What's Happening With Your Heart?

in covid •  2 years ago 


Finally, medical admission of, and guidance for medical providers on how to remediate, myocarditis caused by the experimental injection.

It may help to consider what we know of myocardial inflammation caused by or following COVID‐19 infections.

Ya think?

From the Journal of the American Heart Association:

Vaccine‐Triggered Acute Autoimmune Myocarditis: Defining, Detecting, and Managing an Apparently Novel Condition



Myocarditis After COVID‐19 Vaccination in Pediatrics: A Proposed Pathway for Triage and Treatment


Of course, the studies are also rife with the usual malarkey about the conditions being rare, and vaccine hesistancy being not valid. But they ARE discussing it, which is huge.

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"But they ARE discussing it, which is huge."
You think so? I think they just couldn't ignore the elephant in the room any longer so now it's a case of damage limitation but not for the poor saps who took the jabs, no. For their own rep which must be in shreds now.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I don't know about their reputation. My entire family of origin and their offspring are jabbed, except for me and mine. One of my brothers has lung cancer, but other than that, no side effects of the jab are evident in the others. I and mine remain the only ones among us who do not still believe all these covid measures were necessary; the others are up to date with their boosters. I beg them not to get any more, but they think I'm a far right, Trump supporting, paranoid, whack job. The reputation of the medical industry is, for the most part, still intact. At least now I can send them mainstream medical studies that corroborate a tiny piece of what you and I have known all along. And that is huge. The only piece I have ever been able to get anyone in my family to give thought to is Annie Jacobsen's talk on Operation Paperclip.

Just makes ya wanna give up sometimes doesn't it. I get the feeling all is slowly being revealed even in the mainstream but the only effect it is having is gaslighting now.