Is This Maybe The One Good Thing That Came From Covid?

in covid •  3 years ago 


What? How can there be any good thing that came about as a result of Covid? Are you crazy?"

I can already hear

But bare with me...

First of all, just a few months into Covid, I started seeing things in the news about how nature is busy healing itself as a result of the absence of human activity in many areas.

Now, although I love nature, I'm no expert in climate change and the effect that various industrial activities have on nature. But surely, I can at least notice that there is a difference... Maybe we should pay at least some attention to it?

But there is something else...

Something that I think I don't need to be an expert in to realize this. It's just a matter of paying attention to what is happening around us.

The One Good Thing...

It is something I've noticed for quite some time, but I have never really (consciously) paid much attention to it...until this weekend. You would hear about it somewhere today, and maybe pick up on it somewhere else next week...and you'd think... "ah, that's nice. I'm glad it worked out nicely for that person."

But this weekend it really hit home.

We've had many things going on here by us over the last few weeks...even months, and I have to admit, I am a bit on the tired

So by Saturday afternoon, I was just plain exhausted and I decided to take a break. I sat down with my wife and decided to just do nothing on purpose for a while.

We ended up turning on the television just to see what's on.

It was a reality program and it has just started. They announced how they would be talking to a few new entrepreneurs who have just started their own new businesses.

It sounded interesting and I decided to watch it.

And it was while watching this program that it struck me and I consciously started thinking about it.

I've heard similar statements and remarks over the last couple of months already, but I think hearing it now several times within less than an hour...made me consciously think about it.

They spoke to three individuals who have recently opened their own new businesses and entered the exciting world of entrepreneurship.

Without it being pointed out as fact, I did pick up on one thing that all three of these individuals had in common.

Due to the lockdown which was caused by Covid, they were presented with the time and opportunity to start working on things they were passionate about.

It was as if the same scenario repeated itself in every case... They never did anything about what they were passionate about, or at least didn't pay much attention to, and didn't spend any time on it before.


They were too busy with their full-time careers. They were too busy working.

And suddenly...LOCKDOWN!

Suddenly they had all the time in the world and nothing else to do... And businesses were born from this.

Even here on Hive, I have heard similar statements over time. People found part-time employment for doing online work because they couldn't perform their full-time careers. Some of which I witnessed right here on Hive.

Recently I've heard a very successful (in my opinion) author here on Hive, saying that even though he can now perform his full-time career again, Hive "has become like a second job" to him.

Turning Something Bad Into Something Good.
First of all, I am not trying to deny the horrible reality of Covid. And for many of us, it was way too close for comfort...

But for many, it presented an opportunity!

How often do we hear that we should do what we what we are passionate about.

Yet, how many thought it would always just be a dream. We failed to see the possibility of how we could do what we are passionate about and actually make a living from it. It was just too risky.

Yet, when you were presented with time on your hands, you just did it...until you saw there is a demand for what you do and people are willing to pay money for what you do. It started to generate a little bit of income which was re-invested and it started to take the form of a business...

Maybe, others wanted to take action before, but everybody was pointing out how irresponsible that would be and "the risk is just not worth it".

Yet, you were presented with time on your hands and not really anything else to do. So, you started doing what you love doing and the results started showing.

Now that things are getting back to normal and people return to their workplaces, nobody can argue with your results. You are running your own business (or whatever you are doing) and you are earning an income from it.

Another thing that everybody obviously also has in common is the fact that there is at least some form of online activity or engagement taking place.

Even though in some cases, some of these people are also now opening physical shops, they started by taking online orders.

But the foundation has been laid. The way you go forward mainly depends on what type of business it is.


Photo by Aron Visuals on Unsplash

The one thing we all had, was time.

Some started complaining out of frustration, claiming they didn't know what to do with all the time.

While others got absorbed in that which they never had enough time for before...until now.

Even though we all got frustrated with lockdown and all the rules and regulations and not being to physically go out and socialize with friends and family, some made the most of this time by creating something which they are passionate about.

And many can even make a living from it now. Some might not be able to make a living from it yet, but they have done enough to know the potential. They know it's nothing to be scoffed at. They can work toward their dreams with confidence with no concern about "what someone else would say or think"...

What have you done with your time? Were you creative? Did you give expression to that which you are passionate about?

Let us know in the comment section.

Thank you for reading my post. I do appreciate it.

Note: Images used in this post are my own unless stated otherwise.

Previously posted using Proof of Brain, yet I would also like to share it here on Blurt.

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When this whole pandemic started, I was supposed to be serving in a bank at that time as a young graduate posted by government to serve the country in that capacity. The service is compulsory. Heheh.

I couldn't do the work because of the pandemic so, I was at home for the first few months out of the 12 months that I was supposed to work thede. I was beginning to feel too bored at home and the salary I was receiving from government was no longer enough to handle my expenses so this forced me to look into opportunities online and that is how I got to meet @dreemsteem and a bunch of other great people who shaped my life.

When they eased this lockdown, I couldn't cope with being in the bank anymore. The boredom attached to working in that corporate sphere, the low pay and stagnancy attached to the job was very unbearable. The worst part of it is that I didn't have time for myself.

I served there for less then 3 months before rounding up my service. After that, I made up my mind to fully focus on content creation and a couple of Crypto based projects which I'm currently involved with. I made this decision in the first week of March 2021 and my life have been very far from what I could have ever dreemed of.

The pandemic messed things up for sure, but it gave me purpose and aligned me with the right people. I'm still Dreeming. Heheh. Bigger things are ahead.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

This is absolutely awesome to read this testimony of yours! Yes, as you say, the pandemic messed things up for sure...but for you, it was also a blessing in disguise.

From March 2021 until now...that is a short time to experience such a turnaround in your life. I really am so glad to hear this. In other words, you have discovered a way to create a better quality of life for yourself!

Keep Dreeming, who knows where it might lead to!!

Thank you for sharing your experience. I do appreciate it!

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

hehehe right??? it doesn't take much time to really change our whole lives

and since this pandemic affected the world - it afforded the opportunity (yep opportunity hahah) for us to be changing at the same time!!!!

and i agree - keep dreeming! we see the future! Help us get there safe and sound and AMAZED at what happens Lord! hehehe

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Yes, believe it or not, the pandemic...provided us with an opportunity!

And Amen! Help us get there safe and sound! And keep on dreeming...with the emphasis on your spelling of "dreaming"!

Just a suggestion...but maybe you should share a post of some kind here on BLURT to also just make it clear where the spelling of "dreem" comes from...?

I think it will be appreciated and well-received!

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

hahahaha yeah! maybe I will!!! perhaps when I share my book?? hmmm yeah maybe then!

since that's where it all originated from! hehe

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

hehehehe i was offline most of the weekend but i'm here seeing my name mentioned! LOL

I love hearing this story - we all have these back stories you know??? all how its bringing us together one step at a time! for the bigger dreem ( please Lord! hehe)

and yes - there are so many things that have come - we just have to SEE them! :)