RE: Data About Adverse Reactions in Children is Omitted from CDC and Pfizer Documents

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Data About Adverse Reactions in Children is Omitted from CDC and Pfizer Documents

in covid-19 •  2 years ago 

I think you've answered your own question in the reply.

The world will ALWAYS have a bunch of morons in it.
The 'immune' are the thinking people - this is not correlated to 'intelligence' as defined by academia. (which defines intelligence as being a non thinking moron who's willing to follow other people narratives).

It's kinda paradoxical that 'the hallowed corridors of learning centres' have become the very opposite of what was their intended purpose..

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

mmm... I think it wrong to think suddenly such academics have become stupid - it is the same trap as thinking banksters are somehow stupid - they are not.

The infiltration of academia has been the same slow process as the capture of every gov agency - money and violence work a treat! What we are seeing is that tipping point where they just needed a small majority to impose the tyranny across every jurisdiction - military, legal, scientific, social etc.

If we think of IQ being logic and EQ as behaviour, then IMO there is a missing third quality. (I hate the EQ (emotional quotient) construct as it seems to give stupid people one crutch to lean on, while actually being used to indoctrinate behavioural norms.)

IQ+EQ can still be a robot.

There is something missing. I would call it something like awareness quotient (AQ) just to give it a label for discussion.

I see my few remaining friends from university - none of them can see the huge scam. So, even with similar backgrounds, there must be some other difference.

Let us also not forget that it is now physically dangerous to stand up - and stand out - on these issues. I know many scientists are in discussions in other forums - no doubt infiltrated by trollscum. The clear-out of anything that is not the Magisterium is happening - sometimes in areas not directly related to the scam eg Ive written on the Aluminium research group in the UK sacked en masse.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I have asked a few people in private about whether they have had any experiences out of the norm, Im think specifically about any kind of transcendental experiences, be they religious or not. Many hadn't thought of this angle but then suddenly recalled just such experiences that they'd rather forgotten about.

But not all of them. So, I think that's getting close but hasn't as yet hit the nail on the head. lol.

Perhaps it is something related but more mundane - a psychological axis of obedience.

Obedience seems a key here - the psychos want to impose obedience, whereas freethinkers espouse dissidence.

All those experiments about obedience where not done without a reason. ;-)

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

An Interesting point, re transcendental experiences - and maybe there's something to the lack of any such occurrences, and obedience...Or is there a correlation between lack of imagination and obedience ?

Maybe the matrix film has it right .
'The anomoly' is a feature as well as a bug - One that cannot be erased - but only managed. (free thinking V's 'the drones')..

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

It remains a hypotheses - in that a majority, when they look back, can recall such things, but a few have flatly denied such experiences. So it remains an open question.

Those who strongly believe the world is just the sum of the senses (then bizarrely also believe in fantasy divinities!) will tend towards materialistic doctrines, utilitarianism, relativism, behaviourism. Those who use such constructs to control others do not necessarily have to believe in them, but those who go against any oppressive measures must surely have some different experiences to support their position. Not sure.

The oppressors - the oppressed - the dissidents.
rather uneven fight!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Neo was not there to save Zion; he was there to save the Matrix.
Indeed, the algorithmic matrix throws up two anomalies - the virus (Smith) and the antivirus (Neo) - and if unresolved will destroy the matrix. Their resolution creates a slightly different matrix that in the future will throw up another anomaly-pair ;-)

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

mmm... disobedience is not just about refusing to accept external orders - disobedience is also an internal process.

It is not usually called this, as it sounds odd to disobey oneself, but that internal dimension is akin to "believe nothing" - it is critical thinking applied to oneself. From memory, Feynman said, "the trick is not to fool oneself - and you are the easiest person to fool!" He was referring to physics, but it applies to any domain - it is not enough to think you have a fantastic new idea, you then have to demolish yourself, kinda stress-testing, before others do so. This is still within the realm of IQ but can also be applied to AQ.

There are stories my parents seem fond of retelling - I'm not sure why - that I was expelled from nursery (!!) and almost expelled from primary school. I do not recall being violent or rude, but I was... non-compliant (lmao)... disobedient. "I don't want to do this, ergo I won't." I couldn't understand why I had to - or why they thought I had to. So, as a personality trait, that runs deeply.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Anther interesting point...
Have you noticed the correlation between 'the drone' (for want of a more disparaging term lol), and the reluctance to say 'I was wrong about that' .
I have.
It's bloody frustrating.
Not from a win/lose, ego perspective - but from a 'lets establish 'what's what' about things, so we can progress forwards.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

In recent years, I have started to think that the brain has a simple "accommodation algorithm" in relation to the universe, that needs to know just enough not to die. Truth is a luxury to the vast majority of organisms.

You then have two extremes: those who seek to control, the psychopaths; and those who are curious, the truth-seekers, scientists, mystics. very few need to know.

Sad fuckin universe!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I think the dumbing down of academia has been a process all the way back from the 50/60's and the
'postmodernist movement' gaining traction.

Fear comes in many forms, some obvious, some far more subtle and insidious - but all of them reduce intelligence in some way or other.( AQ+F = IQ -10) ?

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I like the algebra of psychology!

the threat to unleash the nihilists and anarchists came true, just in the clothes of relativism, the philosophy of confusion, and the commie revolutionaries. Equality, obedience, stupidity.

The capture of science has been a similar process of slowly infiltrating the funding agencies, hence eliminating experiments that would prove a different picture of reality. eg try doing REAL experiments on pulsed microwave signals on life! There are, but buried within theoretical physics papers. There are also papers from the 1950s/60s when the tech was invented.

Killing people is much easier than finding out how they were killed.