Enlightened to a Grim Reality by Romania's European Member of Parliament Cristian Terheș

in covid-19 •  3 years ago  (edited)

Cristian Terheș has a picture to paint for us, we cant see the picture or know what materials are used thought because this art is not transparent. This art is

The Art of Murder by an Authority

A very sophisticated mind is required to perform a fraud or corruption as deep as this, so do not think for a second that our opposition are morons, they know what they are doing and deserve the death penalty for that.

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Just because you feel something is true, does not mean objective facts will contribute to that being a reality. We know nothing, you are uninformed at the very least if you have suggested this vaccine is anything, no one knows what it is who is talking to the public and you are the only one with direct evidence of the safety of this vaccine if you are claiming, so please produce the evidence in the comment or keep your echo chamber of disinformation to yourself please.


Video Link: https://open.lbry.com/@OzFlor:7/Romanian:8?r=9rxwJ5C9C1Tdb4qjj5k4P8XDVRE1b2wk

(Unsupported https://lbry.tv/$/embed/Romanian/89f71ce5bfb62b7e7ba52f831ad59e3f5ab3c2eb?r=9rxwJ5C9C1Tdb4qjj5k4P8XDVRE1b2wk)
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I have no words.
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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I have been saying this may end in war if we want to be free in the future of earth colony... I hope it doesnt come to that but without a gun I feel like there is actually people who would pin me down and force me to take that shot like a sick fucked up psychopath, while judging me for holding a gun to defend myself.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

That is anlther issue with alot lf people. They dont want you to have guns and look at you as a "malandro" (spanish for criminal or trouble maker) but are quick to call the cops when then a real malandro show up.

And most cops here where I live dont do anything until almost it is all done, or is done and the perp is long gone. Wished you haf a gun now? Oh heavens no! Only bad people use guns. Im a christian, lr catholic blah blah blah.

Yea yea yea, go vote coward. That is abiut the bravest thing statists actually do. Hide behind a curtain and press a button to enslave their neighbors.

Here where I live, if you are holding a gun, people will assume you are with some cartel. And the actual cartel might come in and "punish" you for it. So some people have them concealed, while others have them behind counters in the stores.

Not many small store owners have weapons to protect them because of their disbelief in them.

I wish I had the money to have my own but all I got is knives and my fist and most importantly my brain. Not many use it. They dont see their brain so they forget they have one.

I'm not trying to ■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■ ■■■■ ■■■■ ■■ ■■■■■■■■ ■■■■ ■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■ but ■■■■■■ ■■■■ ■■■■■ yes you get it.