RE: A Tangled Web

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A Tangled Web

in conspiracy •  2 years ago 

there is a flip-side to this, that there are also good reasons to go and study at a real university. The doctors here, I always check where they studied - is no guarantee, but many of the best seem to have postgrad work in UK, Germany and Japan (those to the USA I trust far less).

My own dermatologist was the only one (out of 5) who knew my condition just coz he'd seen it before - while in Germany!

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I had a health scare a couple of years back, and there were many occasions in the Dr's surgery that I was leading the conversation. Equally, like diamonds in the rough - you recognise the good ones when you see them. :D

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

This was the guy who confided in me eventually that 90% of his patients were suffering reactions to drugs given by doctors (drug dealers). And when he asked them to stop - they didn't care!!
fuck doctors (most of them)

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Most of them are now akin to glorified drug dispensaries - typing your symptoms into a computer and matching with the drugs they intend to sell you. All part of a process that's moving towards the erosion of the human element - and the birth of a medical artificial intelligence that will be able to match your symptoms to their chosen drugs, with a higher degree of accuracy. lol

And when he asked them to stop - they didn't care!!

No they don't care - in fact they use it as an opportunity to sell you more drugs to counteract the reactions of the original drugs. And so the patient spins - in ever decreasing circles of ill health.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

But 90% of plebs think doctors are healers, there to cure them.
The scamdemic wld never have worked without the pharma-faith.