
in covid •  4 years ago 

You die without iodine.

5 million Afghanistan refugees to come to Europe and thousands coming to Texas soon, some will be terrorists, open borders are designed to divide and conquer.

Doctors were censored in 2020 on social media and on the news for talking about Covid Cures. Vaccines were coming out on the assumption that there were to be no Covid Treatment. The vaccines are killing millions to billions of people these next few years, in the 2020s, and these vaccines are not vaccines.

Taliban is going door to door murdering people on their list.

My name is Oatmeal Joey Arnold
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You smile and you dizzle your nizzle on a poodle with a fork because no reason I swear

Inch by inch we go and we flow and we do our things like rad man - Part 01 | Part 02

Last Pickett Morehead Reunion of that era and size in Long Beach, Oregon, in 2006, plus some other things.

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Screenshot at 2021-08-16 12:40:14.png

Covid Vaccines Messing Up Mommies

Oatmeal Daily - 2021-08-16 - Monday | Published in August of 2021

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

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All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted.

Breaking News

Telling The Truth in a World of Lies

In a world of lies, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

Covid Log

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Covid Vaccines are killing people. Covid can be killed easily.

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Find Me on social media networks: | Facebook | Instagram | Tik Tok | Twitter | YouTube | Bitchute | Gab | Minds | and other places too.

The story of my life is like the story of a little boy named Billy Breaker stuck inside an Arnold Attic. The origin of my life can be traced back to my birth in 1985 in Oregon. I grew up in a ghetto. I was homeschooled. I lived in Hawaii. I taught English in Vietnam.

11:05 PM
Do you think the earth is expanding like rising bread in an oven or a balloon? I saw a map showing where the new crust is or newly exposed earth as things move around. Some scientists disagree regarding the plates continents rest on, they disagree on the details of which specific things move, where they move, how, why, all of those details.

This community is about learning and teaching the English language.

2013-11-17 - Sunday - HOLA FAV - Got Talent 2 - 1456791_536788599749435_806329642_n.jpg

Here is a photo of me with at an English club in Vietnam in 2013.

Learning English is kind of like eating oatmeal because it takes a bite at a time.

11:35 AM
American troops could have blew up Taliban guys years ago. It is a lie to say it is very hard to kill them. But with that said, it is not our job. But if it was, other countries should pay us and we should just go in and do the job in one week and keep it a secret until the job is done. I wouldn't do it in the first place but if I did do it, I would not drag out the wars for decades. Each country needs to take care of themselves. But of course countries can come together and help each other out if they want, but they shouldn't be forced to. Taliban was, according to some, created partly or completely by America and/or globalists, etc. Oh, speaking of that, the only thing worse than radical Islamic terrorism is and are the global cartels, the control freaks, whether they be of the Rothschild persuasion or whether it be weird old fat men like Soros or crazy trillionaire Anthony Cooper or other random folks, some folks who may be hiding behind the shadows.

This community is all about wholistic medicine, natural remedies, cures, prevention, etc.

Being healthy is like living life with common sense because if you got none, then you'll probably fall off a cliff. If you got none, you'll lose your mind and your oatmeal.

Watch Commentary
Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc

12:35 AM

The Bible says a false teacher is one who teaches salvation is not through Christ.

I am not against money. If you have billions of dollars, I will not say you are evil. Now, that does not mean you are not evil but money is not evil in and of itself. Now, does God promise that if you do certain things then you will get a lot of money? No, not exactly and it is not that simple. Long story short, you do not know what may happen in your life. But don't do things for money. You do things for God. You do things for others. Money can be and might be a tool that you can use.

So, when I look at Benny Hinn, I do not think he is bad only because he was able to get money. But I am not saying he is not bad but it depends on many many things. I've heard Benny describe what sounded like salvation. It sounded like he was telling people how to be saved. Benny might be off in some of the things he talks about. Salvation is a core issue that he has described fairly accurately. So is a person like Benny distracting people by talking about a bunch of other things and leading people and maybe even specifically leading Christians down wrong paths and such?

The answer is perhaps he did and even Billy Graham had Catholics lead people in a prayer of salvation but then got them to attend Catholic churches and led down a works salvation as opposed to believing in a grace through faith salvation. I saw how Billy either did that on purpose or perhaps was an idiot or something. So, it is possible Billy did that on purpose which is very bad. Now, what did Benny do? I would need to investigate that more. Joel Osteen is a nice Hallmark card but I would not encourage people to get fed on the meat of his sermons which are inspirational sermons. But they are not about a deep understanding of theology and key principles. Instead, Joel focused on having a good perspective in life.

And Joel is not wrong about perspective. The problem is that perspective is not a foundation that you start with. You must start with a foundation first. So, is Joel hurting people by not focusing more on the foundation first? Good question. And I can go on and on with what I think about Rob Bell and others. I will stop writing for now.

11:12 AM

China is involved as Afghanistan is left, American troops left them guns and all kinds of things, they also emptied prisons of thousands of terrorists there. They can take crafts to America or wherever.

There are people holding on airplanes as America leaves them, so those people fall off the planes in the air to their death.

12:05 PM

Scorch earth.
Jimmy Fallon says there are less white people and the white crackers clap their hands. They are trained to hate themselves.
5 million Afghanistan refugees to come to Europe and thousands coming to Texas soon, some will be terrorists, open borders are designed to divide and conquer.

Some world leaders slip up when they speak. Some of them must have said things like how Covid is not really the biggest threat but that we will begin to see terrorists and such after that. In other words, they like to tell their pawns the plans while laughing in our face.

You die without iodine.

12:44 PM

Good to see Roger Stone.

09:52 PM

Military must stand up to the globalists.
Taliban is going door to door murdering people on their list.

10:34 PM

11:33 PM
Nerdrotic - Nerdrotic at Night - #FNTVegas | Clownifornication

I agree with that federal electoral college idea for the state and local level. I should write more articles about that.
all 50 states were represented at the my pillow conference last week
each state can call for election audits for each state, i mean rela forensic audits, @Nerdrotic
afghans refugees coming to America, many thousands is the plan... some will be [beeep]

control freaks did not anticipate the rise of the nerdom, people like Nerdrotic, Geeks + Gamers, Doom Cock, etc

there are different types of tests and some tests detect antibodies
sometimes when a test detects antibodies, then they say you got the c000f
CDC recently confessed on their website that tests do not work
The problem is that people are not healthy.
If you are healthy, you can handle many things. But people are deficient in essential vitamins.
@MoonwalkerSans, and that is on top of how many people are not very healthy. Imagine if more people were healthy, then that number would be even closer to 100%.
@Germanicus Maximus Dio or he got something from the vookc1ne.
@Bro Duke, Biden may be controlled by Obama or a combination of people who are then controlled by globalists or others, like imagine puppets inside puppets inside puppets like that movie Inception.
CDC says COMORBIDITY was at 94% in 2020 relating to C00V1DDD.
Word of the day is comorbidity, CDC put that at 94%.
I think a lot of people do not understand what comorbidity means.
watch out for false flags coming 20th anniversary of 9/11 or possibly before that
they are trying to create jan6 like events and then blame it on ordinary americans who are peaceful and not violent, they will try very hard to sell this to us
we must have out phones out and film the coming jan6 false flags, they are traps, they can come any day now, that is the plan, they will try to shoot up a bunch of people or blow up things......
they do have camps ready
@Marby Dog he was reading the plans the globalists wrote
if you are a terrorist, they say, then they will try to get you, and they have a list of how they define who is a terrorist
that is only the tip of the iceberg
but there are newer things people should talk about
on the news a few days ago, they listed that if you question the election, then you are a terrorist who must be hunted down
alex jones is not making up stuff, he is just reading stuff globalists already wrote years ago because the control freaks like to brag about their future plans
@Pew Pewmonger, I mostly watch Alex Jones on Bitchute. But there are other websites too.
C00v1d v00kc1nes are killing people, @Nerdrotic.
What can we do to fix this problem? Easy. Your state must do forensic ballot audits. Each state must. Call up your politicians. Spread the word.
@Justin Smith, good rebuttal is which science according to which scientist or doctor? Kids are like not taught that scientists and doctors disagree with each other. Thats why we get second opinions.
Chrissie Mayr interviewed Robert Barnes. Great interview. Robert gave an incredible backstory to Alex Jones. @Enzo Cyrille, Robert is a smooth criminal, I mean he has a way with words and a great interview, I was surprised.
Good news is so many people are awake.

Watch Log
Here is a list of what I'm watching

Dear diary, got up at 11:11 AM. Breakfast. From 01:00 PM to 04:30 PM, Potato harvesting, the second lot from the new gate and smaller grass compost, across from the mint and cabbage and mom's room. After that, shower. Jogging by 05:20 PM, hamburgers after 06:00 PM.Not circle K and not La La Land. You can be Jesus to others. Phone batteries can die slow and then charge quick. Good review of that trip a week ago to the Indian place. Not Yamaha. They talked about it at church yesterday and I mentioned that already. More sharing today. New person I mentioned already. K. La. Like Ray. But K. And La. I mostly listen. Plus a new youth leader or youth helper lady. I mentioned in the best and worst about the hard work in the garden but we were able to harvest up potatoes. Had Pepsi around 07:30 PM, a small can and did not enjoy it. Well, it was ok but not. So, I should write an article talking about why a person should not drink it, like ten reasons. As I walked to youth group at 5 to 6 and back home from 07:30 PM to around 08:30 PM, was listening mostly to Power Rangers songs, I was singing along, I jogged there and was walking on my way back. I enjoyed my time, my 2 mile walk round-trip. Great to think and sing and I was even brain storming ideas regarding videos to make and songs to write. I should pull out the Billy Breaker the Blue Ranger idea and do more skits as we enter into the 25th anniversary of the Power Rangers movie we made in 1996 as kids. Dishes until 09:45 PM. Now I am here writing. Dinner or second dinner or supper at 09:50 PM.

Food log
Breakfast: fruit salad in a metal bowl, coffee, 11:30 AM.
Lunch: more fruit salad stuff I think around 04:30 PM.
Dinner: hamburger around 06:00 PM. Cherry oatmeal cobbler, 09:50 PM.

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