
in covid •  3 years ago 

235 kids were wacked from the vahhhc1nes in 2021. That is very bad to do that to children she said. Better to tie yourself to a big rock and throw yourself to the bottom of the ocean than to let even one boy or girl get hurt. But they are trying to do this to every single kid and baby on the planet. Are you going to let them?

Thousands of bot accounts are going around Twitter with the same exact message saying they or others are getting sick from the new c0v1d d3lta. They are trying so hard to trick us and distract us from people who are no longer living because of vvagggc1nes.

Graph3ne was not included in the 100+ pages of the patent as its poisonous to humans, plus it may be a trade secret, like a secret ingredient in your grandma's apple pie kind of thing except we're talking about your totally safe vajjjc1nes which are d3stro0ying humans.

Why are scientists finding poisonous graph.eeeene in a blood sample of a person who got a c0v1d vapc1ne? Next to the blood cells, they find long snake like structures being formed. They're really long. They're not nice round circle balls as seen with the blood cells. They're different. What does that do long-term? How do we get this out if trillions of these rectangular structures are being formed inside people who were already not taking care of themselves?

List of some of the communities I recommend you check out.

July | 2021
01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11
12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22
23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31

Screenshot at 2021-07-31 13:44:21 no care u no live now pres of Philippines on c000.v1d vajjjc1nes.png

President of the Philippines wants people to take Covid Vaccines which will kill you or you can die if you do not. That is evil to want people to die.

Oatmeal Daily - 2021-07-31 - Saturday | Published in July of 2021

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

My username is Joeyarnoldvn on most social networks | Home | Directory | Accounts | Oatmealenglish | Oatmealhealth | Oatmealjoey | Rarnold316 | Topics | Timeline

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All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted.

Breaking News

Telling The Truth in a World of Lies

Screenshot at 2021-07-31 16:34:27 Audit Variant Biden.png

In a world of lies, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

Covid Log

Forbidden News | Forbidden Videos | Forbidden Links

01:08 PM
Graph3ne was not included in the 100+ pages of the patent as its poisonous to humans, plus it may be a trade secret, like a secret ingredient in your grandma's apple pie kind of thing except we're talking about your totally safe vajjjc1nes which are d3stro0ying humans.

My Autobiography

History | Future | 1900s | 2000s | 0000s | 1000s | 2000s


List of my Favorite Websites

Find Me on social media networks: | Facebook | Instagram | Tik Tok | Twitter | YouTube | Bitchute | Gab | Minds | and other places too.

I cannot change my profile photo on Blurt World.

01:51 AM - Blurt Blog Post Exclusive

The avatar remains the same. When I go to the Blurt Wallet, it appears that I can change the settings and it looks changed.

However, what I see in the wallet is different than what I see on my profile settings or banner.

I tried different API nodes and tried my private posting key and my private active key. But there still appears to be a gap between the wallet and the Blurt app or website.

See my Blurt wallet

Screenshot at 2021-07-31 01:42:57 Blurt Wallet.png

Screenshot at 2021-07-31 01:08:15 Blurt Wallet.png

See my Blurt page:

Screenshot at 2021-07-31 01:46:40 Blurt Blog.png

Screenshot at 2021-07-31 01:09:25 blurt.png

One error I get when trying the https://Blurtd.privex.io node and https://api.blurt.world node and the https://blurt-rpc.steem.buzz node:
TypeError: Network request failed

Screenshot at 2021-07-31 01:13:10 Network Error.png

When I tried the https://rpc.blurt.world node:
RPCError: Bad Cast:Invalid cast from type 'array_type' to Object

Screenshot at 2021-07-31 01:17:02 Error Object.png

But then I tried that first node again, https://Blurtd.privex.io, and got this:
RPCError: Assert Exception:_callbacks.find( txid ) == _callbacks.end(): Transaction is a duplicate

Screenshot at 2021-07-31 01:24:14 duplicate error.png


I don't think it was a duplicate request or a request which was already previously transacted and completed. I wanted to changed photos and also text in my profile and it did not change.

But it appears changed sometimes in the wallet part like I said already but not in the profile part.

In case you are confused, there are two websites I am talking about as mentioned above, the Blurt wallet and the Blurt Blog website. When I go to my Blurt Blog homepage, I do not see what I see in my Blurt wallet page.

Also, there is a second settings page on the Blurt Blog website which has options for different nodes. The wallet has four node options but the Blurt Blog settings has six different node options or different URL web addresses or links.

To be clear there is a settings page via the Blurt wallet. But I am talking about a secondary setting page found via Blurt Blog. The first settings page however is found on the Blurt wallet website next to wallet. You can see it says settings next to the wallet tab near the top right side of the webpage underneath the banner.

Like I said, the Blurt wallet banner looks different than the Blurt Blog banner.


I cannot upload photos

I get this error message when I try to upload photos on Blurt:
Image upload : Unable to contact the server.

Screenshot at 2021-07-31 01:33:16 photo Blurt no contact server.png

I have had these problems on Blurt Blog for several months now since probably May of 2021 or maybe longer. But a pretty long time.

Every week or at random times in May, June, and July of 2021, or roughly the past several weeks or several months or longer, I have been trying to fix this problem I am describing here. I mean, all of these problems.

I have tried different things like I said, different passwords or keys, different nodes, I tried changing the text that I wanted to change in my Blurt profile.

I tried adding a link to a photo for my Blurt profile photo but it does not change the Blurt Blog avatar. It does appear to change the Blurt wallet avatar however.

I also tried logging out and then back in. That did not work.

Things seem to be not the same as what you might find on Hive Blog or Steemit. Prove me wrong but there seems to be a few things different about Blurt.

I mean of course the nodes are different but I mean not just that but there may be other things that are different that is causing this disconnect between the website and the wallet. I just can't put my finger on it yet.

I have been testing off and on for weeks, as in a lot longer than 4 hours. But I will probably continue trying to experiment and come back in a day or a week and see if anything changed yet. I went on Discord to see if others had the same problems and so far I've tried everything they suggested. But those things didn't help me fix these problems.

Sorry, specifically in regards to cache, maybe. I doubt it but I can try that.
In order to test cache, I tried a different web browser and things look the same there. So, I think not a cache a problem then.

Should Germany Ban Internet Porn And How?

09:14 PM - Gab TV

The only way to ban something is to regulate, etc, through ISP, DNS, web hosts, etc. By the way, you can find porn on YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, etc. So, then it becomes an issue of the Safe Harbor Act and other laws and other things. It becomes an issue of private property rights and who owns the Internet. It becomes an issues of copyright debates in how that applies to the Internet in contrast to Internet cache, RAM, the CPU, things relating to IPFS, Bit Torrent, mirrors, copies of files, in how Internet data and traffic and bandwidth is like water in that data is copied and spread around everywhere to many servers in many countries and to the NSA and many other governmental agencies in different countries which record and copy even copyrighted data which would mean they're violating copyright laws and patents and a number of things. There are so many issues converging in one when we talk about whether or not porn can be banned or not banned on the Internet and don't get me started on the whole Internet kill-switch which people can find ways around such switches and things. People can also get around alleged banning of porn or anything really via proxies, VPN, TOR, the ability to redirect traffic, same with getting around Internet kill switches. When you ban something, you drive it underground as seen with alcohol prohibition. Ironically, government and Hollywood actors and others endorsed and promoted smoking. They took away one addiction to replace it with another. And alcohol and moon shine was being used as alternative sources of gasoline for cars and vehicles in general. Big Oil and Big Banks didn't like that. Banning porn does not ban porn and it does many other things too at the same time.

Covid Vaccines eats up arms.

This community is about learning and teaching the English language.

2013-11-17 - Sunday - HOLA FAV - Got Talent 2 - 1456791_536788599749435_806329642_n.jpg
Here is a photo of me with at an English club in Vietnam in 2013.

Sliding down rope off tree

2021-07-31 - Saturday - 12:54 PM - Family History Log - Gab

My brother wrote in reference to what I wrote about the rope memory:
I used a dish towel to slide down the rope. I got the idea from the A-team, on an episode they were doing an obstacle course.

This community is all about wholistic medicine, natural remedies, cures, prevention, etc.

Dream Log

2021-07-31 - Saturday - 11:59 PM - Dream Log - Gab

Weird dreams to end the month of July of 2021. Ben Carson the black guy was speaking on like TV saying he can only talk to people who talk to him. They say to him they are mad about doing things wrong and wish he could have told them. "But all we can do is fix things now after the fact." I also had a dream of having a furniture thing I out up in the back patio and it was held up by the corners of different fences and things outside on and near the sidewalks and patio and everything in the backyard where I live right now. Also was dreaming of how hard it is to wake up in real life but in the dream but also in real life too and eventually woke up. But before waking up, another dream of an ad saying to Apple users or whoever they were of weird services and products and computer commands designed for going remote access into the computers of other people to delete key files so they can be unable to access the Internet. So I was thinking of learning more so I can ponder ways to block people from doing that to me. Learn how my enemy operates so I can defeat them. Had these dreams at the end of the last day of July, 2021. Well, some or all of these dreams mentioned may have ended around 2 AM the next day, meaning the first day of August, that is Sunday.

Watch Commentary
Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc

02:50 AM

Check out Teddy Daniels.
Check out Kari Lake for Arizona governor.
Pink Lloyd parody, instead of another brick on the wall, it is just another fight for freedom by William-of-Ockham.

Rick and Morty 504 - Rickdependence Spray

2021-07-31 - Saturday - 03:35 AM - 04:00 AM - Rick and Morty 504 - Rickdependence Spray

Morty masturbates at his mom's horse hospital into the machine and he creates space sperm which will mate with the horse aliens who live in earth or maybe not. Obama is still the President in this cartoon. She donates her egg. Incest babies could be made if the sperm goes there. Nancy Reagan reference. Horses fight sperm. Rick has kid with female horse. Baby horse ready right out of the box and digs into the ground. They live in earth. Sticky Sperm fertilizes the egg which then goes into space to eat an astronaut.

12:35 PM

235 kids were wacked from the vahhhc1nes in 2021. That is very bad to do that to children she said. Better to tie yourself to a big rock and throw yourself to the bottom of the ocean than to let even one boy or girl get hurt. But they are trying to do this to every single kid and baby on the planet. Are you going to let them?

Thousands of bot accounts are going around Twitter with the same exact message saying they or others are getting sick from the new c0v1d d3lta. They are trying so hard to trick us and distract us from people who are no longer living because of vvagggc1nes.

01:19 PM
Why are scientists finding poisonous graph.eeeene in a blood sample of a person who got a c0v1d vapc1ne? Next to the blood cells, they find long snake like structures being formed. They're really long. They're not nice round circle balls as seen with the blood cells. They're different. What does that do long-term? How do we get this out if trillions of these rectangular structures are being formed inside people who were already not taking care of themselves?

The president of the PHILIPPINES, Rodrigo Duterte, is trying to force HEALTHY HEALTHY HEALTHY HEALTHY HEALTHY HEALTHY HEALTHY HEALTHY HEALTHY HEALTHY HEALTHY HEALTHY HEALTHY people to stay locked inside their homes which is how millions of people in 2020 and 2021 have been running out of food and therefore life as well.

Duterte says if you want to get out, then you must get a c0v1d vakc1ne which is destroying the 1mmuuunee sys.tem and is giving too many people life ending blood clots, brain seizures, etc.

04:00 PM
Imagine this.

Imagine this, part 2.

04:10 PM

You should buy drones for so many reasons.

04:24 PM
There are at least three big events converging on the 11th of August of 2021 in world history. White House wants lockdowns to begin the second week of August. Julian Assange has a court case on the 11th. And Mike Lindell has a huge event to proof how the 2020 election was stolen, that is on the 10th, 11th, and 12th. On top of that, watch out for false flags relating to the Internet or things offline. They try very hard to make it look like gun owners are the bad guys. They want you to get physical when people come door to door to try to get you to do something that is already k1lling millions. Well, it will be millions these next few years. Already, many thousands in 2021 alone. Jan6 was setup by FBI deep-state agents. They're trying to start even bigger distractions than 9/11, Jan.6, and the list goes on and on. Many big things are happening in the month of August of 2021 globally both good and bad. We should help people focus on the things they should be focused on the most as opposed to being led with a carrot on a stick towards traps off cliffs.

The only VARIANT that the Biden Administration is afraid of is the AUDIT VARIANT.

Watch Log
Here is a list of what I'm watching

02:45 AM

02:50 AM

Rick and Morty 504 - Rickdependence Spray

2021-07-31 - Saturday - 03:35 AM - 04:00 AM - Rick and Morty 504 - Rickdependence Spray

And We Know around noon to around 02:00 PM. And some more at 04:00 PM.

04:10 PM

Dear diary, got up at 12:02 PM. Woke up at noon. Imagine Noah's Ark and waking up to clouds and some rain. Took 4 Magnesium capsules. I generally have two in the morning and two in the evening. But when weather changes, I sometimes get headaches or even migraines. Good to get ahead of that if possible. People lost the world with the world flood or imagine 2 hours and schedules and priorities and many different things can play a part. Added dirt to fill low spots in raised bed as it was raining and/or just from the sprinkler. Good Larry can do what he is doing now, a change in pace with the jobs mom explains and I agree he is good at HR so to speak with negotiating with people and security cameras for homes being sold and different things. The yard work around noon to 12:25 PM. Breakfast at 12:30 PM. More dirt filling holes around 12:45 PM for a few more minutes and then back to And We Know and my salad and sharing Covid Vaccines related death and murder and such on social media. Raspberry bed weeding, 02:00 PM to 04:00 PM, around those two hours roughly speaking or maybe started ten minutes beofre two. Aaron came over. Truck car stuff. I accidentally picked up baby tomato plants. We compared differences between weeds, see tomato leafs are a darker green, there are lines that are more detailed, more defined, and the shape of the leaf is pointy while other weed leafs can be more round or other things too. Dishes. Rocks to side of book shed. Tomato watering and adding water into the ground and then mud to fill in hole, this was around 04:30 PM to 08:00 PM, all of that, yard work, dishes. After that, some rocky road peanut butter ice-cream. Shazaam movie on TV for a second. After that, shower at 08:30 PM. Dinner or last meal at 09:00 PM. Nap around 10 or 11 to 02:20 AM. Weird dreams to end the month of July of 2021. See my Dream Log above.

Food log
Breakfast: coffee, fruit salad, 12:30 PM.
Lunch: chicken and a pinch of broth on 2 small potatoes, 04:00 PM.
Dinner: cherry cobbler, 09:00 PM.

You can find my blogs on different websites.
The web address or URL for my blogs is/are generally domain-name / @joeyarnoldvn. Just replace domain-name with the name of the website. It might be Peakd . com or Ecency . com or Steemit . com or Hive . Blog, etc, etc. My main official username or display-name for most social media apps, blockchain networks, websites, email addresses, forums, message boards, bulletins, sites, etc, is JOEYARNOLDVN or joeyarnoldvn, as in @joeyarnoldvn. It is a hashtag or tag as well. That is my username. It is simply my name, Joey Arnold, plus VN meaning Vietnam. It is generally not case-sensitive. You can find me on many different places online and offline. I'm going to present some of the places you might find my blog in case you can't find it someday, this will help you know where to look. Some websites may automatically edit the following links below meaning you would have to manually correct the URLs. For example, if you're viewing this on PeakD, then Ecency and Hive Blog links are automatically turned into PeakD links meaning you will not see actual links to Ecency or Hive Blog via PeakD. Oh, Ecency does this too. But Hive Blog does not.
Click here to see a more complete and thorough list of the different places where you may find my blogs, diary, journals, articles, posts, etc.

The following is only a sneak preview of a few examples of where you might find my daily posts.
Ausbit . Dev: https://hive.ausbit.dev/@joeyarnoldvn
Blurt Blog: https://blurt.blog/@joeyarnoldvn
Blurtter . com: https://blurtter.com/@joeyarnoldvn
Dream-Real . com: https://dream-real.com/@joeyarnoldvn
Ecency . com: https://ecency.com/@joeyarnoldvn
Esteem . App: https://www.esteem.app/@joeyarnoldvn
Hive Blocks . com: https://hiveblocks.com/@joeyarnoldvn
Hive . Blog: https://hive.blog/@joeyarnoldvn | https://hiveblog.c0ff33a.uk/@joeyarnoldvn
Leo Finance . IO: https://leofinance.io/@joeyarnoldvn
Online Buzz . com: https://onlinebuzz.com/@joeyarnoldvn
Staging-Blog Hive . IO: https://staging-blog.hive.io/@joeyarnoldvn
Stem . Open Hive . Network: https://stem.openhive.network/#!/@joeyarnoldvn
Peakd . com: https://peakd.com/@joeyarnoldvn | https://beta.peakd.com/@joeyarnoldvn
Personal . Community: https://personal.community/?hive=joeyarnoldvn
Read . Cash: https://read.cash/@joeyarnoldvn
Steemd . com: https://steemd.com/@joeyarnoldvn
Steem KR . com: https://steemkr.com/@joeyarnoldvn
Steemit . com: https://steemit.com/@joeyarnoldvn
Steem World . Org: https://steemworld.org/@joeyarnoldvn
Stem Geeks.net: https://stemgeeks.net/@joeyarnoldvn
Sub Stack . com: https://joeyarnoldvn.substack.com
Waivio . com: https://www.waivio.com/@joeyarnoldvn
Weed Cash . Network: https://weedcash.network/@joeyarnoldvn
Google Search: https://www.google.com/search?q=hive+blog+joeyarnoldvn
Duck Duck Go Search: https://duckduckgo.com/?t=ffab&q=hive+blog+joeyarnoldvn&ia=web
And feel free to add to this list or to make your own, have fun and good luck.

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