The Psychology Of Control: Conclusion

in conspiracy •  3 years ago  (edited)


Please Note: This is the conclusion of my BLM & The Communitarian Synthesis Of The Reality War post. The first part of my #blurt original series will be out tomorrow, the introduction can be found here..

Final Thoughts

Ultimately, I have come to understand that the communitarian philosophy of the one world order, impede's and harvests human creative potential (and manipulates our emotional energy) to fulfill its own objectives. It exists as an interdependent pyramidical control structure that leaves the people dependent upon the machinations of corporations, big tech, and one world governance.

An unstructured feudal technocracy that offers the illusion of devolution, whilst filtering power, and resources to the one world control structure. A philosophical umbrella that envelops all opposing ideologies, and kettles them towards a premeditated endgame. All-encompassing and complex to the degree that it manifests as a compartmentalised process, cognitively inhibiting a broad comprehension of the totality of the method. Simplistic from the perspective that we are observing a multi-layered repetition of a singular template.

The tactical element substantiated in its ability to collectivise and thus turn its opposition into its greatest asset. Every collective action is expected and strategised, thus our reactionary interactions and social media-fuelled reactions manifest as a draconian facilitator and justification for the previously unjustifiable. Every collectivised, polarised identity and movement is fulfilling a role that justifies the existence of the other, whilst galvanising the totality of their philosophical big brother.

As freedom starves, we are collectively placated with a slice of the pie, but never enough to sate our hunger, or stop the world from becoming malnourished.

Have we all been catered for? As the world changes around us, our hopes and fears (victories and failures) are managed just long enough to keep us transfixed, captivated by the prisons of our perception. Patiently waiting for salvation, hooked into a digital drip, shooting up our truth hits. Like a real-time horror movie, we stare into the abyss, too mesmerised to look away, too comfortable to walk away and reclaim the power of self-responsibility.

The fact that your wake is my woke and that "awake" means something entirely different to every collective that hears it, displays how asleep our society is.

In terms of the Coronavirus, I have now read four different pandemic scenarios that predate Covid-19, each one published by the varying expressions of the same control system. Within each paper, they acknowledge and thus strategise for some form of rebellion against their intended status quo. To my mind, this speaks to a multi-stage plan; if you're out protesting and reacting to current events then we need to understand that these reactions have been factored, accommodated, and potentially directed, as part of said plan.

Don't feed the chaos

Through the comprehension of communitarian strategy, we can understand that through (named) collectivisation, they have the potential to infiltrate and control us. Updated case in point, look into who is taking self assumed leadership roles (and organising the now infamous #GoFundMe page) within the Canadian truck protest (which I very much support) - hint, they are no friends of a free humanity. We don't need leaders!

We need to find a way to make ourselves unpredictable, unanticipated, incalculable, and difficult to define, to strategically step outside the behavioural algorithms that have been used to predict our predictable outcomes.

Unstructured governance is how they're taking over the world, peaceful, intellectual unstructured rebellion (especially at the local level of the global to local action plan) is their achilles heel. No ego's, no leaders leading us into a blind alley! no left/right political affiliations, no collectivised truth movement! A loosely affiliated tactical momentum of self-empowered individuals working towards the realisation of a common cause. Forward thinking and proactive - not blindly reactive to the latest iteration of the movie script.

Whilst all of this can seem overwhelming, in truth the crisis of the moment facilitates and elucidates the validity of the path less trod. The path towards emancipation resides in detaching ourselves from the system; the reclamation of individuality, self-responsibility, self-awareness, and self-reliance, from the tempest of the consensus, a transcendence from the devolution of conditioned dependence.

A change in perception and we could change the world in a heartbeat.

This is also about a dependence upon those that we choose to follow and define our reality. If you feel strongly or passionate about a subject, self-actualise your quest for knowledge, become an expert within it. Nobody is coming to save us, but we can each take responsibility for our own salvation. Not allow ourselves to be drawn into self-defeating arguments/manufactured movements and choices that have been chosen for us. Understand your rights and learn how to validate the power of refusal, study law, language, psychology, and strategy; learn how to forage, study natural medicine, and food sustenance. Make true community bonds, not corporate shackles.

Become an authoritative revolutionary, not authoritarian reactionary.

As we subjectivise our utopia and collectivise our externalised dystopia; we have become blinded to the fact that the true revolution is the one taking place within, not the manufactured movements that are marching without. The world is a theater and as the audience takes their seats, and the whirlwind of whispers fall to a hushed silence, the curtain begins to rise and the main act approaches. The roles have already been assumed, will you play the part, or write your own script? The choice is yours to make.

Thank you for taking the time to read my post. Until next time, I will leave you to decide who has the perceptualflaws.

Further references

Please consider supporting the below researchers. Both have made important contributions to the study of communitarianism. You can purchase the "The Anti-Communitarian manifesto" by Niki Raapana, from her independent publishing company below.


Written by @perceptualflaws
Gifs courtesy of


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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

We need to find a way to make ourselves unpredictable, unanticipated, incalculable, and difficult to define, to strategically step outside the behavioural algorithms that have been used to predict our predictable outcomes.


Interestingly, this is also a large philosophical slice of how I'd write a new algorithm for Blurt - everybody seems to hate it - which is itself interesting. People love to be inside a seemingly predictable system.

I have spent many years reverse engineering their strategy and psychological control mechanisms - and I very much believe that the elucidation of this philosophy represents our greatest opportunity.

Certainly, their system is philosophical in it's nature - and in order to achieve their objectives, they require a steered opposition to justify their response - like the globalists funded anti globalists like extinction rebellion etc etc - whose disruptive rebellion has now led us towards a situation in the UK - where the government is attempting to justify the suppression of protest - and implement a whole raft of associated laws and diktats.

It also works with the truth movement - like the truckers convoy - which (as much as I support it) has enabled the government to cross a new threshold in social control and freeze bank accounts, and remove licences - once a threshold has been crossed and (broadly accepted by the consensus) it then begins an evolutionary process - i.e the genie is out of the bottle. Of course, people don't really want to hear any of this - they want to be on the winning team. Unfortunately, to be on the winning team you need to understand the strategy, the nature of the game that is being perpetrated against us. If not, you become an unwitting pawn in the game.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

This is also the philosophy of Rappoport - one gets such insights inside his Matrix collections. His view that imagination is the primary expression of freedom and personal power, and as imagination can be unpredictable, hence the expressions can be unpredictable. Hence, any collection of organisms that behaves as a collective will see such freedoms as a threat.

Zarathustra came down from the mountain... but quickly decided it was best to go back up! lol.

The elite consider themselves as living on the mountain top, and enjoy throwing shit down at the plebs below. The plebs, through such experiences, soon learn not to even bother climbing the mountain. Hence, they can't even see the other mountains that are free from such elitescum.

Excellent - I couldn't have said it any better. :)

Hello @perceptualflaws
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Thank you very much :)

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Gracias por compartir tu publicación en #Blurt. Tu esfuerzo significa mucho para nosotros; por eso has recibido un voto positivo.

Te invito a votar por @blurtlatam como Testigo / Witness



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Thank you - much appreciated. :)

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Nice work brother.

Thanks dude - trust you're having a good start to the day. :)

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Superb, taking time out with family, cheers bro.

Hey dude - didn't want to take over your post - but I thought you might be interested in this chapter. :)

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Cheers brother, and hey, behave, anyone can take over my post, no problem, watch the Putin vid in this, middle of the article, he said no to the great reset

Cheers mate -it's that as it was my own article I didn't want to be leeching. :)

Nice one, I'll watch this after my dinner. :) There are rumours flying around that Putin (Russia) is behind bitcoin, and also moving back to a gold standard - imagine if that was true! lol On the gold front, both Russia and China have spent many years preparing - so that aspect is certainly not beyond the realms. Either way, I'm glad I've still been stacking some metals. It all comes back to gold dude. :)

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Anyone is welcome to get rewarded from commenting on my articles, I never did any of this for money, just to have a voice, that is the only reason I did steemit, hive and others, the tokens, rewards are not my thing, just a voice.

Cheers dude - I know this about you. :) It's just that I was brought up to be humble and polite. :)

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Every collective action is expected and strategised, thus our reactionary interactions and social media-fuelled reactions manifest as a draconian facilitator and justification for the previously unjustifiable.

This was very evident on FB, and when I realized it, I left.

I'm trying to neither accept nor reject any position, but to be still and know my own mind. It's extremely important to be joyful and loving. That is one thing they can not envision because they do not experience those two things, who or whatever they are. We have to care for one another. They can't stop us from doing that, only we can stop us from doing that by hating, fighting, opposing.

I'm trying to neither accept nor reject any position, but to be still and know my own mind. It's extremely important to be joyful and loving. That is one thing they can not envision because they do not experience those two things, who or whatever they are. We have to care for one another. They can't stop us from doing that, only we can stop us from doing that by hating, fighting, opposing.

Exactly my friend, I have a compartmentalised mindset - my daily existence is filled with lots of laughter, music, healthy eating, friends, family, and nature - to the degree that many people that know me would never imagine I was writing about these subject matters. Within the maelstrom - we also have a life to lead, to grasp with both hands, savour every moment - and enjoy to the very best of our ability. :)

On another note, I'm back late - so have yet to add all the art work to my post - hence, it will be posted tomorrow. :)

Thanks bro - I shall have a look this afternoon. :)

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Canada owns the mRNA licence.

Cheers dude - just had a chance to sit down and watch it- well worth it. :)

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Cheers brother.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

This is my favorite video today. Thanks for posting it everywhere.