RE: A Tangled Web

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A Tangled Web

in conspiracy •  2 years ago 

Haha yes - it seems to be an ongoing theme - I'm sure Assad was educated in the UK, he also has an English wife. I've been trying to find a news piece from a couple of years before the Syrian war - where they were praising his leadership. Funny old world. ;)

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Oh, I'm sure there is a long list of people who went to Oxford, Cambridge, LSE, Imperial, Manchester etc etc - they are not all academics ;-)

This is where I got my distrust of the self-proclaimed "libertarians" as they all struck me as fascists! lmao. usual "freedom to impose".

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Ah... Assad attended the Western Eye Hospital (Imperial College) ;-)
His wife was at King's - not so surprising as she was born in London.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

there is a flip-side to this, that there are also good reasons to go and study at a real university. The doctors here, I always check where they studied - is no guarantee, but many of the best seem to have postgrad work in UK, Germany and Japan (those to the USA I trust far less).

My own dermatologist was the only one (out of 5) who knew my condition just coz he'd seen it before - while in Germany!

I had a health scare a couple of years back, and there were many occasions in the Dr's surgery that I was leading the conversation. Equally, like diamonds in the rough - you recognise the good ones when you see them. :D

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

This was the guy who confided in me eventually that 90% of his patients were suffering reactions to drugs given by doctors (drug dealers). And when he asked them to stop - they didn't care!!
fuck doctors (most of them)

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Most of them are now akin to glorified drug dispensaries - typing your symptoms into a computer and matching with the drugs they intend to sell you. All part of a process that's moving towards the erosion of the human element - and the birth of a medical artificial intelligence that will be able to match your symptoms to their chosen drugs, with a higher degree of accuracy. lol

And when he asked them to stop - they didn't care!!

No they don't care - in fact they use it as an opportunity to sell you more drugs to counteract the reactions of the original drugs. And so the patient spins - in ever decreasing circles of ill health.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

But 90% of plebs think doctors are healers, there to cure them.
The scamdemic wld never have worked without the pharma-faith.

This is where I got my distrust of the self-proclaimed "libertarians" as they all struck me as fascists! lmao. usual "freedom to impose".

Yes, in order to free themselves from the perceived chains of the old - wearing masks of inclusivity and social harmony, they have become the thought police fascists of the new. Diversity in every spectrum of identity - conformity of accepted opinion. lol

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

mmm... no, they really were crypto-fascists, using libertarian in that very sense, of the freedom to impose and hence the freedom to resist - equivalent to no peaceful freedom at all! This was some 40 years ago, and some of them did have political aspirations. The woke-disease was still largely dormant then, at least in the sciences. Was really more about being "one of us".

Aha - 100% yes, I see where you were going now!

I'm in the middle of writing a post on the liberal mindset - so you'll have to forgive my one track mind. :D

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I've always disliked the word "liberal" as it strikes me as a meaningless blank canvas of an idea - much of what gets painted is far from liber-ating.

I've written before about looking at this issue the other way round - how many dependencies do you have? What can, and can't, you do?

Having a party in prison might be fun but the doors are still locked.

Blank canvas is very apt. Although, in terms of describing the intended global citizen - it's also got brave new world written all over it. lol Which is interesting, as in many ways the modern liberal is indicative of the same homogenised (hive mind) social control structure (and associated identity prison) that they've been playing around with for nearly 100 years. Multiple aspects of which were knowingly emulated in the aforementioned novel. Like the words I shared in my post on BLM - it's also now entered the realm of doublespeak. By their words you know them - and by speaking the wrong words - it's remarkable how quickly the modern liberal can morph into a totalitarian fascist. lol

Sustainable = The control over every facet of your lives.
Inclusive = Hive mind of accepted opinion.
Transformation = Social engineering.
Selfish = Individuality.
Nobody left behind = No choice.
Vibrant community = A homoginised society.
Harmonious = An ever expanding array of forbidden questions.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yep, we need a Dark Dictionary of Wokespeak.

smart = spyware (smartphone), prison (smart city)

I also have my own words.

scifid = science fideist, believer in science even when total bollox, science propagandist.

science = the construction of false theories based on fake data promoted as true.

doctors = drug dealers

healthcare = drug dealing centres that create lifelong relationships with the wallets of the scifid customers.

and so on...

Whoops - sorry I must have missed this reply!

Yep, we need a Dark Dictionary of Wokespeak.

I'm working on it - as I can see you are. lol

A great compendium of unveiled truths and new words - scifid! Love it!! :D