cop26 - greta - jets and limos, seen it all now!

in copout26 •  3 years ago  (edited)


Laughing at us all are they not?

I have seen the aerial footage of the 400 plus private jets that turned up to decide what the rest of us must do less of so they can still do it.

I called it copout 26 not cop26.

Biden with his 40 ish limos, police on motorbikes and in vans accompanying 1 old man that apparently lost his bowel control in Rome. And fell asleep a lot in Glasgow at said conference that they could have done by zoom.

This was the moment the penny should have dropped for everyone that these people are nothing but hypocrites.

Greta flew in too, but was not invited inside, so she stood outside and sang "you can stick your climate crisis up your arse" link below.

I guess that was her hissy fit for not being invited and nobody making her a new yacht to travel in.

2 years of hypocrisy.

The mere "fact" these alleged leaders that print money from nothing and back it by nothing all arrived in private jets should wake a few more up, but will it?

The fact they put a mask on for cameras then take it back off seconds later should too. But will it?

These people, yes just mere mortals like the rest of us, they want us all to travel less whilst they jet into Rome then Glasgow with motorcades in tow too.

They want us all to forever more be a pin cushion for big pharma and carry "zee papers please" to prove it.

Note accent added.

If you note just a few of the people attending like prince Charles, Bezos, Gates to name but 3, all that have and own between them more than 20 mansions and castles plus holiday homes.
These hypocrites want everyone else to live in a tiny box in a dystopian nightmare city even George Orwell would have nightmares about.

These hypocrites that fly about in said jets want it all, and you to own nothing and be happy.

Want to go where they want, when they want but you to have no freedom to fly.

They now say they want no more deforestation but we all know what that means, it means they will cut down more trees.

When they start practising what they preach I may listen, until then I care not for any single word they utter.

The only time I have ever enjoyed hearing a single word out of Greta's mouth was when she sang that song though.

I liked it so much you may as well have it again.

Have a superb day.


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Nice work dude,

The people marching for climate justice are like turkeys voting for Christmas, they have no idea of what they're inviting.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Cheers broskie, how did you find me on here :-)

Haha I was dipping in and out of the #hive drama and saw you'd packed up your bags. Although, I didn't find you - but glad I did! I was browsing and recognised your style of writing. Not much get's past me. :D I'll be sharing my new series on here - so good to see you're also on board.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Superb and looking forward to them, I think they will love it on here, the way you write.
Music Monday too?

Getting a bit chilly here in PL but pleasant when the sun is out.
How is the countryside treating you and did you finish that house?
From the dude former named shepz1 :-)

Yes mate, Still busy finishing off a few bits and pieces, but I'll add #musicmonday to the blockchain in the next couple of weeks.

Definitely a chill in the air over here, to be honest, living where we do we pretty much get left alone - which is how I like it! Although, my brother has just moved to Portugal which has given me some food for thought. :) Still adding some finishing touches to the house.

Hope you and the family are all good, and life is treating you well out there. :)

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

All good here, got the farm to play silly buggers on with fast bikes, and we have not had all the nonsensical talk about vax passports, lockdowns etc, I only feel it when I come online and read about it.

I know quite a few people from the UK that have sold up and left for places witout the Davos, Klaus slob polices and zee build back better by making things worse.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Everything for them and none for us is what they seem to want.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

If you read the fourth industrial revolution and or covid19 the great reset by WEF/Davos lunatic Klaus Schwab, that is exactly what they want.

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Thank you very much @abiga554