Soul Sherpa Society - Another Deep Dive into the Subordinated Misanthropy of COVID-19

in covid-19 •  3 years ago 

This document has had my mind occupied since I opened it. I found it a few days ago and finally had time to look at some of the outlandish stuff that has been referred to me recent about Covid-19.

Soul Sherpa Society - Final Mailing Canada Health Crimes Trust PPSR Lien Financing Statement Government of Canada

This is some heavy weight stuff that I still have not wrapped my head around. So i will like to share this now because it is so deep this would be hard for 1 person to collaborate to make. it must have taken these litigators a century to put this together. They have been in business longer I am assuming from their partners too.

The put a 3.5 Million dollar lien on Pfizer... and thats just 1 of about 20 parties the served.

The name of the Society is SOUL SHERPA SOCIETY

The purposes of the Society are:

(a) to promote and encourage private civics as a desirable way of social navigation;
(b) to assist trusted networks to develop and improve equitable knowledge of and skills in administering
property, and to assist in improving privacy, protection and security for landed property;
(c) to develop and operate educational resources and programs designed to improve the capability of
members to access, manage and research ownership and titles thereof;
(d) to engage in and promote the development of decentralized technologies;
(e) to acquire, receive, hold, maintain, mortgage, use, apply, transfer, give, grant, devote, dispose of or
distribute from time to time all or part thereof interest, derivatives, attachments, and transmutations
therefrom and otherwise deal with specific and or special purpose funds, and, real and personal property
for the purposes of the Society;
(f) to assist corporations and quasi-trustees by providing education and training and, when requested,
assistance to them in the discharge of their legal duties and obligations; and
(g) to represent the interests, concerns, and posterity of life estates and private citizens to the Crown,
government and its agencies and to the public at large.

This society is a member-funded society. It is funded primarily by its members to carry on activities for the benefit of its members. On its liquidation or dissolution, this society may distribute its money and other
property to its members.

Figure 1
(Fig. 1: Patent network analysis of mRNA-based vaccine candidates for COVID-19.)














Truth Serum Injection Time

You just seen the Rockefeller partners Accenture mentioned above, they define themselves as,

Expert support and innovative technologies for distributing COVID-19 vaccines
safely, equitably and efficiently

Now check this patent out with your critical thinking cap on...


I think the cool kids call this the illuminati.

Corruption at the very highest levels

This virus is the property of a private corporation.


Important Links


Context For This Article

Recently, PM Trudeau has echoed Bill Gates’ sentiments that mass vaccination of people is necessary for any sense of normalcy to return. While there has been speculation about this link, there has so far been no proof of collusion between Gates and Trudeau.

It’s true that there has been collusion. However, Gates did not (directly) lobby the Canadian Government. They used proxies to do this.

Specifically, here are the connections:

(a) The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation helped found GAVI, the Global Vaccine Alliance in 1999. The foundation donated $750 million at the time, and continues to fund it regularly.

(b) GAVI sought the services of a lobbying firm called Crestview Strategy. Crestview used 2 of their employees, Jason Clark, and Zakery Blais, for the assignment.

(c) Clark and Blais have lobbied the Canadian Government on at least 19 occasions since 2018 on various “health” matters, on behalf of GAVI. One more was conducted by Jennifer Babcock, who appears to have left the firm. All of this can be immediately verified by looking up the records in the Office of the Lobbying Commissioner.

(d) Clark and Blais have connections to the Liberal Party of Canada. Clark volunteered in 2015 for Ottawa area Liberal candidates, and Blais is a former assistant to the (now) Attorney General David


Dates of Communications Reports

(1) 2018 March 8
(2) 2018 March 9
(3) 2018 March 9
(4) 2018 October 9
(5) 2018 October 9
(6) 2018 October 9
(7) 2018 October 10
(8) 2018 October 10
(9) 2018 October 10
(10) 2019 June 11
(11) 2019 June 11
(12) 2019 June 11
(13) 2019 June 12
(14) 2019 June 12
(15) 2019 June 12
(16) 2020 January 28
(17) 2020 January 29
(18) 2020 January 29
(19) 2020 January 29
(20) 2020 January 30

No, these aren’t duplications. The registry indicates multiple reports on these dates.







To Be Continued

I honestly cant go over more of this today, this mind bending amounts of information, half of which I knew but to see it all laid out like this and what an obvious fraud this is, makes my head hurt.

Full Document:

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Awesome thanks for putting this info out for us, so much to go through.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Yeah my vaccinated family was taken back by this, I would recommend showing it to the pro-vaxxers to see what misanthropic lie they create to engage in cognitive dissonance again.

Now this is the kind of deep dive I can sink my teeth into. I don't have time this morning, but will be coming back several times over the next week to absorb and classify it.

On a side note, here in the US now they are saying ridiculous things such as one can mix and match the vaccines, and it's a good thing if you've been vaccinated to then catch Covid, that it makes your vaccination even stronger, lol.

Also, Colin Powell died earlier this week from Covid, after being vaccinated. Every article makes sure to mention that they say anti vaxers conspiracy theorists are using it to spread disinformation on the vaccines, and that he only died because he had health issues (co-morbitities) that made the vaccine ineffective.

I also saw that in England where they haven't been manipulating the data as bad as the US they are now saying there is a "Super Cold" going around. What a clever way of working around the ineffectiveness of the injection. Oh, the injection saved them from Covid, it was that damn super cold that killed them.

You just can't make this shit up.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

oh, they do, they have, they are, they will! (make shit up)
no humans left.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

There's a part of me, that's wants to grab one of these scientists, and repeat these 2 steps.

  1. beat unconscious
  2. when they wake up ask them "Whats the CDC's directive again, I am a subjective moron and I forgot"

as soon as they finish the daily ramble, repeat steps 1 and 2 until you feel like the only justice you have the hopes of getting has been served.

These guys are safer in jail or on a noose than in my basement, i assure you.

There is a shell game going on for sure. A mandate that still isn't officially a mandate. If it becomes one here I will be losing my job.

A supposed approved vaccine by our FDA, yet the supposed approved vaccine is not available in the US and one is being injected with the emergence use one.

They are lying so badly, all made worse as the zombie tranced people around me all chant like zombies "vaccinated vaccinate vaccinated" instead of brains brains brains. Makes me wish they would chant brains, because they left theirs at their TV sets and newspapers.