The Illumination Of The Shadow Part 5: The Black Nobility & The Occultic Roots Of Fascism

in conspiracy •  3 years ago  (edited)


I hope this post finds all readers in good health. A reminder that you are reading part five of a (#blurt original) fifteen-part series. The introduction can be found here, the first part here, the second part can be found here, part three here, and part four here

Occultic Foundations

It is my contention that we are looking at the intersecting conflux of historically self-serving (empire building) agendas that are being drawn towards a centralised nexus point. Whilst not every element is on the same page, they're all manifesting a singular narrative.

Beyond the self-imposed confines of their psychopathic, sociopathic, narcissistic, arrogant greed fuelled echo chambers, the vast majority are being exploited as a means of fulfilling a broader ambition. In essence, this is the true nature of the control mechanism, for it weaponises our idealisms, weaknesses, and negative traits, then turns them loose upon us. Thus, at a deeply occultic level, this entire system is an reflective edifice of humanity's negligence, iniquity, and complicit culpability.

In their desire to achieve their intended synthesis - outcome, what we're looking at is a control structure that is following a strategy of divide and conquer, perpetually playing us off against one another.


I would like to remind the reader that within many sects, societies, and lodges, the outer ripple (the perception) unknowingly shields an inner circle that exists as an inversion and contradiction of its public persona. Although the vast majority of influential orders were infiltrated and corrupted, I readily acknowledge that not every associated individual had a nefarious motive.

Continuing, the ideology of the Jean Violet-connected Cagoule (the hooded ones) and the fascistic Masonic P2 lodge, was heavily influenced by the synarchistic agenda of the empire. The elitist secret society emanating concept of synarchy was popularised by Christian mystic, Kabbalist, and influential Theosophist, Joseph Alexandre Saint-Yves d’Alveydre. His key influence being the writings of pre-eminent occultist Antoine Fabre d'Olivet. His marriage to Countess Marie de Riznitch-Keller, connecting him to the upper echelons of the aristocracy.

P2 was sometimes referred to as a "state within a state" or a "shadow government". Source

The chair of the East India Company we discussed in part two was Lord Shelburne - an individual who was also concurrently funding and promoting the formative freemasonic and occultic elements of the synarchist movement of empire.


Although I am very much opposed to the hidden hand of synarchy, a caveat that I want to add is that whilst the synarchist agenda is an interpretation, having read Saint-Yves I'd suggest he was more idealistic than fascistic. Still, its both pertinent and prescient to highlight that both egocentric and influential idealism is most certainly another tool in the armoury of the control mechanism.

So what was the synarchist philosophy? Borrowing from eastern social stratification's, Saint Yves envisioned a caste-driven (feudal) theocracy. In essence, his synarchy was his answer to the polarity of anarchy, comprising a world ruled by a veiled bloodline oligarchy and governed by the initiates of a priest class that was in dialogue with spiritual intelligence's. Indeed, Saint Yves believed he was in direct communion with the same ascended masters that would later become synonymous with the writings of Madame Blavatsky, and the Lucis Trust's Alice Bailey - the latter of which is now recognised as the "spiritual foundation" of the United Nations.

"Synarchy - is government by secret societies or by a
group of initiates who operate from behind the scenes.
It is an analogue of theocracy or rule by a priesthood."
Joseph Alexandre Saint-Yves d'Alveydre


Synarchy equated to a supranational system of jurisdiction that was (unsurprisingly) aligned with Otto Von-Hapsburg's Pan Europa Union (and his pretensions for a Hapsburg headed rebirth of the Holy Roman Empire), the later European Union, and the current structure of global governance. His vision comprising a corporate government composed of three councils: commerce, law, and education.

I pause to note that the European Union was the template that informed the official formation of the consensus led rule of global (communitarian) governance.

‘Yet as we have seen from dozens of checkable associations and links, it seems that at least the concept of the European Union is the product of an occult conspiracy, inspired by individuals who believed they were in contact with spirit entities, with the ultimate aim of establishing a full-blown United States of Europe in line with Joseph Alexandre Saint-Yves d’Alveydre’s original vision.’ The Sion Revelation

Synarchistic governance would comprise of an equilibrium between the three separate forces of economy, legislation, and culture.

From multiple perspectives, the governance structure of synarchy resembles the perceived congruous communion of communitarianism. Within the (refined) communitarian system of governance, all becomes absorbed into one. Comparatively, the philosophy of synarchy can be equated as the "association of everyone with everyone else". Both of which occupy a paradoxical radical middle ground that is born of a synthesis between two fundamental contradictions. This is again due to the Hermetic/Theosophic/Kabbalistic (I refer the reader to the union of oppositions that operates behind the veil of dialecticism) influences that were interwoven with d’Alveydre's pseudo Judeo-Christian theology.

Below we can observe how a similar eugenic utopianism resides at the heart of Plato's republic. Like I say, this has been a long time in the planning!


Synarchy alludes to the perceived lost golden age of Chronos (Saturn), and speaks to the nature of the new Atlantis they believe they're re-creating. Equally, it bears more than a scant resemblance to the ancient Egyptian governance structures of divine kings and priesthood.

Saint-Yves claimed that in the ancient past an advanced civilisation – based, of course, on synarchic principles – had governed the whole world. This golden age lasted from 7500 to 4000 BCE, before imploding due to a global catastrophe. Source


Page 17: The Secret Doctrine of the Rosicrucians by Magus Incognito dated 1918.

In truth, as I will continue to expand upon throughout subsequent chapters, their conception of a Saturnian "golden age" -is little more than a smokescreen for collectivist totalitarianism - i.e communitarianism. Alongside the feudal "all in one" philosophy of the ancient oligarchy, I again pause to note that his historical observations resemble the World Economic Forum's "Great Reset" and its accompanying mantra, "you will own nothing and be happy". Replace the words "great reset" with "great awakening" (a statement with a deliberately a divisive interpretation) and you can begin to observe that they really do have something for everyone. Certainly, they're far more adept at influencing the human psyche than people give them credit for.

The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.“ - Vladimir Lenin.

The below was written by Roman historian Marcus Junianus Justinus.

The first inhabitants of Italy were the Aborigines, whose king, Saturn, is said to have been a man of such extraordinary justice, that no one was a slave in his reign, or had any private property, but all things were common to all, and undivided, as one estate for the use of everyone; in memory of which way of life, it has been ordered that at the Saturnalia slaves should everywhere sit down with their masters at the entertainments, the rank of all being made equal. Source

In contrast, I have taken the below quotation from the doctrines of the Fraturnis Saturni.

In the Saturnian view, there does seem, to be sure, a dark side of the Age of Aquarius. Based on some fairly objectively interpreted astrological teachings, it could be concluded that the Aquarian Age will only appear to be one of rational and humanitarian egalitarianism. The Saturno-Uranian reality looming behind this world of appearances will be one of an enlightened system of control by a ruling elite—the final reign of the Illuminati. Page 52: Fire & Ice: The Brotherhood of Saturn by Stephen Flowers.


Within a synarchistic society the individual would have a predetermined place, purpose, and specific function, with social symmetry (I refer you to the Agenda 2030 buzzwords of inclusivity and harmony) attained through strict adherence to this structure. Circumvention of these principles would be dangerous to both the individual and the social body, thus challenges to a person's selected status would not be tolerated. Conversely, with an inability to fulfill your function and purpose, you would become perceived as a drain on society.

Now wouldn't that be a brave new world, eh Aldous?

The synarchistic movement of empire was interconnected with the oligarchy, Frankists, Illuminati, The Age of Enlightenment, The French Revolution, and the fascist empire of Napoleon Bonaparte. As noted in the previous chapter, Napoleon's sister married into the black nobility Borghese bloodline, who had intermarrriages with the black nobilities of the Aldobrandini's that latterly intermarried with the Rothschilds.

“‘Synarchy! Synarchy! Synarchy! thus save your tiaras, your universities, your crowns, your republics, all that is yours, all, including what was legitimate in the Revolution of 1789 in its social promises, that the Synarchy Judœo-Christian alone can maintain and accomplish. Unite in that Law, teaching bodies, ecclesiastic or laie; juridical bodies; economic bodies.’” Quote by Saint-Yves d’Alveydre: Taken from The Trail of the Serpent: pp. 313-315.

The Agenda 2030 mantra of “nobody left behind” points to the totalitarian nature of its communitarian architecture. Recalling chapter one, as per synarchy, the communitarian process speaks to an alchemical/dialecticism that is derived from the base principles of Hermeticism - that are (in this instance) further expressed through Theosophic mysticism, and Kabbalism.

Aside from the illusion of choice and the community assuming the role of the fascist. The key difference between authoritarian communitarianism and synarchistic fascism, was that whilst the latter focused on European ultra-nationalism, we are now entering the era of one-world globalism. Although the globalist agenda energises its philosophy and whitewashes its narrative against a polarity that (whilst turning a blind eye to the militias of allied Ukrainian fascists) seeks to equate the nationalist with the fascist, it's all part of the same process. This is the nature of tactical psychological warfare, for a controlled opposition is an essential means of justifying your intended outcome.

Three stages of global governance: 1) National 2) International 3) Global.

Both fascism and globalism intersect with the same networks. As such they're unencumbered by the political ideologies of the left/right mind control paradigm. The manufactured clash of opposites, utilised as a means of realising their intended global synthesis. As manufactured global crisis require globalist responses, and chaos conditions the public to the imposition of one world totalitarianism, note the congruence with the aforementioned "strategy of tension". The violent actions of the state will cultivate a climate of fear and chaos that can be blamed of an identifiable public enemy. The public enemy of modernity being the heretics that oppose the march of one-worldism. Through subversion, infiltration, and the utilisation of useful idiots, the enemy is defined, the boundaries are blurred, and a vilified minority are used as a means of stealing the freedom of everybody!

The below is taken from a French military intelligence report from 1941. Although they speak to its modern iteration, they define synarchy as ...


Interestingly, if you replace the original perception of a "priest-class" with corporate entities, you can observe the synarchist template within the formative foundations of stakeholder capitalism. Staying with that thought, let's juxtapose the above statements against the World Economic Forums wikipedia entry. Although the page has since been altered, it's no different to what they're telling you in their speeches and the templates of their stakeholder models.


As we shall cover later in the series, we can also note the WEF's connection to the Lucis Trust - and several other (financial and collaborative) thinks tanks, "grassroots" movements, religious bodies, new age/UN Gaia cults, and neopagan collectives - many of which are entangled with one another. That said, in the grand scheme of things, as the Club Of Rome slips behind the veil of public scrutiny, the WEF and individuals like Schwab are little more than the attention grabbing bogeymen of the moment, a stye in the blink of an eye.

The overarching agenda/philosophy is far more than the sum of it's myriad parts, and vastly superior than it's individual players.


Notice in the below video how Clinton uses the "all in this together" slogan that was used (alongside the Noahide symbology of the rainbow) to great effect during the scamdemic. They're all puppets working from a script.

Through the Operation Gladio connected fascist militias and terrorist networks (and their associated strategies of tension ) of the synarchist agenda, we can historically verify that they were looking to create order out of an instigated chaos. Authoritarian communitarianism is no different, except that as per its globalist nature, we are observing a global destabilisation programme. This is why it's important to understand the historical context, because at the base level of tactic and strategy they're a reflection of one another. Thus, the tenets and methodologies of the former can be juxtaposed against the formation of the latter.


“The world needs a new global architecture, additional layers of governance, to deal with issues that neither nations nor traditional forms of intergovernmental organizations can cope with.” Amitai Etzioni: Archived by Niki Rapana in her book "The Anti Communitarian manifesto."

Communitarianism is symbolically and structurally associated with the Noahide laws. The Noahide element pointing to the Kabbalistic philosophy and Zionist heritage of communitarian "founding-father" Amitai Etzioni. This equates to a feudal system of law and governance that only those outside the inner circle (the 99%) must adhere to. At the social level it relates to an unwritten, unspoken social contract of values, ideologies, principles, and agreements. All of which are policed and enforced by an increasingly totalitarian consensus mindset. A hive-mind that is enslaved to reactive emotions, slogans, pre-determined talking points, and selectively introduced words that infiltrate and influence the public psyche.

Like statute law, global to local governance operates through an implied consensus that unless refuted is assumed to be accepted. This is both a legal maxim and statement of esoteric law.

Communitarianism operates behind the veneer of unstructured governance. The synthesis being the merger of contradictions into the suffocating embrace of the global to local community. At the local level (their Achilles heel) of the global to local action plan, there are numerous ways to manufacture consent. The Rand corporation emanating Delphi technique is a popular one. In essence, it hides a premeditated outcome behind an illusion of choice, limiting options and kettling debate towards a predetermined conclusion. Impeding the ability to voice an opinion that defies the narrative. Let’s take a look at it in action:

At the level of world shaping events, reactions are anticipated and absorbed into the collectivised confines of the padded echo chamber. Through a cycle of conflict and resolution, the opposers can become the enablers of the intended outcome - the synthesis of the dialectic. A recent example would be how the politically infiltrated truckers convoy was steered towards an outcome that enabled the freezing of bank accounts and the seizure of licenses. Once a threshold has been justifiably crossed and broadly accepted, it becomes the foundation of a new synthesis - from this newly formed basis the process (when expedient to do so) can begin again.

Privacy isn't all it's made out to be, says Amitai Etzioni. Without privacy, no society can remain free, but communities have legitimate needs that sometimes must override privacy rights. Source

Spellbinding words and magick symbols whisper to the subconscious, evoking emotion and conveying subliminal messages. In truth, the only power that they really have is that which we're manipulated to give them. Unfortunately, they're adept at convincing the consensus mindset to do so. Hence why communitarianism usurps the rights of the individual in favour of the community. As I pointed out in part one, this goes way beyond a philosophy, for it is becoming incrementally enshrined in law.

As per synarchy, the communitarian (global citizen) is progressively intolerant, and authoritarian towards opinions, choices, and actions, that threaten the socially engineered perception of safety and cohesion. At the level of social governance, it seeks to consume belief, imagination, ingenuity, ideas, and discourse into the all encompassing umbrella of the hive mind. At the global level it is a resource management programme, seeking to strip the country and individuals of consequential choices and self-reliances. Commutatively, individual rights are usurped by the community, whilst the consensus body usurps inconvenient facts and self-sustaining nationality.

Slowly but surely each collective is absorbed into a wasteland of manufactured hopes, dreams, and externally cultivated nightmares. A multi-coloured spectrum of inconsequential choices that all lead to the same destination.

Of course, if you're intent on creating a new age of totalitarian peace and tyrannical perfection, you must first identify the "fly in the ointment." This is what the communitarian process is doing, sorting the wheat from the chaff, identifying them, and collectivising them. Once collectivised you can be drawn into the communitarian control model, incrementally vilified, the frustration and anger of the consensus projected upon you. To escape the systemic dialectic, we must become unpredictable, think co-operatively, proactively and strategically, not collectively, emotionally, and reactively. We must also remain on its periphery, separate from the infiltrated movements that are steered into a blind alley.

The cult think big and long term, the consensus predictably reacts to what is in front of their nose. By underestimating your opponent, failing to understand the tactic and apply the required self-reflection, you can become part of the problem. Trust, in the age of authoritarian communitarianism, hopium is the most dangerous of all delusions, for the collectivised heretic is now only a few steps away from becoming declared public enemy number one.

Cycles Of Mind

Whilst we attach blame upon one another and justifiably point our fingers at the Nazis, the Bolsheviks, and the religious fundamentalists. We should also be aware that we're observing (externally cultivated) cycles of mind. The settings are akin to the window dressings that enable the invocation of the totalitarian mind state. Within our current time frame and the associated paradigms of scientism and communitarianism, against the backdrop of fear and anxiety, the minds of the consensus are being incrementally coaxed towards the evocation of authoritarianism.

Brothers will turn against their own brothers and hand them over to be killed. Fathers will hand over their own children to be killed. Children will fight against their own parents and will have them killed. Mathew: 10:21-23

As monotonous suggestion and mass hypnosis cultivate fixed patterns of thought. Keep an eye on the curtain twitchers that counted how many times you left your house, the spies that reported you for having friends in your garden, the mask nazi, and those that get angry every time you express an opinion outside the consensus or equate critical thinking with far-right fascism. For when panic, fear, and chaos reigns supreme, these people (family members, friends, neighbours, acquaintances) will become the future totalitarians - they just don't know it yet.



Returning to Saint-Yves d’Alveydre, an aligned devotee was the French physician and influential occultist Gerard Encausse, commonly known by his pseudonym Papus. Expanding upon the synarchist doctrine Papus crafted an influential political philosophy that was seeded through secret societies. Alongside individuals such as Theodor Reuss, Papus sought the unification of occult lodges. His most prominently equated legacy being his revival of Martinism as the Martinist Order. It was through these associated lodges that he began to interweave Kabbalistic, Martinist, and Synarchist theologies with ceremonial magick.

It's also worth pausing to note that Papus was a member of Madame Blavatsky's Theosophical society. Although some sources claim that Papus and Blavatsky disliked one another, his son later claimed that they held each other in high esteem.

It's remarkable that several of these ceremonial orders were later embraced by the counter culture. Veritably, many of them were politically and ideologically infiltrated, and thus contained an elitist, eugenic, and pro-authoritarian philosophy. Indeed, within the context of this series; what we're observing is a formative attempt at some form of religious syncretism - i.e an emanation of the age of synthesis. A pseudo spiritualism that would be led by the high priests of the synarchist movement .


This organization shared the use of Templar symbolism with the O.T.O. Both orders also revolved around sexual mysteries, but the kind of sexual mysticism practiced by the ONT and the O.T.O. were very different indeed. Lanz preached a doctrine of racial enlightenment through the practice of strict eugenics. Page 14: Fire & Ice: The Brotherhood of Saturn. by Stephen Flowers.


Whilst distinguished in their own right, the Élus Coëns (Hebrew for elect priest) were the first branch of the Martinist tradition (which contained numerous rites and orders) and the theurgical branch of Ordre Reaux Croix. Comprised of "elect priests" from the high degrees of freemasonry, they were also akin to (another) illumined pillar of the French Enlightenment.

The Coëns (The Order of Knight-Masons Elect Priests of the Universe) were focused upon both the fall and the re attainment of a ubiquitous state of perfection. Alongside references to the Jewish Kaballah, their ritualistic practices combined Christian mysticism and the lesser key of Solomon. The latter of which was used to summon/ enlist the help of angels, spirits, and control the demonic entities that were believed impede the path to restoration. Confusingly, the term Martinism apples to the doctrines of both Pasqually, and Papus.

Within his Treatise-of-the-Reintegration-of-Beings, Coëns founder Martinès de Pasqually, relayed that the teachings of the order derive from Seth, and were received from angels. He also taught that the original man was perfected in a state of androgyny - that our "reintegration" was a process that would lead us toward our lost state of divinity. This concept was derived from the Kabbalah, where it is taught that the pre-fall semi-divine man (logos) was the androgynous Adam Kadmon - the heavenly Adam (macrocosm) who created the earthly Adam (microcosm). Adam Kadmon being the idealised form that provides the pattern for the rest of creation. We can also find a similar philosophy echoed by the aforementioned biblical Pharisees.

Martinez de Pasqually considers Man to be in exile in this earthly existence, deprived of all his real powers. Man’s main aim, therefore, must be to work at becoming restored to the condition that was originally his. This he can achieve by following a certain technique which constitutes the secret part of Pasqually’s doctrine. The Order of Elus-Cohen.

For Plato both the city state and the human soul possessed a three tier hierarchical structure. In relation to Seth, as I noted in the (below) introduction. Whilst it's easy to become spellbound, once you strip away the allegorical mysticism, and reveal its most simplistic equation, it becomes clear that we are (as per the interconnected synarchy and communitarianism) observing a social management programme. Of course, in the modern era, the priest class are also now the bankers, lawmakers, and corporate entities.

"Banks do God's work" Lloyd Blankfein


False prognosis or gnosis?

Under the guise of elitist "secret knowledge" what we are observing is a process of Kabbalistic (false light) infiltration, degeneration, and usurpation, of spiritual truth. Spiritual deprivation sold as illumination. A narrative that directly connects us to our current "new age" of toxic positivity, self-obsession, and obsessive introspection. An agenda that is further apparent within the critical theories that are derived from Kabbalistic principles. The conduit that connected the teachings of Luria's Lurianic Kabbalah to Rosicrucianism was theosopher Jakob Böhme. His two-way mentor/student being the alchemist and occultist Balthasar Walther, who was active throughout the courts of the Holy Roman Empire, and was the personal physician of the occultist and alchemist Prince August of Anhalt-Plötzkau.

It was Papus who incorporated the ancient Egyptian Rite of Memphis and Mizraim (which was a merger of two separate rites) into Martinism. Later he would become the Grand Hierophant (international head) of the 99 degree Ancient and Primitive Rites of Memphis and Mizraim.

The rites of Memphis Mizraim are often considered as both "separate" and "clandestine within official Masonic bodies. Spuriously based upon the ancient Egyptian mystery schools, the rite of Memphis was co-founded in Venice by the controversial Count Alessandro Cagliostro (who Aleister Crowley believed was one of his previous incarnations) who was heavily influenced by Pasqually and the Élus Coëns, his co-founder being Venetian ambassador S.E. Zuliani. The Memphis & Mizraim were unified by general Giuseppe Garibaldi who was the Grand Master of the Grand Orient of Italy, and a prominent military leader who fought for "Italian unification and the creation of the Kingdom of Italy. ".

Its worth pausing to note that Garibaldi was a follower of nationalist Giuseppe Mazzini - who is oft (speculatively) charged with being the founding father of the Sicilian mafia

Alongside Stanislas de Guaita, Papus co-founded the French lodge of the magical order of the Kabbalistic Rose Cross, and also aided Theodor Reuss in forming the Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO) French charter. The OTO was both heavily connected to and "shaped" by Aleister Crowley (a potential U.S based British intelligence asset during world war 1) and was also synonymous with Crowley protege (and founder member of NASA) Jack Parsons. Returning to the base layer of the synarchist/fascist ideology, Crowley would often equate "ordinary people" as the "dogs" that serve a superior class of human gods.

Occultic Fascism

Another individual connected to the Rite of Memphis and Mizraim, the OTO and Martinist Orders was Arturo Reghini.

"Arturo Reghini (1878-1946) was born in Florence, the descendent of a very ancient feudal family from Pontremoli that branched out and established themselves in Florence and Rome in the second half of the 1700s. Source Xi

Reghini was opposed to Christianity, which he associated with modernity and egalitarianism, and sought to establish a form of modern Paganism he called "magi colta", "cultured magic", which he drew from Hermeticism and Platonism.[6] A critic of democracy and an advocate for the ancient Roman aristocracy, Reghini welcomed the rise of Italian Fascism, which he associated with the ancient world. Source

"Reghini was the creator (with E. Froini and others) of the 'Italian Philosophical Rite' (1909) within the circle of contemporary Freemasonry; he also welcomed the English magician Aleister Crowley as an honorary member in 1911..." [Source](Source Xi)

I pause to note that the Italian fascist movement was largely financed by J.P Morgan.

Morgan also funded the rise of Italian fascism, in fact, his company was Mussolini’s main overseas bank. In 1926, Morgan partner, Thomas Lamont, who was later the chair of J.P. Morgan Co., secured a $100 million loan for Mussolini. As Noam Chomsky put it, Morgan’s man Thomas Lamont:

"described himself as ‘something like a missionary’ for Italian Fascism, expressing his admiration for Il Duce, ‘a very upstanding chap’ who had ‘done a great job in Italy’ and for the ‘sound ideas’ that guide him in governing the country." (1991). Source

As we can observe in this paper the double headed eagle has a Sumerian origin and is representative of their god Ninurta, who is equated with Saturn.


There are several researchers who claim that the aforementioned Licio Gelli was a Martinist/Traditionalist and a member of Memphis Misraim. Whilst I have yet to find definitive proof of that statement, we can certainly observe ideological and personal connections.

We can connect the influential Reghini to the fascist occultist Julius Evola, the former latterly introducing Evola to both esotericism and the influential traditionalist philosophy of Rene Guenon. Indeed, Evola is often described as a "radical Traditionalist". Later in his life, Guenon converted to esoteric Sufi Islam, which has ritualistic and philosophical connections to the aforementioned Donmeh connected Sabbateanism. The Sufi's have further close associations with the (Aga Khan led) Ismaili's, who will be discussed in a subsequent chapter.

Both Reghini & Evola founded a Ur group (Ur was a Sumerian city state within ancient Mesopotamia.) that sought to provide a "soul" to the fascist movement and implement the revival of the Roman empire. This included an Imperial cult of Rome that was entwined with the pre-Christian mystery cults of Mithra and Isis. As already alluded to, the new empire was to be ruled by Otto Von Habsburg.

Page 18: Italian Fascism 1915 - 1945

The Imperial cult of Rome was the hidden hand behind the Roman Empire. The cult was an oligarchy that believed in a divine right to rule, thus the Emperors were synonymous with gods and deities. They obscured the overarching scale of their power behind the veneer of their ceremonially concocted Roman Senate, who took the brunt of any hostility and were assassinated when they stepped beyond their mark.

Within his magical works Evolva would also use the pseudonym Ea, which takes us back to Enki and the Babylonian god of water noted in part 2.

Refusal to adhere to the cult was considered treason, thus early Christians were often persecuted. In the wake of the Christian conversion, the eventual abandonment of the cult was an elongated process, and there is evidence of an imperial priesthood until fourth-century Christian rule. Although as we have already ascertained, from there it appears to have gone underground. The highest order of the Roman Cult, becoming the Vatican military order of the SS, Knights of the Sedes Sacrorum, who were associated with the heretic torturing holy inquisition .

From the Roman Sedes Sacrorum we can also consider connections to the Nazi SS (who had interconnections with the upper echelons of the Vatican) and the United States SS (secret service). Whilst the latter should be noted as a tenuous speculation, in relation to the associations I elucidated in the previous chapter, it carries a degree of plausibility.

Whilst shortlived, we can also connect Genon back to Papus and Martinist/synarchist order, both Genon and Papus would also become synonymous with the formation of the traditionalism that further connected them to Evola. These influences are worth noting because the fascistic philosophy of Julius Evolva is documented as highly prominent within the P2 connected terrorist networks of the Avanguardia Nazionale and Ordine Nuovo.

As already noted, a key financier behind several fascist militias was the "Black" Baron Benoit de Bonvoisin. Below we can observe him at a Le Cercle meeting with David Rockefeller.


De Bonvoisin has been one of the most notorious characters in European fascism with particularly close links to the Italian MSI and Stefano Delle Chiaie; in 1975, de Bonvoisin hosted a gathering of European fascists at his castle at Maizeret, attended by the heads of Ordine Nuovo, the MSI, the National Front, Fuerza Nueva and the French Forces Nouvelles, amongst others. Source

The Ordine Nuovo was founded by Pino Rauti who was a close associate/disciple of Evolva and had previously served as the editor (page 210) of his Imperium journal. The Avanguardia Nazionale was founded by "neo-fascist terrorist" Stefano Delle Chiaie, who was (as referenced above) heavily linked to de Bonvoisin, a close friend of both the aforementioned ("puppet master" of the P2 freemasonic lodge) Licio Gelli and "Black Prince" Junio Valerio Borghese. He also had ideological connections to Evola.

As cited in The Fourth Reich: Klaus Barbie and the Neo-Fascist Connection, by Magnus Linklater, Isabel Hilton, and Neal Ascherson, Delle Chiaie was one of the orchestrators of the "Cocaine Coup" in Bolivia, along with the German war criminal Klaus Barbie, that brought General Luis García Meza to power in the early 1980s. Source

The “Black Prince” Valerio Borghese, wrote an introduction to Evola’s Men Among the Ruins.

According to the scholar Franco Ferraresi, "Evola's thought can be considered one of the most radical and consistent anti-egalitarian, anti-liberal, anti-democratic, and anti-popular systems in the 20th century". Source

He has been described as a "fascist intellectual",[4] a "radical traditionalist",[5] "antiegalitarian, antiliberal, antidemocratic, and antipopular",[6] and as having been "the leading philosopher of Europe's neofascist movement".[6] Source

Continuing; as per Arturo Reghini, there were several fascistic leaning individuals that had connections to both Evola and the Ordo Templi Orientis.


Just as communitarianism is promoted as the the third way (the synthesis that is intended to rise from the collapse of communism = thesis and crony capitalism = antithesis) fascism was originally perceived as the third position between capitalism/democracy and communism. Equally, the above Christian Bouchet headed Nouvelle Resistance was an offshoot of Troisième Voie (Third Way), and was described as eco-fascist.

In the interest of balance, I want to pause to acknowledge that throughout its history there were mainline Freemasons that opposed the rise of fascism. In this instance their lodges were disbanded and the masons were either murdered or thrown into work camps. Authoritarianism does not like competition.



Enter The Global Transformation Project

The underlying authority behind these cults is a contemporary network of private banks of that medieval Venetian model known as fondi. Source

The above observation is important to note, this is due to the fact that (as we shall later observe) these networks are also the key financiers behind the formation of a (currently) unstructured one world merger of spirituality and scientism. Bound by elements of truth and blinded by scintillas of subversion, they're stirring a melting pot of concepts, blurring the boundaries and interweaving them within the multi-coloured spectrum of the communitarian consensus.

The Hague Center for Global Governance, Innovation & Emergence exists to help align necessary resources for the current human and planetary transition. This transition is, in its essence, about moving from separation and polarisation, towards coherence and complementarity. This same transition is playing itself out across all sectors — ecology, economy, and governance, to name a few key ones. Source

The above Hague center are linked to the Lucis Trust and partnered with a Club of Budapest that (as we shall document in later chapters) is an offshoot of the black nobility seeded Club Of Rome.


Irrespective of their validity, is it a coincidence that as we’re being propelled towards a one-world order we are observing an increasing synergy between social structures, philosophy, spirituality, governance, environmentalism, technology, and scientism? Something for everyone, with no one fully comprehending how everybody is dancing to the same tune.

The mission of the Club of Budapest worldwide is to be a catalyst for the transformation to a sustainable world through:

Promoting the emergence of planetary consciousness
– Interconnecting generations and cultures
– Integrating spirituality, science, and the arts
– Fostering learning communities worldwide

Question everything - including yourself.

The key purpose of this series is to document the socially engineered formation of a new era of human perception. Whether this impacts upon the reader is left to their own contemplation. Personally, I'm more mindful of how the eye is now fully focused upon post collapse future generations. As I shall document, whilst I acknowledge the associated naive benevolence, for all their platitudes of love and light, the infrastructures (and thought leaders) behind the "global transformation" are just as fascistic and psychopathic as that which came before them.

Same bloodlines, same networks, refined methodologies.

The Totalitarian Genie Is Out Of The Bottle

Synarchism has evolved to become the all encompassing fascistic "greater good" of Communitarianism.

Where the puppets of the synarchistic agenda overplayed their hand, once you really begin to comprehend its intricacies, scale, and complexity, you can discern that communitarianism is a near-perfect merger of all seemingly opposing narratives. The transient dialectics of freedom and fascism, now exist within the twilight of moral relativism and the interchangeable mirrors of perception.

In the age of technology, fascism is no longer isolated within the nation-state, it has been liberated by the infiltrated mindstate.

With insidious haste the "greater good" of the social communitarian agenda energises itself against the polarity of Machiavellianism, the initiates never fully comprehending that both the hope and the hate (perceived ignorance and enlightenment) are born of the same hidden hand. This is the true perceptual matrix and from this perspective, we discern that the collectivised esoteric and conspiratorial mindset, has a calculated and integral role to perform.

As society deconstructs itself in preparation for the great coagulation (solve et coagula), to varying degrees each polarised collective becomes a reflection of that which they purport to fight against.

Thank you for reading.

Written by @perceptualflaws
Gifs courtesy of
All public domain artwork is source referenced.


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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

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This is a lot to digest.

The Agenda 2030 mantra of “nobody left behind”

I prefer to think of it as no one escapes, we'll be chasing you down.

I was also glad to see this connection made

The Babalon Working was a series of magic ceremonies or rituals performed from January to March 1946 by author, pioneer rocket-fuel scientist and occultist Jack Parsons and Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard.[1] This ritual was essentially designed to manifest an individual incarnation of the archetypal divine feminine called Babalon. The project was based on the ideas of Aleister Crowley, and his description of a similar project in his 1917 novel Moonchild

I wrote an article years ago on the intelligence communities ties to the occult, and this was one of the examples I gave. Interestingly enough, many are unaware the Aleister Crowley was part of British intelligence and was in the U.S, to spread propaganda during the war.

I'll drop my link here as it adds more references to your already lengthy article.

As to the claims of contact with beings outside of the human band of energy, there have been enough that when coupled with the often vast power those performing these interactions possess, I find it credible that they are indeed in contact with something. What however I have no clue. But I suspect whatever these beings are, we are a form of cattle to them, including their helpers who are at the controls of our cult-ure.

Great write up, looking forward to the next installment.

Hey my friend. Sorry for the late reply - just back from a long weekend away.

I prefer to think of it as no one escapes, we'll be chasing you down.

I think they're definitely working towards a cull of the population - in some ways the trends I'm following relate to what rises from those ashes, but my thoughts will become clearer the further we progress.

I wrote an article years ago on the intelligence communities ties to the occult, and this was one of the examples I gave. Interestingly enough, many are unaware the Aleister Crowley was part of British intelligence and was in the U.S, to spread propaganda during the war.

Yes, I only made a scant mention of it here - but you're on the money. Speaking of war - through his friendship with Ian Fleming he also volunteered to interrogate Rudolph Hess, but that job went to the Tavistock's John Rawling Rees.

I'll drop my link here as it adds more references to your already lengthy article.

Thank you, I'm sharing selected research from a book I'm writing - several areas will be expanded upon, and I'll be reading your post and references with great interest.

As to the claims of contact with beings outside of the human band of energy, there have been enough that when coupled with the often vast power those performing these interactions possess, I find it credible that they are indeed in contact with something. What however I have no clue. But I suspect whatever these beings are, we are a form of cattle to them, including their helpers who are at the controls of our cult-ure.

I'm of a similar mindset - I've spent many years researching all this and it goes way beyond the self-delusion of those involved. These rituals have been refined over thousands of years and include many serious individuals that appear to be exchanging energy for deeper levels of knowledge. Equally, I've had my own experiences that have led me to understand that there is something outside our sphere of reality, and a close friend that escaped a cult that was heavily focused on associated demonic entities. I'll get into some deeper thoughts as I progress.

Thanks for the kind words - have a great day!

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Martinez de Pasqually considers Man to be in exile in this earthly existence, deprived of all his real powers.

He was right about that. Now many of us have been deprived of our own minds.

The battle is, literally, in our heads. Be unpredictable? Do you think those of us who try to do that were not accounted for in these schemes?

Posted from

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I choose to say no,

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

He was right about that.

Possibly, although isn't the key problem that we have on this earth - the fact that's its being over run by those with a desire to be demi-gods. They're addicted to power - and their appears to be something corrupting about the pursuit of it. A bit of humility and gratitude for what we already have goes a long way. It's within our power (right now) to create heaven on earth. For what I can see we already have the power - its how we choose to apply it that's the problem.

The battle is, literally, in our heads. Be unpredictable? Do you think those of us who try to do that were not accounted for in these schemes?

I wrote about this many years ago - I concede that maybe from this angle it's maybe too late. Back then I pointed out - as they roll out the global to local action plan, the rubber has to meet the road, when it does they are only as proficient as their public facing lowest common denominators. Thus, instead of thinking we can take the pyramid down from the top downwards - we should focus on the bottom upwards. At that level they're incredibly dogmatic, following a well worn script that renders their proceedings and procedures as repetitive and rigid. Take them out their templated comfort zone and they self-deconstruct. Personally, I've had success in planning meetings (which can be applied to the attempt to control resources and water rights) by being a thorn in their side. Pointing out the methods they were employing, understanding that they were creating an implied consensus that often wasn't there. Understanding my rights, the rights of the local neighbourhood, and the nature of the law - then playing them at their own game.

Back then there were still many things they needed to accomplish in the cities (infrastructure, planning, the change agent takeover of local community groups) and the neighbourhoods - through understanding the tactic there were certainly strategies through which their methodologies could have been weaponised against them. There is a big difference between collectivism and unnamed, difficult to define networks of self-responsible individuals (with no leaders) working strategically and collectively - people that understand their rights at a local level,. That was their achilles heel - whether it still is, I remain an eternal optimist - albeit a very well camouflaged one. lol

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

It may not be their Achilles heel, but if they have one, that's it. We need to get our teeth for that.

Posted from

THIS - "As monotonous suggestion and mass hypnosis cultivate fixed patterns of thought. Keep an eye on the curtain twitchers that counted how many times you left your house, the spies that reported you for having friends in your garden, the mask nazi, and those that get angry every time you express an opinion outside the consensus or equate critical thinking with far-right fascism. For when panic, fear, and chaos reigns supreme, these people (family members, friends, neighbours, acquaintances) will become the future totalitarians - they just don't know it yet."
Thankfully I have whittled those types out of my life.

Posted from

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

You can go along with it or choose not to, I think I know you well enough, and you will choose no.

Mate I chose no 15 years ago

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  


yup watch this after the 'railroading' video in the post, same difference huh.

Posted from

Thanks - I'm working on it! :D

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Manually curated by @abiga554

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Thank you kindly @abiga554

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Eloquently written brother, but I feel like I have just watched the movie the Irishman now, long, bloody long read lol.

Have a great day.

Haha! Funnily enough, at around 5500 words it's a fairly short post - for me. lol I'm also selecting different areas of a book I'm writing. As much as anything else, with the permanent nature of the blockchain its here as a reference point. Equally, as the format lends itself to a book - it's intended to be put down and picked up as the reader see's fit. That said, when delving into this area of study - seeking a quick black and white characterisation can leads towards the deception that I can now observe playing out around me, one that includes many of the people that on the other hand are fighting against it.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  


He has the right idea - like I said in the post you have to stay outside the system and not become increasingly reliant on it.

Legal Maxim: "I cannot approve and reject at the same time"

I have been choosing no since I was able to talk - whatever the outcome, my freedom is everything and that will never change. I'm also prepared (physically, psychologically, and spiritually) for all eventualities - I just think this is going down to the wire. From observing human psychology over the course of the plandemic - if they find the correct manner in which to frame it, I can very much see a way that they could equate those attempting to live outside it as the enemy. This is the observable nature of their strategy - and whatever happens I feel it prudent to be aware of it. :)

It's been a very long time in the planning and I think it's going to take humanity to fall to it's knees before it finds the humility and fortitude to get up again. Like an alcoholic, sometimes sometimes you need to hit rock bottom before you can climb out of the pit you've dug for yourself.

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