Dystopia Live - The Taps are a Crime Scene - Is there Venom in the Tap Water?

in covid-19 •  2 years ago 


The venom is in the taps?

A new theory suggests covid-19 may actually be venomation of the water supply.

Dr. Bryan Ardis, who has seen wide spread coverage early april 2022, first presented his findings to Stew Peters, on a documentary titled Watch The Water. Others have joined in expressing their concern over the venomation of the water supply, causing similar symptoms to covid-19 coronavirus.


Its a Crime Scene Ladies and Gentlemen

Everyone in my immediate family lives in Canada and our government has an obligation to be transparent about the contents of the tap water. The flouride was justified as protective of dental health, so i wonder what they will try to pass the Snake Venom Monoclonal Antibody.

What is a Monoclonal Antibody?

A monoclonal antibody (mAb or moAb) is an antibody made by cloning a unique white blood cell. All subsequent antibodies derived this way trace back to a unique parent cell.

As we begin to piece together this conplex hypothesis, its becoming clear to me that the way this would work would be something like follows.

Step 1,
Snake Venom put in water supply.

Step 2,
Water is tested to establish a control group.

Step 3,
People become ill with symptoms, test positive or are submitted to hospital for other reasons prior to getting a positive test in the hospital while in their care.

Step 4,
Redemsivir is administered, which is a Monoclonal Antibody of Snake Venom, to fullfil the hegelian dialectic between problem and solution.

Unknown to the patient, their snake venom poisoning is cured with a common remedy for snake venom poisoning. While the hospitals and politicians get credit of being heros, for acting out a lie.

Im not certain on all this yet, and I need to check the exactly chemical compounds that were derrived from Monoclonal Antibodies from snake venom. But this sure is the means for an investigation into medical crimes against humanity of the utmost importance.


SARS-COV2 = Cobra + Krait Serpents Venom, CV19 = Cobra Venom 19 Toxins


Watch The Water: https://rumble.com/v10mnew-live-world-premiere-watch-the-water.html

Previous coverage of this topic: https://blurt.blog/covid-19/@phusionphil/dr-brian-ardis-says-watch-the-water-is-covid-just-snake-venom

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No they are not using monoclonal antibodies. That is a whole different process involving sticking snake venom in an animal and then draining its blood.
What they are now doing under the GUISE of a new way to produce anti-venom is synthesizing the poison proteins in snake venom. It's like genetically reproducing (and modifying) the individual elements of the venom.
This article I wrote last year explains their new technology they're using for everything now.

Posted from https://blurt.live

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I have to admit, biology is at the very bottom of my interests in life and its actually painful for me to read that because I will never make enough money in the field of medicine to peak my interest beyond speculation.

I just plan on bastardizing any science that conflicts with my freedoms.

I looked into investing in CRISPR companies to make money but the science was such a joke with no good peer review i am surprised it became anything at all.

Anyone who would take this type medicine, deserves 100% of the consequences for their actions just like I assume for mine.

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Exactly right, that is what I found when I went digging. They havn't a clue what they're doing but hey it all sounds sciencey and incomprehensible so people just cave to the 'experts'. Biology is really simple if you take experts out of the equation.
Oh BTW I posted a thing on this venom in the water business and have updated it too. It turns out it's nonsense.

Posted from https://blurt.live

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Wouldn't surprise me, I just get to laugh at non sense until i die is one of my favorite pass times.