is all about but I also don't think it's a weak-mind thing we all have our strengths and weaknesses and I'm not a technophobe at all but it is just too much for us content creators. Maybe we should have minders until we grow a tech-brain. How about some Blurt babysitters? After all we have accountants to do out books in the real world (if you can afford it).
What is there to get?
Its a place to publish whatever you want. simple as that.
Of course, some might say, "whatever I want? then why report spam and plagiarism, etc?" Such mindset falls under those that believe there are no consenquences for everything we do.
Im not tech savy either. I just know the basics. I dont understand code but I can see the results a machine has done and can determine where it will lead to. Just like in politicks.
Things that bore the shit out of me.
narcassistic people talking
hmm... most human beings.
I rather watch a video of a cat giving milk than watch a tiktok video unless your joeytoonz making fun of them.
Ill stick to my music playlists and solidarity and my own lifestyle.
I stuck my neck out for so many people and have never had anyone (except for a very small elite of individuals I came across) actually do the same for me. Not that I care too much but damn would be nice for a change humanity. Can I even call them human?
I feel more are just intelectual animals, not human. Wheres a mountain when you need one... I need a vacation.
Especially to get away from all this xmas facade.
Never thought in my life that being alone was the best thing that ever happened to me. So glad I didnt pick up any permanent friends growing up.
Pets are awesome. Get a few. They wont mistreat you unlike humans. and they will give you something to care for.
If you find someone then great. work it out. but dump their ass if they turn out to be some "karen" individual. Not worth the risk.
In my whole life, I have had 4 gfs. Only one was worth it. And ahe is the mother of my kids, untill we separated. but I dont regret being together nor being apart. I learned alot from my experiences and mistakes. Hope she has too.
anyways goodluck figuring this place out.
I need a joint to mellow out.
Sounds like we have a lot in common. I do have 'pets' well realy they're feral cats that decided to move into my cat hotel. One cat came with me here from England to be on our own. I did have a dog too but he was very old and died. No way do I want another one, too much pain when they depart.
I'd love to have a companion again, someone I can play and laugh with and share the gardening and house repairs with but I'm wondering if it's too late for that now. We'll see.
of this is an invitation i dont think i am eady for that. take me out to eat first. :P
I got 3 cats and 2 dogs i keep in house and patio and 5 outside that came from work.
but I'm wondering if it's too late for that now. We'll see.
never too late. woman choose the men they want. ita not the other way around.
Not much to choose from around here ;-)
you hear that males? Got to learn to be men to be attractive. being symmetrical and physically attractive ain't all it.
LOL I wasn't referring to the metaverse of Blurt but to real dimensional men here in the 'wild west' of Ireland.
If you know someone who could benefit from having a Blurt blog and you already have a Blurt blog with some liquid Blurt you could easily create a Blurt.blog for them with your active key and 10 Blurt.
Choose a Desired Account Name
Click Generate New Keys
Copy the Master Key and also download backup to your computer.
Add your name as Account Creator
Add your Active key
Optional : Also give some extra blurt so they have some liquid Blurt for fees to post.
Send them copy of keys via secure private DM or email
Important: Just make sure you make a copy of the Master key and also ”Download Backup” a copy of all the other keys to send your friend and explain to them which keys they use to post or access wallet.
Posting key, Active key Etc ….
Click here to start : Https://joinblurt.com
Then click on left box ….
I did think of setting up an account for him myself but couldn't see how to do that. Where do I go to start the process, you didn't make that clear.
Click here … then the left box.
aha thankyou sir xx
OK I did make a new account but now am confused. I seem to have changed all my keys and had a devil of a job logging back in. So are these new keys the keys for both accounts now?
No… those new keys are only for the new blog you created.
well I had to use the new keys to log back into my account so I must have just changed my own keys and that means I've lost the keys for the new account. SEE I told you this is not simple. I can't even do it properly. I've donated 100 blurt to a new account and no-one will be able to get into it.
Just logged out to be sure and yes the new keys are for this account so no idea how I'm gonna get into the new account now. I'm doomed to failure at this.
I have done that same thing too. it is no sweat. I have created four-five accounts now. They have still yet to post for the first time except for one.
Have you tried same keys with the new account ?
yes I've tried the old and the new keys nothing works
Oh those dolls are wonderful! My mother made stuff as xmas presents. I treasure every single one of them to this day.
Yes sign up is really hard. I wonder if a side chain "blurt for dummies" type of intro chain wouldn't help onboard more users.
Yes I agree and did comment on another thread that they could have a two tier system, let beginners come on with 10 free blurt to get going then once they learn the ropes give em the keys to the door.
I've managed to fuck up again making a new account for someone and I should know better by now.
O jolly , self made present's ,.. it always creates a atmosphere ,.. ;-)
Cheeky, it can be just as embarrassing to get something expensive you don't like. These things are for kids anyway. My daughter makes some pretty cool stuff. She once did fimo models of people for them which were really good. You should try it sometime. Everyone should be able to make something from scratch, especially now.
I remember opening pressies from old aunties which were cringeworthy but actually it always gave us the best laughs.
I know i can , and , God knows i have tried ,..
Source picture ,.. i made the flower , i made the picture ,.. and the flower it's place is unknown to me , it was left in the garden of the house we used to live in . I hope someone is still enjoying it somehow.
And personally i don't care about what's bin given , i care for the fact someone took the effort .
I knew you could make something beautiful