Understanding COVID-19 Symptoms and Risk Factors

in covid •  2 years ago 

The most common scourge of the day is the coronavirus. The outbreak has caused physical and mental health problems. It has even been associated with the birth of a new breed of superbugs. Although it has not been confirmed, it is believed that a genetic mutation may have caused it. As a result, it is a top priority for public health officials and medical experts. One way to help control it is to learn more about the symptoms, risk factors, and treatments.


Using the internet, researchers from Italy found a list of COVID-19-related terms and conditions to choose from. From these terms, participants were grouped into two groups based on their educational levels. Group 1 consisted of individuals with a bachelor's degree or higher while group 2 consisted of those with a master's or doctorate degree. Both groups were asked to complete an online survey. They were also required to rate their anxiety quotient.

In order to determine the best possible outcome, researchers devised a set of tests to find out if certain conditions could make the COVID-19 experience less stressful. Among these, one test measured anxiety based on the participants' demographics and their interaction with their family and friends.

Another, a more comprehensive examination, focused on the underlying psychological factors involved. This included factors like cohabitation status, educational attainment, and lifestyle. By compiling a series of standardized tests, the researchers found that some individuals may experience a more intense level of fear and anxiety. Some individuals, on the other hand, experience a relatively calmer emotional state and are able to cope better with the situation.

As expected, respondents with COVID-19 scores displayed more prominent scores on both the aforementioned and more basic scales. However, it was also noted that people with lower educational equivalences were more likely to display high levels of anxiety. Whether this is a positive or negative is not clear.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

It’s been a terrible 3 years