
in covid •  3 years ago 

Question of the day, "Why are the leaders, doctors, nurses, the heads of CDC, UN, etc, not taking the Covid Vaccines?"

If a business can refuse service for not wearing a mask, then they can refuse to bake your cake.

We are all "Ricky Schroder" There is no reason why we can't all do what he did. Bring a camera or something. Go live all the time. Let people know the truth via videos, photos, memes. Do it online with or without a phone. There is no reason why we all can't be trending each day. It can be good to get good sugars and energy in general into muscles and even into the brain, finding ways to accelerate efficiency and effectiveness in this process greatly benefits stamina. I put poison in a glass of water and tell you take it. You ask me to drink from the cup and I say no. Who am I acting like? See You See.

Covid Vaccines

According to scientific data, BEEEEEEP 300,000 people under the age of 18yo is likely to prevent 1 beeping death and it will only cost us a minimum of 3 Co#@&^&##*& Va#^&#^&^& deaths. Hope you're bad at math and numbers. YouTube Influencers were paid thousands of dollars in 2020 and 2021 to give you deadly medical advice which thousands of doctors globally are warning against. But YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, etc, have been removing their videos and force-feeding MASSIVE LIES to the general public.

I was blocked for agreeing with him as seen in his public profile photo

How accurate is the details around this quote? Were they trying to arrest him at that moment?

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Oatmeal Daily - 2021-05-16 - Sunday | Published in May of 2021

Screenshot at 2021-05-16 15:20:19 Question of the day, "Why are the leaders, doctors, nurses, the heads of CDC, UN, etc, not taking the Co@^&&^$ Va&#^&#@@@&^**?".png

They No Take

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

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I put poison in a glass of water and tell you take it. You ask me to drink from the cup and I say no. Who am I acting like? See You See. CDC.

YouTube Influencers were paid thousands of dollars in 2020 and 2021 to give you deadly medical advice which thousands of doctors globally are warning against. But YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, etc, have been removing their videos and force-feeding MASSIVE LIES to the general public.


All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted.

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Telling The Truth in a World of Lies

Covid Log

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Why They No Take?

2021-05-16 - Sunday - 03:21 PM - Covid Log - Gab | Bitchute | Facebook

Question of the day, "Why are the leaders, doctors, nurses, the heads of CDC, UN, etc, not taking the Covid Vaccines?"

05:27 PM
I put poison in a glass of water and tell you take it. You ask me to drink from the cup and I say no. Who am I acting like? See You See.

07:41 PM
YouTube Influencers were paid thousands of dollars in 2020 and 2021 to give you deadly medical advice which thousands of doctors globally are warning against. But YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, etc, have been removing their videos and force-feeding MASSIVE LIES to the general public.

Learning English

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2013-11-17 - Sunday - HOLA FAV - Got Talent 2 - 1456791_536788599749435_806329642_n.jpg

I was teaching English in Vietnam

Are humans all alone?

03:30 PM - Facebook

i believe all of those things are possible but i will try not to spend too much time lost in thinking about hypothetical possibilities until i have to, and there is no reason why all of these things cannot all be true all at the same time minus the humans being all alone

Oatmeal Health

Join the Health Community

10:17 AM
It can be good to get good sugars and energy in general into muscles and even into the brain, finding ways to accelerate efficiency and effectiveness in this process greatly benefits stamina.

Chat with me on Facebook

Here are some of my Facebook posts, comments, etc

Good Guys Win in the End

2021-05-16 - Sunday - 08:20 AM - Facebook Log | Gab

I'm here today to give you hope, there is good news, in the end the good guys win because good always win in the end. Many good things are happening right now around the world and you can participate in world history.


I share a bunch of bad news to motivate the good guys and to encourage the undecided to join the winning side of history. I'm not going to lie, the journey is a long and winding road. To quote JFK, "We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard..."


Our moon is on earth. I'm not being literal but I am being clear, I believe that the good guys win in the end and the good guys are willing to put it all on the line for what is good. Just take a minute to ask around and you will find people who value the principles set in the ten American bill of rights and in the biblical ten commandments as well.


The good guys are winning, one example of this is seen at a school board in Arizona. Parents came and stood up for what was right. So, what happened next? The cockroaches ran from that light because light exposes the darkness. Let your light shine before men. This little light of mine, I'm going to let it shine.


I'm not going to lie, it's not going to be easy, we are still in the middle of breaking news. We're still in the middle of crazy things happening all around the world. But you can pray and you can network with like-minded folks. You can prepare for the worse and you can educate people around you. We are in the middle of a scary dark storm. But know this, the storm will end. There is a rainbow at the end of the storm.


It's never too late to join the good guys. I don't care who you are, even if you're Darth Vader, you can join the winning side. I cannot tell you what is going to happen in the coming years but I can say I'm going to continue to do what I do. This particular account may be removed off Facebook but I will still be out there on other websites and offline too doing what I do no matter what and I encourage you to do the same. In the end, the bad guys lose and the good guys win.


That is the good news, you should join the good guys while you still can and get involved. This is the meaning to life, this is what life is all about, this is the fundamental to the meaning to love as well. I don't have time right now to tell you all the good news right now but know this that things are happening and you don't have to be a spectator in life. You don't have to sit on the sideline. Life is a journey, be faithful and hold fast. Have endurance and always smile.


Stand up and stand proud, now is the time.

Public Private Radio Stations

10:41 AM - Facebook | Lem Bos blocked me because I shared his public profile photo or avatar which read, "I don't care if you have had your vaccine."

Arnie Bilotta, the reason I shared it was that it is a hashtag challenge type of thing which thousands of people are doing on Facebook, Twitter, etc. The reason people share them is to encourage people to use common sense in life, to seek after truth, natural remedies, and such. There are Facebook settings, people can share their posts with only themselves or with only their friends or with friends of friends or make it so the whole world can see it.


Yeah, some people may not realize the technical possibilities of Facebook and technology in general. I can talk all day about it and about the different hashtags, memes, GIFs, etc.


This particular meme thing is a pretty popular one, it is simply a frame that can be placed over a profile photo that has a message on it and it can be anything and this one I believed said something like I have an immune system.


Such a meme counters the other memes you might find going around Facebook and the difference between a stranger sharing a public picture (avatar) and the mere fact that pictures end up in people's timelines regardless is simply semantics.


Me sharing a photo, to use an analogy, would be like ABC sharing a photo of Michael Jordan dunking a basketball at a public game. And then imagine NBC or another television news channel like NBC or CBS sharing a photo or video of the same dunk. Well, if it's the same exact photo, then ABC might say the photo is copyrighted. And that is kind of silly as thousands of people could have taken the same photo or close to it at that same second. And if you do share a photo, a video, etc, it might be and could possibly in some cases be covered under Fair Use and plus a thing called Safe Harbor and then there is the element of what is the Internet which plays a factor in all of this. I ramble because I am passionate about this subject of Fair Use and other such related topics and have been for years and I write about these things on my websites and in my videos, to be continued.......


And by the way, I thought that person or those people above wanted more people to see the message they were broadcasting.


To use another analogy, a picture is like a radio show and people who share a public picture is/are like different radio stations who end up airing the radio show and imagine a radio show calling up radio stations saying, "Hey, stop sharing my radio show, I do not want my public radio show to be too public even tho the whole world can see it, I want to pretend like the world cannot see what they can in fact see."

Have we ever been to the moon?

06:20 PM - Facebook

Gordon Gallatin, i dont know what i do not know, so i hear what you are saying but i do not know one way or another, i will not say something did not happen because i dont know... yeah, we probably saw a fake version of the moon landing which was really just a film studio.... but that does not mean nobody has ever been to the moon for example.... yes people lie about all kinds of things but some of the best lies are mixed with truth

Angel Jackson
I wrote to her, it is better to trade in crypto and to migrate away from fiat as much as possible

fiat and especially the dollar is dying, hyper inflation is rising especially in 2021, shortages of so many things, i encourage people to make money but not to let inflation drain away any gain you may make in the short-run
[email protected]

Chat with me on Twitter

Here are some of my Tweets on Twitter

02:50 PM
Trending on Twitter

We are all "Ricky Schroder" There is no reason why we can't all do what he did. Bring a camera or something. Go live all the time. Let people know the truth via videos, photos, memes. Do it online with or without a phone. There is no reason why we all can't be trending each day.

If a business can refuse service for not wearing a mask, then they can refuse to bake your cake.

Forest Grove
2014-11 - Friends of Historic Forest Grove

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07:29 AM

Biden probably got a lot less than 40 million real votes, Trump got way over 80 million, possibly over 100 million, but so many votes for Trump was changed to Biden and other votes for Trump were not counted.

When did globalism start?

06:12 PM - Hive

If you are talking about the formation of globalism from the likes of the Rothschild family and others coming together, I agree a lot was beginning to form in the 1800s.

However, at the same time, I would still consider looking at what the Jesuits have contributed to the formation of a new world order and the Jesuits go back at least a few centuries I think and not just the Jesuits but also Satanists and maybe some of the bad Free Mason members (assuming some of them were not as bad once upon a time before they were infiltrated) and perhaps other groups too.

Perhaps the current global empire or new globalism world order really started rising in the 1800s and that before that there were previous empires like the British empire, the Roman Empire, the Babylonian Empire, the Egyptian Empire, etc. Or it could be argued that to some extent a continuation of some of the empires or adaptation of the empires over many centuries.

I believe there was a formation or at least an attempt at the Bank of England in 1695 which would predate the 1800s and perhaps that was a failure or not a finalization in seeking global control over countries. Perhaps globalists really started accelerating momentum in their global tyranny and manipulation over centralized fiat currency and power in general in the 1800s like you said.

So, in that sense and to that degree, I can agree a lot started changing at a higher percentage and in a bigger way starting in the 1800s as a contrast to previous centuries regarding overall global structuring of money and power and everything.

Watch Commentary

Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc

Jupiters Legacy 102

2021-05-16 - Sunday - 12:34 AM - 01:13 AM - Jupiters Legacy 102

Weird leftists are angry even tho the bad guy was murdered or executed. I think the bad guy was Black Star or it was a clone as Black Star is in prison. But there was a news conference and the older super hero father dude said we must not murder even killers. Due process is what the 5th and 6th amendments are all about. The lie is all humans do not want that. Some are and some are not. But the show emphasized on a crowd angry that the old heroes desired to give people their day in court. Yet the bad guy was killed meaning no reason to protest and yet they were. Capitalism. Great Depression of the 1930s. Family drama. Dad. Daughter. Argue. Rockefeller mentioned. The monster killed 3 kids and yet the father did not want to execute him. That is messed up. The crowd was right, you execute somebody who is killing people. No time for a trial when you see the crime happen in live time in front of your face and the faces of many. Message from dead dad. Cliff hanger.

Mel K Show


It would be great if patriots could stand up to the United Nations like we do to school boards and take them over.

In this video, Mel K references a story claiming there are 23 quatrillion dollars worth of gold in the world or in certain places underground in tunnels or wherever. My reaction to these conspiracy theories or myths or whatever they might be is that there may be a lot of gold out there in total. However, the more gold you have the more inflation you may have.

Of course, long story short, gold can be used for different things and not just for money. Gold can be melted down and turned into things of value. Gold is valuable like wood in some ways and in other ways more valuable than water meaning inflation does not affect gold in the same way it does in fact affect digital fiat dollars which are mostly imaginary and printed out of thin air or not even printed even. I do nto know how much real gold there is in the world or how much has been discovered. I don't know how much gold normal people can get access to. So, there is a lot of truth mixed with lies sometimes. Not saying this particular theory regarding gold is totally a lie or whatever.

Ron Gibson


I put poison in a glass of water and tell you take it. You ask me to drink from the cup and I say no. Who am I acting like? See You See.

According to scientific data, BEEEEEEP 300,000 people under the age of 18yo is likely prevent 1 beeping death and it will only cost us a minimum of 3 Co#@&^&##*& Va#^&#^&^& deaths. Hope you're bad at math and numbers.

Ron Gibson


YouTube Influencers were paid thousands of dollars in 2020 and 2021 to give you deadly medical advice which thousands of doctors globally are warning against. But YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, etc, have been removing their videos and force-feeding MASSIVE LIES to the general public.

08:01 PM
@markodea8 on Tik Tok, a parody video of For The First Time in Forever, I cannot tell you what he sings in this viral music video because Facebook will ban me if I even mention you know the thing.

But I can tell you they paid him a lot of money to make that video and he most likely will not do what he is telling people to do in the video, I hope you enjoy singing the song with him.


People nowadays using cartoon filters. We are encouraged to be fake, to eat fake GMO stuff. To live in fear of a fake thing. Yes, Covid is not fake but how bad it is is fake. Covid Vaccines is killing people. We are encourage to love fake boobs and more.

Ron Gibson


Run The World 101

2021-05-16 - Sunday - 11:11 PM - 11:34 PM - Run The World 101

A little funny but it could be misleading in that it references lies. They say black people are invisible to white people, not true in reality. Cute relationship between a woman and a daughter, a secret unicorn language they speak which the father does not know.


2021-05-16 - Sunday - 11:35 PM - 12:32 AM - Chosen 204

Focus on 2 brothers of the same mother who then died, the elder son falls off a tree and cannot walk. The other learns how to sword fight, it might be Simon, a disciple of Christ. Maybe not. I don't know. Sneak into a walled fortress of a town, make it pass the crosses and Roman guards. A special forces or secret police detective is on to you. Sneak into the sewers like you are a turtle and into a secret room. Healing on the Sabbath. Jesus heals the lame. Jesus says, "sometimes, you have to stir up the waters."

Watch Log

Here is a list of what I'm watching

Jupiters Legacy 102

2021-05-16 - Sunday - 12:34 AM - 01:13 AM - Jupiters Legacy 102

Mel K Show


Ron Gibson


Ron Gibson


Christian Patriot News


Still Bill




Ron Gibson



10:23 PM - Rachel Maddow: I Need to "Rewire" Myself to Stop Hating People Who Don't Wear Masks
2021-05-16 - Sunday - 11:11 PM - 11:34 PM - Run The World 101


2021-05-16 - Sunday - 11:35 PM - 12:32 AM - Chosen 204

Dear diary, got up at 07:11 AM, thought it was raining but perhaps it was just my clock ticking Mr. Hook of Peter Pan, he is leaving early, dry outside, some clouds but no rain or water. Chores in the morning and afternoon from like 8 AM to 03:00 PM, dishes. Finding boxes for mom's room, sorting books. Fixed 2 drawers for a small night stand dresser in there using duct tape and cardboard. I attached the extension cord in the book shed to the wall to keep it from hanging off the power outlet. Cleaned out a bunch of plastic potting pots and such and 2 laundry baskets which were in the yard shed.Dishes. Questions about the canning stuff. Butter. Opened lid. Stuff like that. Laundry started. Washer, around 4 PM. Nap from 4 to 5:10 PM. Closed green house door. Sunny day still. Dinner.

Food log
Breakfast: apple. tangerome, coffee, 07:20 AM.
Lunch: banana bread around 3 PM.
Dinner: soup, 05:20 PM. More around 9 PM. Really good soup.

Lem Bos blocked me on Facebook because I shared his public profile photo or avatar which read, "I don't care if you had your vaccination or not."


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2015-01-26 Joeyarnoldvn Oatmeal Joey Arnold Oregon JSA Ojawall JA Forest Grove OR FG FGHS WOLBI SA TSA The Salvation Army Vietnam Saigon Hanoi Joseph Scott Rasp Morehead Cunningham Mitchell Hunter Smith Hocking Hawk Lincoln Hawks WA Washington Shelton New York NYC Word of Life Bible Institute ABC YouTube Facebook Twitter Google Alex Jones Bill Gates Informationwar Infowar Ironic Mystic Pickett Pickell Joeyarnold Joeyarnold7 JoeyarnoldTV iJustine Metal Gear USA United States of America 1900's 2000's stefan molyneux clam conspiracy theorist donald john j trump soros hitler Cool Kid Ghetto Joe Jo high school revolution hawaii ea pab l4oj l4ojsa l4r hope over dope infowars west virginia vn asia American English Teacher Add Me 1980's 1990's 2010's 2020's 2016 Michael Jordan Jackson Jesus God Devil Satan Nationalism Over Globalism Bowl Soul Oats Battle Star Wars Trek Matrix JA GROUP YEAR END PARTY PIC.jpg

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The value in telling the truth in a world of lies

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1990s - Nowhere Man was filmed in Forest Grove, OR, it aired from 1995-08-28 - 1996-05-20 and they were probably filming as early as 1994.

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