Contest: Share actions that make you happy on Blurt [ESP-ENG]

in contest •  last year  (edited)

La Buena vibra, se comparte en Blurt



Queridos amigos invisibles

Vamos a crear ideas y contenido creativo para hacer creer a esta cadena de bloques, desde las buenas acciones. Hace algún tiempo compartí una actividad que se llamaba proyecto Esperanza, esta idea aún la tengo presente y hoy más que nunca, por ello y pensando en esta fechas de renovación de la fe y el fortalecimiento de la familia, les comparto la actividad que procedo a explicar.

Vamos a compartir acciones en fotos que te hagan feliz

Esta actividad trata de crear contenido sobre actividades que te hagan feliz y que muestres fotos de esto que haces por ti o por otro que te haga feliz.

Tienes dos opciones de participación:
La primera: compartir una foto en los cometarios de esta publicación donde explique las razones del de por qué te hace feliz, lleva a cabo esta acción y de cómo ayuda a otros.
La segunda opción: realizar una publicación donde compartes fotos de actividades que ayuden a otros o a ti mismos y a su vez te hagan sentir feliz. Luego compartes el enlace en esta publicación.

Para puntos adicionales te invitamos a compartir en otra red social, como medio de publicidad.

Vamos a generar una ola de buena publicidad

No es necesario que seas influencer o tengas muchos seguidores, solo necesitamos usuarios dedicados y comprometidos en compartir sus publicaciones e invitar a más usuarios a unirse y crear contenido en Blurt.

Invita a otro usuario

Nos encanta poder conocer a nuevos usuarios y también que invites a tus amigos a participar en actividades de concursos, en Blurt tenemos a varios grupos que todos los días crean movimientos de concursos muy interesantes, no dejes de participar y de invitar a otros a unirse.

Tú que me lees y todos son importantes en Blurt

Desde que llegué a Blurt siempre me he mantenido compartiendo buena energía porque es lo que yo siento aquí y sigo pensando que podemos ser una gran cadena de bloques, donde todos son importantes, por ello hoy te digo, tú eres importante y todo puede ser mejor si te mantienes activo creando contenido creativo y original.

Vamos todos a participar en este concurso donde el premio se distribuirá de la siguiente manera:

Primer Lugar: 100 Blurt
segundo Lugar: 50 Blurt
Tercer lugar: 30 Blurt
Cuarto lugar: 20 Blurt

Con mucho cariño

English version

Good vibes, is shared on Blurt



Dear Invisible Friends

We will create ideas and creative content to make this blockchain believe, from good deeds. Some time ago I shared an activity called the Esperanza project, I still have this idea in mind and today more than ever, for this reason and thinking about these dates of renewal of faith and the strengthening of the family, I share the activity that I proceed to explain.

Let's share actions on photos that make you happy

This activity tries to créate content about activities that make you happy and that you show photos of this that you do for yourself or for another that makes you happy.

You have two participation options:
The first: share a photo in the comments of this publication where you explain the reasons why it makes you happy, carry out this action and how it helps others.
The second option: make a publication where you share photos of activities that help others or yourself and in turn make you feel happy. Then you share the link in this post.

For additional points we invite you to share on another social network, as a means of advertising.

We are going to generate a wave of good publicity

You don't need to be an influencer or have a big following, we just need dedicated and engaged users to share their posts and invite more users to join and create content on Blurt.

Invite another user

We love being able to meet new users and also that you invite your friends to participate in contest activities, at Blurt we have several groups that every day create very interesting contest movements, do not stop participating and inviting others to join.

You who read me and everyone is important in Blurt

Since I came to Blurt I have always kept sharing good energy because it is what I feel here and I still think that we can be a great chain of blocks, where everyone is important, so today I tell you, you are important and everything can be better if you stay active creating creative and original content.

We are all going to participate in this contest where the prize will be distributed as follows:

First Place: 100 Blurt
Second Place: 50 Blurt
Third place: 30 Blurt
Fourth place: 20 Blurt

With much love


Follow the official accounts:

I share my love and good vibes for everyone, because soon we are going for more.

With love

  • Historia original // Original story
  • App: Comica y Canva

Blurt eres tú, soy yo, blurt somos todos // Blurt is you, it is me, blurt we are all

Que nadie apague tu luz interior // Let no one turn off your inner light

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  ·  last year  ·  

I'm happy when I read the book and Blurt is a blog where people from around the world share their stories. I'm happy when I see spring flowers and Blurt is a place people share their gardens and beautiful places they visit. I'm happy when I try something tasty even if it is mozzarella and tomatoes and Blurt has a collage of food blogs and beautiful pictures. I'm happy in the afternoon when I can rest and pray after a hard day at work. I'm happy because today is Easter and I have a living hope.







  ·  last year  ·  

My very appreciated mineampoly, you cannot imagine the gift that you have shared with me today with your visit, how pleasant it is to read from you.
It makes me happy that you are happy and if we all shared more about the topics that make us happy, many things would change. I love Blurt because its energy is wonderful and you meet great people like you, who are miles away, but as great friends we can communicate.
Knowing about all the activities that make you happy allows me to appreciate that sensitive human being behind the keys, thanks for encouraging you to share what makes you happy.
Hey, tell me something, are you the young man in the photograph?😍

  ·  last year  ·  

Hi @angelica7,

Yes. That is me about a week ago.

I still like Blurt and think it is special. I think this type of blog platform should inspire people to think a little deeper and hopefully share a little more. You guys are great and I hope you are doing well.

  ·  last year  ·  

WOW! Friend, you are very young, I thought you had Asian features. Thank you for sharing your image, it's a pleasure to meet you. I also think that there are many good people at Blurt who have good ideas and I thank everyone I have had the opportunity to meet here. I have been able to turn on many things and I still have many more things to do.
Thank you for participating and I hope you will always join us.
Good vibes.

  ·  last year  ·  

Greetings and Happy Easter to you all😊.

Nice to see such a contest on blurt. Am in already...hehehehe.....Well, there are lots of things that makes me happy, if am to share them, I will be uploading a full gallery here😊. Currently there's one thing I do every day that puts a smile on my face and thats blogging with blurt.


I also bring in newbies too and thats why I created my own flyer to help spread the word blurt.


It makes me happy doing this even if I know some of them won't later sign up or keep up. I also run a community @blurttribe where I and my team host daily shows, these are the things that makes me happy presently seeing everyone grow and also getting to know other people's lifestyle, culture and food through engagement.

Thank you mam Angelica 🧡

I'm inviting @bam-bi, @zoobee, @hossy to please come participate in these contest with love❤️

Posted from
  ·  last year  ·  

Oh lala! What incredible contributions, I love knowing that you are always so active and alive in Blurt, congratulations for such a beautiful job. Also, it also makes me happy to see that creating content on Blurt makes you happy, a big hug to the blurttride family and may they continue to grow.
Good vibes.

  ·  last year  ·  

Thank you very much mam!!!😊🧡
Blurt to the moon🚀

Posted from

  ·  last year  ·  

Thanks @obikay for the mention!!! 😊😊😊

Posted from

  ·  last year  ·  

Cooking or preparing food for my family makes me happy. Providing food for them is one of the noblest way to show my love to them.


  ·  last year  ·  

I share with you that joy and good deed when we cook for our family, it is a moment of happiness both for them and for ourselves.

  ·  last year  ·  

Buenas tardes querida @angelica7 es un placer poder ver una excelente iniciativa de la cual me atreví a postear unas imágenes referente a Alguna cosas que me hacen feliz, en orden fotográfico, la primera imagen es sobre un concierto qué hicimos en la Iglesia Santa Inés de Cumaná con el coro infantil del sistema de Orquestas del programa Simón Bolívar, allí estoy haciendo lo que más me gusta, la música, en la segunda imagen dando clases en un salón de clases a niños, en la parte coral, disfruto mucho enseñar a las nuevas generaciones la música y el canto, para la tercera imagen, por suerte tengo la posibilidad de estar en lugares con personalidades importantes, en esta ocasión estuve en el ensayo previo a un concierto de Jorge Glem en un homenaje al artista Gualberto Ibarreto, en el teatro Luis Mariano Rivera de la ciudad de Cumaná, y la cuarta imagen en el mismo día del concierto homenaje a Gualberto Ibarreto, me encontré a este super conocido personaje, el cómico Emilio Lovera, ese día Fué fenomenal, solo puedo decir que gracias a la música he tenido la dicha de vivir momentos muy importantes en donde he participado y disfrutado momentos únicos, te envío un abrazo y felicidades por la iniciativa.



  ·  last year  ·  

wow! Que increíble toda tu trayectoria y conocer todo lo que te hace feliz. Además, me alegra mucho que te animaras a participar en este concurso, que solo tiene el fin de compartir un poquito de amor en el mundo con mostrar los que nos hace feliz.
Tienes una grandiosa historia que contar, continúa creciendo profesionalmente y sobre todo de forma personal.
Felicitaciones y gracias por compartir un poco de ti.
Buena vibra.

  ·  last year  ·  

Mucho gusto @angelica7 soy nueva en Blurt, felicidades por tan linda iniciativa tengo mucho que aprender, vi tu publicación y decidí hacer este comentario donde anexo un día de piscina junto a un lindo jardín como lo pueden apreciar.
Lo más importante es la naturaleza para sentirse feliz, me encanta primero compartir en familia porque disfruto al máximo ver a mis familiares felices, en especial los niños, esto me pone súper contenta.
Un saludo para ti y para todos los que participen!




  ·  last year  ·  

A mí también me encanta la naturaleza y todo lo que podemos disfrutar de ella. Gracias por unirte a esta ola de buena vibra y espero que disfrutes tanto como yo de estar aquí.
Buena vibra.

  ·  last year  ·  

Good day everyone...... Smiles... I hope am not late and my entry is still valid.
What makes me happy is my work as a Nail stylist, making people's nails look beauty.



Seeing the joy on my customers face after a job well done with (Nkblazenails) makes me happy too😊😊.
I'm inviting @mrnine.

Posted from

  ·  last year  ·  

Your work is very beautiful and an art, congratulations and thanks for sharing what makes you happy.
Good vibes.

  ·  last year  ·  

Shared on Twitter

  ·  last year  ·  

Que tag metes para que te aparezca republicado este twitter? En Hive me parece que era (o es) posh pero en Blurt no lo se.

Gracias y buena Pascua para ti y tus seres queridos.

Posted from

  ·  last year  ·   (edited)

Lemme get you a screenshot


Click on the share button
Click on Copy link to tweet
Then paste it on blurt here

When pasted. It would appear like this


  ·  last year  ·   (edited)

Hola querida @angelica7 muchos saludos.

Me gusta expresar mis sentimientos y todo lo que amo hacer en #blurt y es compartir paseos en la naturaleza, fotografias, escritura, comidas y pensamientos. La primera imagen es una de las actividades que me hacen feliz me relaja con solo estar y ver estos paisajes, la brisa fresca y su olor característico del mar me da bienestar físico y mental. La segunda imagen sigo estando en la playa compartiendo la bebida más suculenta en mi vida, el café sin duda nos recarga esas energias para enfrentar mi día, y la última imagen es mi comida favorita que puedo consumir en el mar, pescado fresco, plátanos, ensalada y arepas, por eso se dice que en el mar la vida e s mas sabrosa. Soy muy feliz en el mar.

Gracias por crear esta iniciativa.

Invito a mi amiga @yelimarin

  ·  last year  ·  

Me alegra que te unieras en esta idea y que te guste compartir temas de naturaleza que es un maravilloso momento llenar de energía y compartir.
Un abrazo y buena vibra.

  ·  last year  ·  

Count on me. I will be participating on this challenge.

  ·  last year  ·  

You are always welcome, I also invite you to tag other friends.
Good vibes.

  ·  last year  ·   (edited)

#HighFives means you and I are winning!.jpg
Here's a very recent photo of me on the beach in Cuba.(Just a couple days ago.) 🏖️

In the photo I'm in the middle of settingUP to shoot another fitness video (I call them #miniChallenge's) which will be coming out soon! 💪

As a certified personal trainer (15 years experience now!) there is nothing (other than my family) that brings me greater joy than to share value freely. I aspire to inspire more meaning and well-being in peoples day to day lives by adding more meaning to their activities!

Also! I LOVE giving out #HighFive's 🙌 because that's all about settingUP other people to #Win! I sincerely believe that winning is a T.E.A.M. (Together Everyone Achieves More) sport. We all win TOGETHER one #HighFive at a time!

Winning is a mindset that spreads and THAT is exactly what a #HighFive is all about!

Everybody #HighFive Everybody!


  ·  last year  ·  

I love being able to feel your beautiful energy and I can't wait to see what you will share soon, thanks for joining this wave of good deeds and energy on Blurt. Because together we can do great things with a good vibe.

Everybody #HighFive Everybody!

  ·  last year  ·  

I LOVE the positive energy in this initiative Angelica! This is exactly the sort of idea that brings people together.

So long as we can all continue to do that Blurt will continue to draw only the best people to it's shores! Adding one more positive person to our ranks every day and we have something that compounds its reach spreading more and more good vibes around the globe! One Blurt at a time! 🙌

I have ⭕ Targeted this post with @comet.ranker and will be ranking all engagment (entries) with this post! ☄️

Additionally I will also match your prizes to the winners. With a double reward hopefully this helps boost excitement and energy around what you are starting here! 👍

Comet Ranker

  ·  last year  ·  

WOW! how incredible, I am glad that you join this great movement of good vibes, because it is like starting by throwing a stone into the immense sea, it will generate waves that will spread little by little, and can make many happy.
Thank you, thank you very much because the energy of gratitude is wonderful, as well as contagious.
Good vibes.
Everybody #HighFive Everybody!

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Felicitaciones, su publication ha sido votado por @r2cornell-curate. También, encuéntranos en Discord