mmm... disobedience is not just about refusing to accept external orders - disobedience is also an internal process.
It is not usually called this, as it sounds odd to disobey oneself, but that internal dimension is akin to "believe nothing" - it is critical thinking applied to oneself. From memory, Feynman said, "the trick is not to fool oneself - and you are the easiest person to fool!" He was referring to physics, but it applies to any domain - it is not enough to think you have a fantastic new idea, you then have to demolish yourself, kinda stress-testing, before others do so. This is still within the realm of IQ but can also be applied to AQ.
There are stories my parents seem fond of retelling - I'm not sure why - that I was expelled from nursery (!!) and almost expelled from primary school. I do not recall being violent or rude, but I was... non-compliant (lmao)... disobedient. "I don't want to do this, ergo I won't." I couldn't understand why I had to - or why they thought I had to. So, as a personality trait, that runs deeply.
Anther interesting point...
Have you noticed the correlation between 'the drone' (for want of a more disparaging term lol), and the reluctance to say 'I was wrong about that' .
I have.
It's bloody frustrating.
Not from a win/lose, ego perspective - but from a 'lets establish 'what's what' about things, so we can progress forwards.
In recent years, I have started to think that the brain has a simple "accommodation algorithm" in relation to the universe, that needs to know just enough not to die. Truth is a luxury to the vast majority of organisms.
You then have two extremes: those who seek to control, the psychopaths; and those who are curious, the truth-seekers, scientists, mystics. very few need to know.
Sad fuckin universe!