The Devil Doesnt Discriminate

in covid-19 •  2 years ago 

lucifuge rofocal png.png

Very rare uncensored appearance.


639 videos in my collection of covid misanthropy I started documenting in January 2020 when my birthday was celebrated with the Chinese communist party engaging in a public disinformation campaign about the transmissibility of the virus.

Who wasn't allowed to question the narrative January - March 2020?

What is the mortality rate?

  • at least 45% lower than the CDC originally reported
  • less than 0.0009% chance of death

When was anyone liable for damages caused by the health act?

Where was it originally air born? (hint, china)

Why is China not responsible for cultivating this virus, including the obvious negligence to not cancel Chinese new year?

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This was a Psyop from the start. When I first heard there were videos of people walking down the street in China then falling over dead in mid walk I called bullshit. Nowhere else since those videos has anywhere else reported such phenomena. Those had to be actors staging that shit as I suspected before the narrative claimed it had traveled the world and shutdowns happened.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I have some of those weird zombie videos in that playlist, it is so weird to see people fall down on the street, that never happened here.

My partner was telling me about them before the lock down here. She was watching videos from someone calling themself Amazing Polly, which that alone made my bullshit detector go up. When the lock downs came I knew something was going on though, as most everyone at my work had gotten really sick. Including myself.

I rarely get sick and was bad for a month, trying to sleep sitting up as I was to congested to lay down.

I still suspect this is a partial cover for those whose health will be impacted by the 5G. After reading the book

it opened my eyes to just how far these assholes will go to foist harmful shit on us while manipulating the so called science to say different.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

my friend is suffering from radiation sickness due to wireless frequencies

I'm not sure how one would recover from the radiation. I hope your friend will be alright. There is much death associated with it, including multiple times the bee populations disappearing from areas.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

It makes me feel very uncomfortable to talk about. I read the fine print, like the smokers who assume death is a risk of these technologies.

The only wifi near me, is my phone, i have limited it to 1 router, and 1 wifi device per person to be rational, my partner agrees with our logic. She has a laptop and at least is aware of the risks and has the laptop 30 cm away on her desk, but didn't know until I recommended that to her.

I always worry about those people who meme about their single life with 5 electronic devices in their bed they spend their time with, 5 antennae's within 30 cm would be a risk not worth pursuing imo.


I share this image casually any time someone is talking about new devices, if they laugh at it, I usually assume like me they are okay with the risk of unknown side effects most concerning of which is cancer.

I could accept the cellular degradation as bad as that sounds, but the cancer is where i am trying to protect myself.