Time to Vaxx Your Kids?

in coronati •  3 years ago 

You may be under the illusion that the coronati protocols are being relaxed - at least in some countries.

How wrong.

On Feb. 15, the FDA will decide whether to approve the Pfizer COVID shot for children between the ages of six months and four years. The press and gov’t. spokespeople predict it’s a GO.

This is murder.

The FDA approval committee members will come in several categories: those who’ve been paid off; those who’ve been threatened; straight-out cold Nazi bureaucrats; those who’ve been blackmailed; and those who WANT TO murder babies.

FDA ready to OK the vaxx for babies; why not just throw the babies off a cliff into a volcano?

A reminder of the algorithm of corporate tyranny, whereby periods of overt oppression are interleaved with brief periods of relative laxity. This psychological trick ensures that the next tightening of the noose is more deadly than the previous one.

If you ever entertain the thought that things can't get worse - they can, and will. This should also be an opportune moment to scythe the enemy down to size - not to go on holiday. Never mind.

You're not allowed to watch Vaxxed2 on YLose as reality may disturb your carefully constructed worldview, but you can watch it here. It's a lottery of death, where the only thing you win is to have another shot.

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

it's so sad what's going on now. I tried to tell my friends about how bad vaccine is but it seems like too late. Some of them already got third shot, and about to get another shot. How sad it is.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

There is enough poison going into kids. I don't see any reason to give them more.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

At least the protests are growing stronger from what I could gather. I have already posted some of them. The best thing to do is starve the beast and make them powerless as much as possible. Protecting your privacy, legally reducing your taxes and voting with your wallet and feet are some of the most simple things anyone who care can get started on.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

all a bit feeble when a gun is pointed at you head, no?


If the vaccine could not cure the pandemic, what's the point of risking the lives of these innocent souls.

The world is getting fucked up 😢

NEVER! I will hold this line till death. No shots for this family! #MedicalFreedom

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I watched a video called A Killing of the Mind last year and it talks about how they create mass psychosis by that very method you talked about where they have periods of relative laxity between periods of oppression. Every time they go back to the restrictions, it's worse than the previous time, then they relax a bit and then restrict even worse and so on.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

yep, torture technique.
In the end, most people end up like Winston Smith in 1984 - they give up and accept that 2+2=5, just to stop the torture.

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Huge number of comments - maybe some will have better links to verify.
Could also be a misinterpretation.
Look at one of the press release text: "... more difficult to recruit unvaccinated volunteers for phase 3 trials."
I assume that means there are not many unvaxd left in the population!!
So... could be a huge misleading assumption - or something smells. Indeed, I've wondered which country elites would actually want to save their plebs from genocide ;-)

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

The huge comment thread is here at the original substack article:

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Meanwhile, over in Denmark, they have thrown all restrictions out and declared that Covid "does not present a substantial health threat," and people can put away their masks, go out in crowded spaces and so on. The idea being that lots of people are Covid-positive, but very few are being hospitalized, and even fewer need critical care...

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Not in New York State. The governor's sidekick, the state's health commissioner, has given the governor the power to detain anyone she thinks is a danger to others. Do you believe this shit!!! How does the health commissioner have the power to give the governor any power at all?! It's laughable. I can only hope that even the zombies can see the ludicrous nature of this act.

We need the president to lift the state of emergency. At what point does a state of emergency become status quo and so not an emergency? Or is this one permanent, also an oxymoron. The state is being run by UNELECTED and derange power trippers.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  


  ·  3 years ago  ·  

They can stick my kids shot up their own ass.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

And have it verified by independent witnesses.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

It's already down to 12 years old here! I'm not surprised by this!

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

This is all systemic. The collateral damage that will befall humanity at large is better imagined than experienced. No jab for kids simple, otherwise we not only destroy this generation but also the next, and life would no longer be lived to the fullest. Let us live life and not just exist. No to kids vaccine. Cheers!