Austria Segregates Society with Genetic Discrimination

in covid-19 •  3 years ago 

Austria has decided to segregate society with a public policy that genetically discriminates against citizens who do not have a covid-19 vaccine.

This kind of policy is dangerous, and will start a civil war in any western nation. The government has become so mentally incapacitated by risk mitigation for hypochondriacs that they have turned on their own respect for civil liberty.

This is an extremely low day for human freedom. Not saying there has ever been a good example of a free human or a bad example, this is definitely not a good one. If you think this will help, you are living in a hole, and missed the part that vaccinated people can spread a delta variant.

That delta spreading is also speculative and contributes to a narrative that was established with coercion, racketeering and criminal conspiracy.

Watch the Report on LBRY


Both Sides Agree

A Small Minority of Hypochondriacs are Getting Special Treatment

"The people, they must be free, this is not okay." - Vaccinated Austrian Man

"My choice is that it is mine, why do I have to give my choice to a health authority." - Unvaccinated Austrian Man

"I see big pharma as a profit oriented industry, not a healthcare oriented industry." - Unvaccinated Austrian Woman

I agree with the confusion experienced by the 2nd Austrian man who is interviewed (bald). I have never felt I understood even 20% of what is going on, while I spend over 5 to 6 hours a day reading news and cross referencing information from sources that all disagree. To say it was less than 80% mind fuckery, would be an exaggeration. Nothing makes sense in regard to how we are supposed to be informed and consent to a vaccine that has clinical trials ongoing until 2026.


Romanian and Croatian Members of European Parliament are Ejected for not Presenting a Vaccine Passport:

Covid-19 SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus Anti-Autocratic Resources:

#CovidVaxExposed Playlist:

#Coronavirus Playlist:

Adverse Reaction Online Testimony:

Canada's Players Exposed - Soul Sherpa Society PPSR Trust:

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Another small step on the transubhuman road to slavery or oblivion.
I had not expected my misanthropy to be so accurate.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I stopped watching Alex Jones and other internet "junk" as I called all forms of tabloids, not being bias to anyone or opinion, i was making career oriented decisions and laid to rest my suspicions of a globalist cabal with the sentiment "It will never effect me, I can use trade and barter in any economy"

obviously they threw me a curve ball, so I have now closed all my bank accounts and told people to tell me when they are ready for a civil war because I am done discussing this "joke we call a virus".

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I stopped following many of the pundits, as the main thing that struck me was the lack of demand for any action. It was always the "trust the plan" mantra, whatever plan it might have been. That's just swapping one belief for another. I didn't see a "follow the plan" - that would be different.

Jumping for a moment to a parallel issue, Steven Greer has gone from a "believe the plan" merchant to an actual plan of action. Doesn't matter if one may agree with it or not, but I think that shift is significant. I suspect "the plan" broke down.

As for civil war, I don't think there were any after the Bolshies or the Nazis took over. They were the revolutions and, unless I'm wrong, I haven't seen any counter-revolutions at the time.

What I am reading is that, exactly like now, most people were frozen in fear, paralyzed into passivity, hoping in the face of huge counter-evidence, that they will "get through", then as now - while they are actually helping to build their own prison.

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

Living in a pipe dream is a real bitch, I have been there, no one is perfect.

I have followed Dr. Greer and the Disclosure Project since the 4 hour witness DVD.

I am not frozen by fear and will personally arrest doctors and nurses if i am given permission, they will arrive in a cage shipped along side dogs to Germany for Reiner Fuellmich to serve the death penalty too, i will do the beheading too and sleep really well after. I am so mad at these people, the death penalty is the only penalty i will accept aside from very large sums of cash for damages.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

They just keep pushing this crap more and more😡

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Get a 3D printer and start printing guns without a firing pin, print the firing pins on the day the civil war starts.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

That's definitely something to look into.