Covid "vaccines" are much more dangerous than acknowledged

in covid-19 •  2 years ago 

I'm not the only Canadian having no luck with the healthcare system right now. Our stories serve to make a point - that Covid vaxxine dangers are underreported, because many of those who suffer aren't able to get a doctor to diagnose them and fill out an official report! This is one way we know the official numbers of injured are significantly low.


As someone who has suffered severe chronic symptoms of myocarditis and/or heart failure since late 2021, I have unique experience and perspective on this topic.

It has been near-impossible for me to make progress toward receiving help from Canada's supposedly-wonderful healthcare system. I do everything I can to take care of myself and work toward health on my own, but there are certain things that modern medicine offers that can't be replaced by exercise and nutrition.

There's no denying it, this heart issue is making me miserable. I'm keeping my spirits up best I can, but I've had a lot of rough years in a row, and really was hoping for a few months to recuperate. I have a neurological/autoimmune disorder already, so having my heart give out on me is pretty much debilitating.

You may think the famous Canadian healthcare system, known for being high-quality and completely free, would be there for someone that needs it, but as I've documented for many years, you get what you pay for. I've been without a family doctor for quite some time, and currently can't find anyone to see me. The walk-in clinics aren't even accepting new patients. The only options are a call-center phone doctor in Bangladesh, or go to the local hospital emergency room.

A lot of people I talk to confirm it's the same in their part of Canada. Some parts of Ontario seem to be well-funded, but most other regions of this massive country are pretty short on healthcare. It probably doesn't help that here in BC, we still won't let the unvaxxinated nurses and doctors back to work! People are dying because there's not enough staff, but we're refusing to use thousands of nurses and hundreds of doctors that want to work? Because they have medical ethics, and didn't take a shot that ended up not stopping the virus anyway?

My heart is damaged and isn't pumping blood properly. Viruses can do that, we've known that for generations. Covid can do that. I had Covid a couple times. Or maybe I got spike proteins shed by someone nearby who was vaxxed. Or who knows, maybe a healthy guy in his 40s just suddenly got serious heart issues for absolutely no reason. It doesn't really matter.

What matters is it's a serious health concern, and there are MILLIONS of Canadians right now that also have serious health concerns, and we're not able to see a doctor!

There are a lot of people who need diagnosis and treatment for heart problems right now. It's common knowledge that you can't find a cardiologist, there's a waitlist for all the scans, etc. For whatever reason, a lot of people have cardiac damage and inflammation in 2023. Myocarditis is one confirmed side effect of the mRNA injections. How many myocarditis victims of the shots are unable to see a doctor, let alone get to diagnosis, let alone get an adverse reaction report completed?

In other words, the number of people injured by these "vaccines" is quite a bit higher than officially acknowledged. It's beyond ridiculous that they are still mandated for many people.



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I hope everything getter better soon. But after COVID, this useless government will still look for another channel to continue this their wicked act.

oh, it is shocking and alarming!
I hope you are ok @drutter!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I hope so, too! Thanks : )

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Scary that the best they can do here is a phone appointment with a doctor not even from Canada, like not even registered with the BC College of Physicians and Surgeons. That's fine if you have one specific thing that can be easily found on a scan. But at least these doctors don't seem to be denying us services yet.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

At least by now, there are few doctors already realized about how the vaxx is harming the recipients. I just pray that this pain I am experiencing in my head (I have mentioned before) is not a damaged caused by 4-vaxx.

This Ramadan month might help me a bit discharging toxins by fasting 10-12 hours.

My heart is damaged and isn't pumping blood properly.

I hope everything will be fine soon.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Fasting is one of the recommended treatments for spike protein damage.
Headaches can be a symptom of serious problems, or they can be nothing to worry about. But they are unpleasant either way. And yours hasn't resolved over time, so that is a little alarming.
Low dose ASA ("Aspirin") is helpful against blood clots because it prevents the blood from getting too thick. You can take small daily tablets of 81mg if you think that might help. Even if you don't want to take it regularly, it's good to have some in your medicine cabinet, just in case you need it. It's also important to take a couple of them right away if a heart attack or stroke is suspected, as it can save your life, or improve your outcome (it can mean the difference of being able to speak afterward, or not).
Hopefully as more research is done, people like you and I get answers!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yeah I got the idea about fasting from your previous post. I would acquire some of the Aspirin for in case I need it. Also, I used to donate blood before the pandemic, that might help blood cleansing.

Posted from

I had a heart attack in December of 2018 at age 54 and had a stent implanted...
(My father died from a heart attack in 1978 when I was 13 so it may be hereditary in my family, or it may be due to diet & exposure to chemicals, who knows).

When the Covid hysteria started in 2020 I refused to get the jab and started taking NAC & drinking MMS treated water daily... I would recommend this at a minimum to all others also... 🖖



  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Glad you pulled through! I wonder if I've had any heart attacks. Definitely had some awful pain, tightness, and other symptoms... but never been tested for recent heart attack (troponin level). I feel lucky to still be walking and talking at this point! I'm sure many others have not been so lucky.
Good call on the NAC! I hear good things about MMS too.
Sorry to hear about your mom. I wish her the best. Good that she has you coming to see her. Take your time and report back when you're able.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Dude! Psilocybin would really help heart muscle

You should micro dose it for your rides 🥓

Not a bad idea, might have to try it when I get back to Cali... I just got sad news that my mother's health is deteriorating fast so I am flying out to NYC tomorrow to see her and say goodbye... 🖖


  ·  2 years ago  ·  


SweetwisheS -

Maybe regroup in Denver soon 😐

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

I can't believe that the health system in Canada is so wasted! It always had such a good international reputation..?!? Of course, the adverse vax events aren't making it better at all!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

People from around the world still believe Canada is free and prosperous! They don't know it has been under the firm control of the globalists for at least a decade. I feel bad for refugees who choose Canada because they think they will be free here. Free to collect welfare and vote for Trudeau, that's about it! We are not the country we were in the 1900s.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  




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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Three thoughts you can ignore or whatever...

  1. You are better off without their sickness system anyway.

  2. Virology is total bullshit and nether fake covid nor fake viruses affect hearts

  3. Vegan diets contribute to heart disease as well as most other diseases.

    Posted from