Canadian COVID Vaxx-Injury Update June, 2022

in covid •  2 years ago 

After weeks of screwing with the COVID Vaxx-injury data, Health Canada has finally released the newest numbers on June 27th with data up to and including May 27th. Last update the cumulative total of severe vaccine injuries reached 6,885 and 339 deaths. This week there was a noticeable decrease, even after not having paid attention to the numbers for a couple of weeks.

Vaxx injuries.jpg

Several weeks ago, Health Canada broke down certain adverse reactions into multiple categories and decreased the reporting schedule from weekly to monthly. This week, many of those categories were deleted or renamed. The result was a huge reduction in number of adverse events.

Here are this month's (heavily retracted) numbers:

-110 Guillain-Barré Syndrome
-93 Thrombocytopenia
-1 Cardiac failure
+6 Myocardial infarction
-1,019 Myocarditis/Pericarditis
+6 Cerebral thrombosis
+7 Deep vein thrombosis
+1 Embolism
+2 Haemorrhage
+4 Pulmonary embolism
+6 Thrombosis (blood clot)
-10 Thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome
-734 Bell's Palsy
+2 Stroke
+3 Anaphylaxis
+43 COVID-19
+3 Multisystem inflammatory syndrome
+2 Erythema multiforme
+6 Deaths
Cumulative Total: 5,003 (-1,882)

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27 May_27 June 2022 A.png
27 May_27 June 2022 B.png
27 May_27 June 2022 C.png
27 May_27 June 2022 D.png

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Click here for the previous update

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This is nothing new but it is certainly refining. They've been covering up vaccine damage since the very first compulsory vaccine drive - smallpox - which caused leprosy, syphilis and they KNEW IT.
Check out this old book from back then. History repeating.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

It is hardly necessary to remind our
readers that there has never been a scarcity of medical
inventions which have held out similar promises. Smallpox inoculation, which, according to Dr. Moore, cost the nation millions of lives, was universally accepted by theprofession for the best part of a century as a discovery" highly beneficial to mankind ; " and it would not havebeen difficult, had it been originally an English discovery,to have obtained a munificent grant from Parliament,and possibly to have persuaded the Government to make it obligatory and universal

Holy cow, so smallpox vaccination was then KNOWN as a failure! page 141

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

In all countrieswhere leprosy is endemic, Europeans resolutely objectto be vaccinated with lymph from native sources; and, notwithstanding the law, when imported lymphcannot be obtained they and their children remainunvaccinated. As a consequence, the population ofEuropeans attacked with leprosy is comparatively smalland, indeed, of rare occurrence, except in the case ofsoldiers who are subject to the military regulation ofrevaccination.

Very interesting book!

Posted from

Yup they've done a grand job of covering up the naysayers from the very start haven't they. These were all doctors and scientists back then, look what happens to them if they speak out today. Think Andrew Wakefield for one.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Some things never change

No notice seems to have been taken of this startlingtestimony by the Select Vaccination Committee in theirReport;

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Meanwhile we hear about so many people who are sick after the shots, there's no way the numbers can be as low as the govt claims.
The way they keep revising how data is collected and reported is fishy as hell. Makes it impossible to follow trends, for one thing.
Stay on these cretins! <3

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

And that is the point - to muddy the trends - while also never revising down the number of fake cases.
Goscum been doing this for decades with data such as unemployment and inflation - now theyve gone full data science scam.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

My local newspaper reports the number of cases among the vaccinated an among the unvaccinated. We are about half vaccinated here. There have been well over twice as many cases in the vaccinated over the past couple of months, and yet the newspaper goes on to insist that the best way to protect yourself against severe disease is to get the jab. Yet your chances of getting covid are doubled.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thanks for the local info! Wow, yeah... sounds about the same as here. Amazing the charade can still continue! One of the best signs at my local rallies is "your compliance is prolonging this nightmare".

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Its surprising to hear and see the figures manipulated...Its worrisome. I intend to go for my post graduate studies in Canada even though i am Nigeria and seeing this is quite scary.
Maybe you could help comment about the school system too. +2348100598115
If you will like to share some info on WhatsApp i will appreciate

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Unfortunately not surprising at all.

Check out this clip when u have a few minutes

It goes over a summery of all the issues with this

Thank you