Dr. Bryan Ardis Says "Watch The Water" - Is Covid just Snake Venom?

in covid-19 •  2 years ago  (edited)


Dr. Bryan Ardis

Can be found on the following media outlets, with his theory about Snake Venom being put in the tap water. He claims the side effects from venom poisoning are similar to the side effects of covid.

  • Lack of Taste
  • Blood Clotting
  • Difficulty Breathing
  • Myocarditis & Pericarditis

Anomalies that confirm his theory;

  • PCR tests (for venom byproduct) in tap water
  • Hydroxychloroquine cures snake venom poisoning symptoms
  • Redemsivir (spell check) may actually be snake venom which leads to death in hospitals
  • The same agencies that mandate the pandemic, have control of snake venom anti-virus

Where to find Dr. Bryan Ardis Interviews;

Health Ranger Report

Mike Adam's Interviews Dr. Bryan Ardis


Steel Truth Media

Ann Vandersteel interviews Dr. Bryan Ardis



Scott Mackay Interviews Dr. Bryan Ardis


@phusionphil Originally found Bryan Ardis on Stew Peter's Show interview, called Watch The Water.


Watch The Water: https://rumble.com/v10mnew-live-world-premiere-watch-the-water.html

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Damn, I was doing a write-up on this video today for tomorrow with my own thoughts on it. You beat me to it. Oh well am still gonna do it.

Posted from https://blurt.live

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

well i need to have someone else to upvote around here so please do

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I actually woke up with this post half finished in my hand and updated all my sources

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Great find 👍