RE: The Illumination Of The Shadow Chapter Eight: 1001 Ways To Claim A Stake In The Global To Local Community

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The Illumination Of The Shadow Chapter Eight: 1001 Ways To Claim A Stake In The Global To Local Community

in conspiracy •  last year 

To be honest - I haven't read very much of Rand's work so I can't comment on her perspective. But the overarching point is that (across every spectrum of society) we're looking at the increasingly overt realisation of an ancient philosophy. One that has been heavily idealised and romanticised by the western mindset- as we continue, I will increasingly display the reflective shadows of that idealisation - and document the networks that brought it into an ever broader public awareness.

Regarding sex - it is a key component within what can be described as an alchemical process - keep that thought in mind - for there is much more to be revealed.

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