Update on active contest announcement || January week 1

in contest •  2 years ago 


Hello Blurters, below are the list of active contest non blurt ecosystem. Kindly participate in one also reblurt to reach others.

Organizers Contest Reward Deadline
@ajerkoff Unshackled minds -Happy new year. Contest 1000 blurts to share Payout
@bright-obia Contest Announcement - Your Favourite Author On Blurt Ecosystem 75blurts 7th January 12am cat
@public-money Flower or plants for Friday. Photochallenge(#4) 25 + upvote from @zahidsun post pay post pay out
@amicablepeace CONTEST : HEALTH TIPS(001) || HOW TO CARE FOR THE TOOTH 150blurts Before payout
@tariqueshafique what have you learnt in previous year 2021 200blurts + votes Before Payout
ajerkoff What is your national dish of food? 100blurts Before Payout
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