SARS-NCOV2 (COVID) Long term Economic and social damage

in covid19 •  4 years ago  (edited)

World closed

Here we are, the news and central government agencies officially say we are eight months into the global pandemic but in fact, it is getting on for a year now since the first "case" in Wuhan, China, hidden though the truth may be.

I am not here to make silly assumptions or guesswork with truth-seeking, I am merely stating what is happening all around us, we all have different perspectives but this is very real now to us all now.

At first, we as the general world populous were a little lapsy daisy compared to the stringent control measures that are now in place, as the ongoing disaster continued we then took notice, there were the usual official lines to follow but many made up our minds the risk was too great so took precautions including social distancing and other control measures to prevent the spread of this nasty pathogen, extreme measures have been put in place with an almost policed state and awkwardness of it all, even going food shopping is uncomfortable now.

Many shops, charities, clubs and related small businesses have closed down now with no way to resurrect, that's it for them, done, finished, closed for good.

Halloween and Christmas local and national celebrations have been cancelled, just very recently within the last couple of days, in my city, it has become unlawful to let anyone into my home that is not my family, yet there are still local pubs, cafes and restaurants open (just about) as well as schools and public amenities, it just gets me that the government and science agencies just have little clue on how to actually control the virus without absolutely devastating the economy and peoples lives.

Should we mention the track and trace app that is now in its second incarnation - resurrection is possible, or is it?

The UKs 'Track and Trace' app was several months late, when it did arrive the government had to then go to Google and Sun to have it rebuilt, perhaps using APIs for the main part, whatever, now the second version cannot accept data and results from those people tested at hospitals, clinics and testing stations, a great deal it seems.

This vast amount of data for some reason is not recognised by the app, oops... perhaps, in time this will be rectified with manual intervention.

So anyway, this 'Track and Trace' app, a version of which was installed with an Apple iPhone update some time ago and I believe on Android too? allows alerts if you are in contact with a person that had a test with positive results with the use of Bluetooth and internet placement data (tracking your steps and whereabouts.

It secretly collected and transmitted data about us without our knowing.

I walked past a shop earlier and they would no allow entry to anyone who did not have a Track and Trace QR code at the ready, literally refusal of entry.

Whether you think it is a good idea or not is up to you, personally, I feel it is a very invasive technology that has been rolled out without out privacy concerns being taken into account.

Aside from possible 'contagion' contacts, what other data is collected about us? I can tell you now, a lot.

Economically, there is going to be a long long term to build back up to a stage of normality, if ever at all, not only the economic damage that we can all see around up but the lack of central actionable advice, the MPs themselves broke all sorts of laws in the interim but this is just glazed over quietly yet they are still paid, get bonuses whilst all around them are falling...

There are deeper concerns when it comes to everyday folk, you and I, us and them and so on.

We are not able to meet others not only in public places but in our homes too, there are fines for those caught lawbreaking, neighbours report you anonymously - this creates walls that were never there before.

If we do not interact in a social sense there is a loss in the world, we can do this by video chat but how about just a nice simple chat, support comes in many forms and many of these are simple, being very much needed.

Many have been isolating or shielding others, what damage to not only but younger people is this doing and has already done, many are scared I know that for sure and this is due to the mass media scaremongering as well as central governments mishandling, but, what did we expect really.

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