What the European Union really is and how Europe is being destroyed by it.

in coronavirus •  3 years ago 


The biggest difference between the EU and Europe is the EU is a body that eats a lot of money to destroy the beautiful countries and cultures of Europe. So the EU is what all of Europe is paying for to destroy itself.

This sounds very harsh, some people respond that one should see the advantages, such as predominant travel without borders or an almost unified currency, which in turn makes trade and also travel easier. Also new job opportunities are often mentioned in such discussions, as well as the new economic and social diversity, not to forget the new data roaming possibilities, which should also be considered.

As far as I am concerned, I think the disadvantages are greater than the advantages! The introduction of the Euro brought a strong imbalance between the countries. For poorer countries, the euro was too strong and drove them to ruin. Countries like Germany then had to pay a lot of money and countries like Greece were destroyed.


But wait! At least we have the World Bank and the IMF, who then kindly facilitate loans that are conditional, which gradually "privatizes" the country. Through the process of globalization, large corporations are becoming more powerful and small businesses like retailers or farmers are becoming less competitive.

Many people emigrate from poorer EU countries to wealthier ones to find work or earn more money. Since they are satisfied with lower wages, they are hired for many jobs rather than, for example, own nationals who know their rights and stand up for them. So while the original workers are deprived of their fair wages, employers, under the "guise of diversity," can exploit people who are happy to have gotten a job at all.

Large corporations also like to produce in poorer countries to increase their profit margin. Employees from these countries usually receive very low or pitiful wages, while the goods are shipped back to their own country duty-free and sold there to generate high profits, while smaller companies in their own country are driven into bankruptcy due to these practices.


People in the poorer countries do get jobs in this way, but such jobs for relatively little money do "not" help the country to an emerging economy or more prosperity, so that the gap between the poor and the rich only widens, so the poor get poorer and poorer, while the rich get richer and richer.

The question is, why don't all countries cry out for the EU and want to be part of it? Switzerland, for example, is not interested in joining the European Union. Switzerland is a rich country and the number of unemployed is very low there. The people of this country attach a lot of importance to their national traditions as well as to their self-determination. Many decisions in Switzerland are made by direct referendum, while countries in the EU are bound by certain laws set by the EU Parliament, which for member states sometimes means that regulations are enforced in the country even though the majority of citizens reject them!

A good example of this power politics and its consequences is the UK, which has left the EU despite the numerous advantages that the EU supposedly brings. This is precisely another disadvantage that I alluded to earlier with the example of Switzerland. If nationalities and separation are a thorn in the flesh, then, as we have already seen very well, cultures are destroyed and a colorful mixture is sought, even if proponents of this construct have long claimed otherwise.


Some did not want to believe it for a long time, but even if it took a while, we can now see how little by little the cultural and identity-forming characteristics of many cultures are being lost, which distinguished them for a long time. But as we know and as a Klaus Schwab or in Germany a chancellor Angela Merkel often said, the striving for a "world government" or "new world order" is a very big goal, to which sovereign states simply stand in the way!

What would be easier? Thousands of discussions with different free countries, which can decide about themselves, or a new regulation of a superior authority, which all have to obey? For this reason, the destruction of the national sovereignty of states combined with an attack on the cultural identity of European peoples was the first step in the desired direction. And then, when you think that everything has only advantages, you are allowed to travel and work freely, suddenly under a "pretext" an "infection protection law" is passed, there are lockdowns, the borders are closed or you can no longer pursue a job even in your own country when you do not comply with the superior rules!


These developments cannot be blamed on the German government alone; rather, these practices have been practiced worldwide for quite some time, as if by an invisible superior authority, and will fail or succeed, depending on how much "defensibility" the populations will show in their fight against this global attack.

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Here in the US they give those coming illegally more rights and subsidies than citizens. They have been openly attacking all white people to the point that now if you dare disagree with anything the poli-liars, media or large interests say, you are attacked as a racist evil white supremacist.

They have brainwashed many of the young whites here to hate themselves and their families now, but there is a pushback from those who were on the fence or was like WTF and growingly the charge of racist whitey, or racist misogynist has lost its power they overuse it so much.

For years now they even call people of color who disagree with them white supremacists, lol.

To further dumb are kids down here, they are saying reading and math are racist, a tool of the white man to control the other races. I guess they missed the part about the Arab world giving us much of our advanced math (algebra/calculus) while the white supremacists were dealing with the dark ages and being plundered by the same Arab world. But perhaps because of the plundering and advanced science the Muslims at that time they were the face of white supremacy, lol.

I have a hard time dealing with seeing so many who buy into their bullshit narratives, especially as years and decades roll by with proof nothing is as they claim when they force these systems on the people.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Same in Australia they bring in immigrants and most are given housing plus benefits etc while we have our own people that are homeless and jobless it's a mess.

Posted from https://blurtblog.tekraze.com

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

There you can see it, this global communism is practiced worldwide in the meantime, so that no one can flee from this madness to another country, there has never been such a thing in history before.

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  
