97% of Canadians are now refusing the Covid injections!

in covid-19 •  11 months ago 

In 2021, our state media proudly announced Canada's citizens were among the most vaxxinated in the world. But now, official data shows only 1 Canadian out of 30 is still taking the boosters being pushed by the government!


Updated figures straight from Health Canada show that just over 3% of Canadian people are compliant with the shots (data as of 3 Dec 2023).

Almost everybody took the initial injection (or 2) to become "fully vaccinated" in mid 2021. Much of the compliance came as a result of the mandates - forcing people to take the injections or lose their job, family, business, access to society, travel, etc. Once the threat (moderate at most) from the virus had passed, and the mandates had to be dropped in late 2022, people completely lost interest in the mRNA formulas being pushed. Many who initially complied later became "antivaxxers" once it was obvious they had been duped. As we head into 2024, almost nobody (except a few elderly people, and those still under mandates, like BC's healthcare workers) are still rolling up their sleeves.

Is it any wonder? Even inflating the Covid deaths as much as they possibly can, the numbers have fallen to essentially zero. Almost nobody on Earth has died with Covid in the past year.


Not to mention, more and more people are becoming aware of the actual effects of these products. 2023 has been the year the public was finally allowed to know a little bit about the dangers and risks. So not only is Covid not a threat, but the "vaccine" does not stop transmission... and comes with serious risks, including the risk of death.

That doesn't stop Canada's state media, CBC, from "reporting" on a regular basis that this Winter's cold and flu season is going to be catastrophic, and everybody needs to rush out and get all kinds of vaxxines right away. They've been wrong from the start, but we're supposed to trust them NOW?

"We have to protect the healthcare system!"

The media (and their "experts") are admitting the latest strains aren't dangerous to individuals, but like Omicron, might infect so many people at once that the healthcare system collapses. Yeah, RIGHT! Canada's healthcare system is under strain from millions of new immigrants, and has been chronically understaffed and underfunded for decades, but it's in no danger of "collapse".

Hospitals in Gaza are literally being hit by airstrikes, and have no electricity, no food, no medicine, no supplies, with thousands of injured and sick people arriving daily... and they have not collapsed. They're working 48 hour shifts, and they're doing surgery without painkillers of any kind, but they're still up and running. Claiming that Canada's healthcare system might fall into ruin, resulting in the suffering and death of Canadians, is absolutely ridiculous. The only way our healthcare system could collapse is if the government wants it to. They are holding the threat over our heads, to increase compliance, and justify continued emergency measures.

Besides, if you're that short-staffed... end the mandate that keeps unvaxxed nurses and doctors from working! Patients are dying from lack of care, yes. So let thousands of healthcare professionals return to the hospitals, as most parts of the world already did long ago!

Insane that this continues. Nobody's sick, nobody's dying, nobody's wearing masks, and nobody's taking the shots. And yet our lives are not allowed to go back to normal. Those of us who did not comply are still kept from certain travel, certain jobs, and certain family connections. We were right, from the start, and yet we are still treated like deranged and dangerous criminals. Everything we say is labeled disinformation, and our very presence is cancelled, because we dared refuse the syringe offered by government and pharmaceutical corporations. Because we spoke the truth, in an empire of lies.

I do not forget, and I will never forgive, what was done during the Covid plandemic in the name of safety, of "The Science", of the greater good. Nothing that was done was good for anyone except the elitists who think they own this world. We can't let them go any further, and judging by the lack of compliance we're seeing now, many of us don't intend to let them.



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Phew, I'd better not even talk about that topic. I will only say that in my Cuba the government did not even have the money to buy the "vaccines" that were created against COVID and they went further: they created theirs in just about 5 months and without even having certified it they forced everyone to take it. Nothing to do, communism only forces and had to extend its arm to be able to continue the miserable life we ​​lead.

But that first thing (because it cannot be called a vaccine) was followed by other supposed booster doses, and others and others...

For our happiness, these were optional and my family did not go through any of them, because although the 4 of us got sick At that time we preferred to continue fighting in a natural way as the body could rather than give ourselves more injections of who knows what things. I'll just tell you that there are many Cubans walking around who have that unknown liquid running through their veins more than blood, hehehehe. (There is nothing left but to laugh)

Hopefully there they will give in in favor of the majority that advocates not getting vaccinated against that "enemy."

Most of us don't believe them at all.


government did not even have the money to buy the "vaccines" that were created against COVID and they went further: they created theirs in just about 5 months

was it mRNA vaccine?

Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

Yeah. As I understand it, all the "anticovid" are mRNA although they boasted of having created another 🙄🙄...

I don't really know anything about this topic, it's just that it has always seemed so dark to me and it smells bad to me. I believe that the same powerful hand that moves behind the darkest issues was present here. The worst thing is that my instinct tells me that the same hand will touch on many other disturbing issues.😞😞

Russia and China also developed their own vaccines against COVID-19, but they were NOT mRNA-based.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

  ·  10 months ago  ·  

Thank you for sharing your personal experiences! It sounds like you are perhaps concerned about saying too much about it? I can understand. Wow, it seems that Cuba has decided to follow the globalist narrative of controlling the population and forcing "vaccines" into them. But Cuba is doing it in their own (communist) way. This is sad because there are many great Cuban people, and it is a beautiful place, but the corruption and greed has taken over for many decades. And yes, I know the USA and other countries have played a part in all that. I continue to hope for a better situation for Cubans, and for people everywhere.

  ·  11 months ago  ·  

Just like any bad fad, everybody stops and pretends they never got into it lol.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

In our place, It is your choice if you wont. Now, vaccine cards are not asked anymore.

  ·  10 months ago  ·  

Hated every moment of this event it was the biggest scam on this planet ever and they are still trying it, but the world has finally woken up.