Nuremberg 2 - A Line in the Sand - The Death Penalty

in covid-19 •  3 years ago 


While debating the chronicles of covidia today, I had the thought come upon me that I should potentially be more descriptive in my elaborations about the death penalty for Doctors, Nurses and Media who participated in the coercion of the public to vaccinate for covid-19.

Not Mutually Exclusive to Informed Consent

The first important logical fallacy i encountered in this deliberation of Covid misanthropy was the debacle of informed consent. How can we even begin to have this discussion about informed when there is unanswered questions.

Without picking a specific narrative to subscribe to, we can see there is multiple viable concerns when it comes to vaccination of Covid-19, when we look objectively at those scenarios that are all very well documented, the main underlying concern is about efficacy vs natural immunity.

This is where we draw the line.

The Line in the Sand

When it comes to the death penalty for Pancoronavirus Vaccine criminal racketeering and other crimes against humanity, we could easily gauge the morality of the defendants with this simple question,

What abnormalities in the intellectualism of your work place did you notice from the integration of the Health Act?

The Health Act in Canada is where the authoritarian influence from the government is rooted, so people with a vested interest will be cognitively dissonant towards the lack of debate about methodology of treatment.

Its very rare for only 1 treatment to be viable for an illness, and usually limited to very extreme surgeries in those cases with a very low chance of surviving the operation.

The answers provided to the above question along with the context provided with the 2 paragraphs underneath would allow us to separate the defendants into 2 distinct groups.

The Ones Who Live - The Ones Who Hang

Group A would include the views shared by the likes of Robert Malone (Inventor of mRNA delivery system), Dr. Peter McCullough (Expert cardiologist with MD and MPH testified before Texas Senate on Covid-19 medicine) and any doctor who can demonstrate their had shown interest in more than 1 method to treat covid-19

Group B would include people who cant provide any direct evidence they had perused alternative treatments, to the CDC's recommendations, for covid-19 treatment.

Group A would be given a warning, that would be effective for their commercial life on earth, in all public scenarios, a judge should compose this not me... Ill leave the word up to your imagination, the warning would need to be sincere about the roles they played contributing to human rights violations in their work place.

Group B would get the Death Penalty for their direct and ongoing contribution to experiment on humans without due diligence being performed and informed consent. The crime they are committing is synonymous with rape and should not be discounted or compared to rape in any way aside from the severity of a crime you could commit to another human being. Unwanted penetration with a foreign object (could be a needle) is rape and is classified as rape under law in Canada, you can not put things in other peoples bodies without their consent. In fact you cant even touch them without their consent unless its a overly crowded public area that everyone is experience the exact same conditions, then your claim is against the city not the individual.

The people is in Group B should be given mediation options if they wish to give the names and evidence of the threats or coercion they received from a vaccine manufacturer, the CDC, or the FDA. There is 2 FDA panel members who resigned over the conflict of interest vaccinating children. Those 2 should be given complete immunity from any charges if they come forward.

Immunity should be offered to anyone who exposed criminal racketeering of the covid-19 coronavirus, in conjunction with the claims of David E Martin. Only David E Martin, who manages the office the patents are stored in, should be allowed to give this immunity based on his deep understanding of the patents and commercial law that applies to the companies involved.

I feel David E Martins expertise would be very logical and practical in this situation and he is mature enough to realize the penalty that people will pay if they are found guilty in the Nuremberg 2 Trials.

I feel passionately about seeing the highest punishment brought against those who want the world to be in the state it is in.

In Canada, I will personally conduct the hangings for free, out of retribution of my losses, for anyone found guilty of this atrocious crime against humanity. I will work 16 hour days to make sure the full queue full of depraved criminals arrive to their final resting place. FREE OF CHARGE.

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

BTW that photo is not Nuremberg.

Indeed, there is even a short video of the event - look down the rabbithole. (I even wrote on this... if I can find it)

And, even with a legit caption, is even more of a warning - as this was the hanging of Nazi collaborators in Kiev ;-)

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

so it is real, but in my homeland Ukraine?

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Yeah... did u track down the video? They cut out the more disturbing parts, but they had the guys on the back of pickup trucks... you can guess the rest.

If we ever destroy the tyrants, I suspect same things will happen - scapegoats (guilty or not) and a clean conscience for the sheep.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I never thought of mass executions as gas lighting, thanks for opening my eyes to that potential reality.

I think they should also be judged on whether they took the shots themselves as that will prove their knowing or not knowing the truth of the matter. You'd have to check them physically because we know they've been giving dummy shots to each other for the cameras.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Working on a post right now, this is relevant and will be in it
