Shackled minds - One world currency - individualism

in conspire •  3 years ago  (edited)

Dubai meeting for 1 world currency.

Some context and or text from said meeting a few days ago.

M-Compass Media.

"The World Government Summit 2022 is taking place 29-30 March in Dubai hosting more than 4,000 individuals from 190 countries including senior government officials, heads of international organisations, and global experts.
Held under the theme ‘𝑆ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝐹𝑢𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑒 𝐺𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑛𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑠’, WGS2022 is hosting more than 110 sessions, in addition to 15 global forums that are discussing the most prominent future trends.
Dr. Pippa Malmgren is an American economist who served as special advisor on Economic Policy to President George W. Bush. Her father Harald Malmgren served as a senior aide to US Presidents John F. Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnson, Richard Nixon, and Gerald Ford.
During a forum discussion Dr. Malmgren:
“ What underpins a world order is always the financial system.
I was very privileged. My father was an adviser to Nixon when they came off the gold standard in 71. And so I was brought up with a kind of inside view of how very important the financial structure is to absolutely everything else.
And what we're seeing in the world today, I think, is we are on the brink of a dramatic change where we are about to, and I'll say this boldly, we're about to abandon the traditional system of money and accounting, and introduce a new one.
And the new one. The new accounting is what we call blockchain.
It means digital, it means having a almost perfect record of every single transaction that happens in the economy, which will give us far greater clarity over what's going on.
It also raises huge dangers in terms of the balance of power between states and citizens.
In my opinion, we're going to need a digital constitution of human rights if we're going to have digital money.
But also this new money will be sovereign in nature.
Most people think that digital money is crypto, and private.
But what I see our superpowers introducing digital currency, the Chinese were the first the US is on the brink, I think of moving in the same direction the Europeans have committed to that as well.
And the question is, will that new system of digital money and digital accounting accommodate the competing needs of the citizens of all these locations, so that every human being has a chance to have a better life?
Because that's the only measure of whether a world order really serves!”

I wrote about the Chinese social credit system way back on steemit, years ago.

With a digital currency comes such a system of social credit scoring. As stated above the government will know where you spend your money, when, what you bought. Buy the wrong thing and bam, no more of your own money left to spend.
I was called paranoid when I stated way back then that this would happen, who is laughing now cupcakes?

I have covered this subject many - many times before and I am prepared for any situation any government can think up including making my own coins from gold, silver, copper and alloy.

When this is rolled out next year I would imagine precious metals will achieve or realise their real value which is many times what it is valued at now.
Because I can also imagine a mass exodus away from the new system of con-trol.
Imagine buying 4 beers more than the government thinks is good for you and getting a warning that your bank will not allow more, or else. That is coming - you may laugh now, but I "always" get the last laugh anyway, so feel free to mock me, for now.
With the Chinese system there is also facial recognition so if you cross the road at the wrong time, you are instantly fined from your bank, no judge, no appeal. I said at the time they started this it was a "trial" and would be rolled out worldwide, and here we are with it being rolled out worldwide.
I am not putting links up, if you are interested in your future put some effort in.

  • Search for social credit scoring China.
  • Facial recognition in your own country.

Use your preferred browser be it duckduckgo or brave, stay away from google as they data mine you and they will be heavily involved in this new system, like a secret grasser as we call them in the UK, or snitch/telltale tracking your every move and purchase.



We the people are splintered into ever more groups of "individuals".....
You can only con-trol people by making them think they are an in-dividual.

Think LBGTQ, left, right, straight, conservative, liberal et al.
Our power is con-centrated into small groups with no aim apart from belief in "our self identified group"....

You may note in that video, at that meeting there were heads of "state" from all around the world, this is organisation on mass.
Whilst we are splintered thinking about self, not cooperating it leaves those that are organized and put aside differences to decide "our futures".....

Is that okay with you?


There is in China as I type a section of society that HAVE been cut off from the system due to either being a critique of the government or buying the wrong things, this creates a duopoly or 2 tier system, the obedient and the not obedient, one that can spend money and one with no way to spend money.

Okay since you insist, here are some links.

I am unsure about you but I am not willing to be told what I can buy and when.

With this in mind I have been designing a freedom coin, gold, silver, alloy etc.
Differing sizes, differing weights.
I can see oh so many walking away from a digital wallet and being told what to do that I think it could become a must to have a coin of real value.
Maybe I am wrong and maybe everyone will be happy being told what to do, I doubt it though.
Even old copper cables can be melted to make a base material for a freedom coin.
Alloy melts at 660 °C so will be easy to work with but of low value.
Silver is higher at 961.78 °C
If you would like to join in with coin sizes, design plus making a website to explain the final iteration and design, come along for the ride, you are welcome.

Cooperation is always better than coercion, let us get organised and leave the mockers to their new nanny state monetary system on steroids, he who is prepared laughs last, carry on, laugh first mockers, as I have not been wrong yet.

Anyone got any conspiracy theories? I am all out.

I might make a blurt coin out of silver or gold too.

Have a superb day ahead, and let us plan for a better future, one we con-trol, not them, and leave the rest to it, they can have what they just deserve.

To the conformists, ignore this article - enjoy 2023.

Peace and out.

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The way this will work is they will deem any form of value outside of their own to be an act of terrorism. They will also outlaw (probably in the name of the environment) owning anything. Unless you are uber rich of course, then you are the wise science backed caretaker whose benevolent nature is a gift from heaven.

One will need permits for everything, even renting say your toaster or shoes.

Any caught attempting to transact will be committing crimes against both humanity and the world furthering the destruction of it. Both because ownership is illegal (for most) and because the masses owning anything is destroying the sustainability of the earth.

They plan to rule over us with as tight a fist as any animal breeder, and the youth of the world will be their boxer rebellion to make it so. We see this for years in its beginnings as they unleash their mobs of antifa and black lives matter on anyone daring to promote common sense or commit the crime of ownership below the uber rich ownership.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Absolutely spot on interpretation of the plans of Mein Fuhrer Klaus and his WEF bumchums.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

yep, the "capitalism with a touch of communism" is totally the wrong way round - will be "communism with a tip of capitalism" - like the top tip.

Now, can we cleans all of Lone Skum's rockets?
transcumation of the planet

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

They have wiped that off the page now and it now reads "capitalism mixed with socialism" I kid you not, noticed the change when writing about the WEF last week as I like to use their site as a source.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

The problem that those who are running all this, are cooperating somehow, but people are divided so much. That's why if they want to build another world for us, we should not allow that to happen, but build another world for us and them. We are just giving so much power, that's why they can misuse it. If more use mostly decentralized crypto, will go away from those centralized exchanges, use anonymous cryptos like monero, piratechain, dero and others. Maybe we will have a chance to have that better world. Otherwise, I see them winning in everything they are doing.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Not willing to let them win, not on my watch. Time to get organised brother.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

We should have our own strategy. I hope to join such community where actions are taken. Enough to consume the information about conspiracy to be sure about what they are planing to do. We should cooperate ourselves to survive and to have a better life. I wish to know the best way to do that. Tell me about communities to join, telegram groups maybe, or even better, some anonymous forums, where I can be in touch with such people. You are guys are in this for so long to know about that. I started learning about this all only during the pandemic.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

There are groups on facebook, twitter, telegram, redit etc but I have long since left all of them platforms except 1. I do not have masses of time you see due to the farm and other things. But if you search you will find.

Look also for off grid and prepper groups, videos too as you will find like minded people there.
We have a large local group of direct action people here and hope to expand soon via a website.
I am starting to do survival posts starting tonight with quick ways to make essential items for survival and cheep.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Right, the dissidents have always been splintered - there is no cohesion behind the anti-tyranny because all the solutions are different, from theocracies to utopianisms. You will also get, on every group, the ones who say "God will punish them in the end" - the religious fatalists with nothing useful to say. I don't want to be standing next to one person who kneels down to pray and another who is a panic-stricken wreck.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

But also this new money will be sovereign in nature.

What does that mean? That the new money will be the ultimate authority?

Yes, that is what this will mean.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Money as God. Must sound delicious to the very rich.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Tokens not just as medium of exchange but the medium of control.
Imagine if your banknotes could log what you bought with them - imagine they self-combusted if you walked into a brothel - or even the wrong church.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Yes it is their logic. Governments will be mere administrators not law makers, not voted for, ending the apparent oft mooted "democracy"... Welcome to 1984 or Aldous Huxley's "Brave new world" now we can see why they like 3 word ditties.

George Orwell would be turning in his grave now at the thought of his book being used as a manual/guide, it was fiction, now it is fact.......

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Funny too how all the USA liberal book groups put 1984 on their reading lists back in 2016 so they would recognize it when Trump brought it to fruition, and now are living it willingly because their politicians are telling them to. Can it get any weirder out there? My home seems sane, then I venture outside and I walk into a surreal landscape.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

yep... people breathe in their own oral bacteria, some of which is dangerous in their lungs and leads to bacterial pneumonia, that saves them from a virus that doesn't exist, amid an environment with some 1 billion other virus per drop of water... they walk with their brains entrained by pulsed microwaves, amplified directly into their brain stem via wireless earplugs. These are wise people with uncommon sense and the consciousness of a bowl of porridge. They are the stuffed men, leaning on each other, the pioneers of engineered stupidity, synthetic meatware barely distinguishable from carrion. Any other species, we would lock them up.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

You haven't minced any words here, have you? I love some of those people. Alexa runs their lives, and they're OK with it. Truly bizarre.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Was gonna break into TS Eliot at the end there! lol.

Alexa? ah... the mind-minder. Even a floor-cleaner comes with geolocation and a mic.

reminds me, funny scence in... Dark Star... nuclear device computer malfunctions and the pilot has to talk it out of activating itself - in the begining was the void... and

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Oh it can and will get weirder trust a politician to make sure.
The TV is god and some sports team too, then celebrity worship, thinking comes last and cognitive dissonance (ruins) rules the day.
The education system is designed to make people not think via regurgitate and repeat then exams to test memory.
Hence the walking dead amongst us, the phone zombies I call them, thinking is beyond comprehension, as all they have ever known from the cradle on is being told what to do, and what to think.

“The ugly and stupid have the best of it in this world. They can sit at their ease and gape at the play. If they know nothing of victory, they are at least spared the knowledge of defeat. They live as we all should live-- undisturbed, indifferent, and without disquiet. They never bring ruin upon others, nor ever receive it from alien hands. Your rank and wealth, Henry; my brains, such as they are-- my art, whatever it may be worth; Dorian Gray's good looks-- we shall all suffer for what the gods have given us, suffer terribly.”
― Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray


  ·  3 years ago  ·  

By the DuckDuckGo, also is not that trustful. You can check this if you want : DuckDuckGo to Down-Rank Sites Associated With Russian Disinformation. I mean if they can play with the ranking of the news, they can play with anything else. So, some people don't advise using DuckDuckGo anymore. Maybe the only one left is brave. Otherwise, it's tor, maybe.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I use tor daily yes, there was another new site that is based on freedom of speech

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

As always stay blessed @blessed-girl many thanks.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

copper coins - lol - the largest ever copper coin weighed in at... 20 kg... each!
will need a trolley, not a wallet ;-)

Oh, I said the same things - globalcoin will be prisoncoin.
We may to create systems that go directly between crypto and goods/services, without the exit to fiat.
But note that the monetary experiment with pegless fiat is very similar to cryptonomics - zero inherent value, only the value from acceptance and use - apart from, as we have said before, the use of violence to enforce use of a coin.
A million miles away from crypto-utopia but all very obvious to anybody paying attention.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

My view has always been that the crypto experiments have been allowed to carry on precisely to find the pros and cons of different systems and algos. The fiat con cannot be hidden within algorithms - but im not sure they still need that con - coz it has succeeded in buying up much of the world - THAT was its aim!!

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

The banks own all the stocks and shares, Bill Gates owns half of American farm land so yep, they own everything already, but now want more, and for free. Oh and then rent it back to us plebs.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Doing nothing is not an option at this point in time.
The crypto clampdown has been going on in many countries for years, some countries you have to pay 50% exit tax even if you made nothing off it.
So I do not see crypto as an option as nobody that makes it wants to take responsibility of making it a viable payment option in shops.

At least with silver coins you have a value based on weight.