Canadian COVID-Vaxx Injury Update 2024 (the last?)

in covid-19 •  5 months ago  (edited)

The Vaccine-Injury Tally was last updated in September 2023. I missed the previous update in January of the new year, and was afraid I would have to double up on posts, as they'd moved the reporting schedule to quarterly.

It's mid-April now, and the tally has not updated yet, and the banner saying when the next update is scheduled has been removed. Is this the last Canadian vaxx-injury tally update? Is it going yearly or randomly? Pay no attention to my procrastination. The data can be found here

January 2024



  • -194 Thrombocytopenia (retracted)

Cardiovascular System

  • +7 Cardiac arrest
  • +20 Cardiac failure
  • -6 Myocardial infarction (retracted)
  • +24 Pericarditis

Circulatory System

  • +3 Cerebral venous (sinus) thrombosis
  • +2 Cerebral thrombosis
  • +3 Cutaneous vasculitis
  • +14 Deep vein thrombosis
  • +1 Embolism
  • +242 Haemorrhage (bleeding)
  • +14 Pulmonary embolism
  • +37 Thrombosis (blood clot)
  • +3 Thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome

Hepato-gastrointestinal and renal system

  • +2 Glomerulonephritis and nephrotic syndrome
  • +3 Liver injury

Nervous System

  • +8 Bell's Palsy
  • -266 Cerebrovascular Incident (stroke) -retracted
  • -10 Transverse Myelitis of spinal cord


  • +1 Spontaneous Abortion (Miscarriage)

Immuno - Other

  • +2 Anaphylaxis - wow good job finally getting that under control
  • +36 COVID-19

Rsspiratory System

  • +6 Acute respiratory distress syndrome

Skin, mucous membrane, bone and joints system

  • +2 Chilblains
  • +1 Erythema multiforme


  • +431 new adverse reactions between September 2023 - January 2024, resulting in 33 deaths

  • -476 retractions!

  • Net result: Tally of the injured goes down by 45 this cycle...which may be the last report.

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