Covid-19 SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus Anti-Autocratic Resources

in covid-19 •  3 years ago 

This is a resource I am making for easy access to a list of anti-autocratic covid-19 resources. I try to find resources that specifically are out spoken about the influence from autocratic style or authoritarian rooted government agencies involved in a pay to play medical scam, commonly known as Covid-19.

I would like to take a moment to speak to objective truth, first and foremost reminding everyone reading this that you have the right to bodily autonomy. The government has no place involving itself with the relationship you have with your doctor or physician.

The next objective truth I would like to focus on is the real potential for a monopoly on covid-19 arranged through a series of grants affiliated with the CDC, WHO and the Vanguard Financial Group. I am unaware to what extent Blackrock is involved with covid-19 but would love to hear from you in the comments if you can speak to objective truth on Blackrocks involvement in the covid-19 monopoly.

About PhusionPhil & His Radical Covid-19 Views

I do not see these corporations are criminally liable for the death they have caused, contrary to the beliefs of many of my truth seeker peers. I believe firmly that the risk is to the buyer, I respect and stand for sovereignty and that means living with your own actions and decisions as well as laying in the grave you have dug for yourself if you are careless about your health in anyway, not just putting experimental vaccines in it.

I love mountain biking and fully embrace every risk I take when my tires leave the ground, you should also fully embrace the risk you have incurred and prepare for very negative cardiovascular issues within the next 10 years.

The Truth is not Represented in a Duality

A truth represented by the fallacy of human appeal to emotion, is a logic fallacy. Any truth that has been label, is not a truth. There is no brand of truth, there is simply a bias representation of the truth and the objective truth. Sorry about the hole you live in if you think anyone cares about your private feelings...

The truth we will be speaking to today, is objective in nature and I have sourced the highest quality PhD Scientists for this write up featuring my full and un-redacted vision of covid-19.

I will be including my personal opinion here to fully cover my concerns pertaining to covid-19, the monopoly of covid-19, and the suffrage I have witnesses first hand due to this extraordinary travesty of abuse of human trust. If you have a difficulty differentiating between opinion and fact, this article contains mature subject matter and may not be for you...

David E Martin Exposes Corruption at the Highest Levels

Spring 2020 Patents suggest the Novel factor of the coronavirus is a fallacy. There is links to patents sought out as early as 1999. Its not been "Novel" for over 2 decades.

Dr. David E. Martin will take you on a patent landscape adventure into the roots of the veterinary sciences that preceded the human science on the Pfizer vaccines for covid-19.

Important Reference for David E Martin's Claims

  • Ralph Barrics work on Rabbits.
  • Canine Coronavirus research done by Pfizer on s and spike protein vaccine target candidates.
  • Neither the coronavirus concept of a vaccine nor the principal of the coronavirus itself, as a pathogen of interest with respect to the spike proteins behavior, is anything novel at all, its 22 years old.
  • Patents are revealed that directly reference Gene Sequencing of Coronavirus
  • The patent office rejected a gene sequence patent application from the CDC, on a coronavirus in the public domain
  • The CDC bribed the patent office, and was paying extra fees to keep their application for this patent private
  • SARS-CoV-2 is distinct from the CDC patent, 98% similar to the patent they were denied and paid bribes for
  • You can not have a SARS designation on a virus, without it first being SARS
  • 3 days after the CDC filed for a patent on SARS-CoV in 2003, Sequoia Pharmaceuticals (Maryland) filed for a patent on the treatment
  • Sequoia Pharmaceuticals & Ablynx Pharmaceuticals eventually were added into the proprietary holdings of Pfizer, Crucel, and Johnson & Johnson

How would one have a patent on a treatment for thing that was invented 3 days earlier?

Why did the CDC Pay to keep this internal relationship with the patent office private and off the public record?


"This is the definition of Criminal Conspiracy, Racketeering and Collusion. This is not a theory, this is evidence. You can no have information in the future and form a treatment for thing that did not exist." - Dr. David E Martin

Summary of The RICO Act

The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act is a United States federal law that provides for extended criminal penalties and a civil cause of action for acts performed as part of an ongoing criminal organization. RICO was enacted by section 901(a) of the Organized Crime Control Act of 1970.

Moderna has the spike protein sequence delivered by phone, from the research center. How can they treat this virus without having previous knowledge of that virus? (question for Moderna, will never be answered i assume)

In 2008 DARPA took an active interest in coronavirus being used as a biological weapon.

In 2017-2019 Ablynx, Synofi and various other organizations from around the world applied for patents in a way that Dr. David E Martin feels identify their commitment to reproduce the novel virus, which is 73 patents issued between 2008 and 2019 that have the elements that were allegedly novel.

The clinically unique components that are contagious are clinically engineered. This was funded at the gain of function moratorium, it was also patented for commercial exploitation 73 times. There is nothing novel about this virus, and someone has made a lot of money doing this.


"We need to increase public understanding of the need for countermeasures, such as a pancoronavirus vaccine. A key driver is the media and the economics will follow the hype. We need to use that hype to our advantage to get to the real issues. Investors will respond if they see profit at the end of the process." - Peter Daszak

Peter Daszak is the main voice discouraging the lab leak theory. He claims everything you are hearing is disinformation used to make people "addicted to a pancoronavirus vaccine". This has nothing to do with a pathogen that was released. Every study ever released to try to verify the lab leak theory, is a red herring.


September 2019

WHO Releases a book titled "A World at Risk" which was a scenario used to claim there needs to be a coordinated Global experience of a respiratory pathogen release, which by September 2020 must put in place a universal capacity for public relations management, crowd control and the acceptance of a universal vaccine mandate.

November 2019

UNC Chapel Hill, NIAID & Moderna starts to sequence a spike protein vaccine. A month before the first outbreak ever happened.

How would this be possible, and why was the public told something completely different?

Without the answer to this question, no one was informed to consent to the vaccination process. Making 100% of injections illegally given to people. Being ignorant or uninterested of the vaccine, is not synonymous with informed consent.

Always About Money

Contrary to popular belief, money is the root of this new normal pandemic of human rights violations. This new normal became the campaign that was adopted by the WHO, China's Center for Disease Control, and Dr. Christopher Elias (Funded by Bill Gates). They had 4 patents that they were not owners of, yet using in this agenda for a pancoronavirus vaccine. The owners of those patents should sue Bill Gates and his pals...

2 Canadian Companies Own and have patents for the Lipid Nano Particle needed to issue the messenger mRNA. The spike protein goes inside this LNP.

Read more about the Canadian Players in this fraud here;

There is nothing new, novel, or genuine about this pancoronavirus vaccine mandate. There was never a risk to public health beyond the common cold and flu, and the patents show this fraud clear as day.

Any assertion that this pandemic was unique or novel, is fraudulent and will fall apart as soon as someone examines the statements made by Peter Daszak in context.

#CovidVaxExposed Playlist;

#Coronavirus Playlist;

Canada's Players Exposed - Soul Sherpa Society PPSR Trust;

The Epoch Times - Covid-19 Outbreak Exposed;

Ralph S. Baric - (ECG) changes following rabbit coronavirus (RbCV);

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

It's a killing joke ,.. ;-)

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Nice this just reminded me of some heavy stuff I was listening to a few years back. I love grungy death metal and rock.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I like grunge death-metal and rock to ,... but not so this lyrics , and the cross on his mask told me enough already . Head cleaner would do great at CCP party's ,.. Whinny the Poo will applaud them and leaders from the old Soviet union would dance on this ,.... not me . ;-)

Source :

Forget what you liked a few years ago ,.... and listen to ,... Once human ,.. to break that spell , ;-)

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Well said 👍

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Good info, keep it up.