The Illumination Of The Shadow Part One: The Law Of Inversion & The Manifestation Of The End Times

in conspiracy •  3 years ago  (edited)


A Few Words

The wolves are at the door, shepherding intertwining narratives towards the nexus point of end-time prophecy. What better place to hide an agenda than behind the ridicule and disbelief of a mind's eye that has rendered us blind to the age of the one-eyed kings.

Irrespective of belief, through observation and investigation, we can document how biblical prophecy, and the cataclysmic nature of the end times, are being both actively prepared for and proactively realised. Thus, the gathering of Israel and the subsequent projection of hatred and vitriol towards the gates of Jerusalem, could be considered as a prelude to the Messianic era. Within early Christian denominations the (globally dominating) Jewish Messiah is equated with an anti-Christ who will attempt to present himself as the Jewish Messiah. The fulfillment of this revelation requiring a provoked attack upon Jerusalem.


Certainly, there is a subversive element within Judaism that energises its agenda (and the realisation of prophecy) through the tactical persecution of the Jews. This has been acknowledged by many virtuous Jewish scholars, including Rabbi Moshe Shonfield in his paper, “Documents and testimony on Jewish war criminals.”

The Zionist approach that Jewish blood is the anointing oil needed for the wheels of the Jewish state is not a thing of the past, it remains operable to this very day. Source

Taking these broader narratives into consideration; I want to highlight that this chapter is not a thinly veiled anti-semitic rant, and I distance myself from that perspective in the strongest possible terms. Indeed, if you’re intent on attacking and blaming the (collective) Jewish people for the woes of the world, please understand you are a calculated, nurtured, and required part of the problem. Indeed, my writings should be considered as an investigation into the principles of an esoteric doctrine that follows a path of strategic infiltration. A process of appropriation, usurpation and wholesale assimilation, that traverses theological boundaries and perceptual limitations.

Does that mean there aren't corrupt Jewish bloodlines who believe they're going to inherit the spoils of the final war and are actively manifesting its realisation? No it doesn't - but I also think there is a bigger story to tell. One that (before we reach its culmination) will no doubt inspire misconception - so be it.


A Process Of Subversion

For thousands of years the process of pervasive permeation and perceptual penetration appears to have been working towards an intended endgame. As an agenda and a mindset, it is akin to a virus of malevolence, a malignant tumor that has attached itself to human perception, and the inaugurating governing core of institutions, social movements, and indeed religious bodies.

Whilst we can consider the influence ancient Egypt, and document the sacrifices offered to Baal & the fires of Moloch. From the perspective of a historical narrative, it is said that following the exile of the Hebrew scholars into the Chaldean Neo Babylonian empire, subversive elements within esoteric oral traditions, and codifications, appear to have become more ingrained within hidden sects of Judaism. Following the Chaldean's defeat at the hands of Cyrus the Great and the subsequent release of the apostates, these concepts began a wider dissemination.

Within the Quran, it is stated that the apostate Jews of Babylon sold their souls for the magic of the devil's.


Influences were derived from a dissident cult within the priesthood of the Magi. These inverted black magicians were said to be a deviant sect that sought to obscure themselves within the religious body of Zoroastrianism. As referenced by Greek historian's such as Plutarch and the Avestan hymns of the Zoroastrian Gatha's, the corrupted Magi practiced invocations to Ahriman (the finite time imprisoned Zoroastrian devil who has associations with mathematics, numerology and the serpent) and the daēvas, who were the fallen gods of chaos and disorder.

The daēvas have deceived mankind and themselves. Zoroastrian Gatha 32.5

Page 122: The Dawn & Twilight of Zoroastrianism by Robert Charles Zaehner

“The perverted, devilish, unrighteous rite of the "mystery of the sorcerers" consists in praising Ahriman, the destroyer.” Source

In his (referenced above) book The Dawn & Twilight of Zorastrianism, scholar (and translater of sacred texts) Robert Charles Zaehner, further notes the broader worship of the Persian version of the Sun God known as Mithra - the judge, who was perceived as an "intermediary between the God on high and the demon below". We can also find correlations between the Egyptian god Thoth - the patron of thieves and the balancer of opposites. Egyptian glossaries equate Mithra with Prometheus, who again is associated with Lucifer and the two faces of the dying/rejuvenating God of the mystery religion.

As Lucifer led man to the tree of knowledge, Prometheus stole fire from the gods to liberate humanity.

page 102

The dualistic Mithra is equated with being both kind and loving, and a cruel judge of those that break their contracts to him. Interestingly, as our controlling entities manifest within the opposing polarities of the pseudo dichotomy, we can observe the union of these contradictory narratives within the false light elucidations of later chapters.

The secret rites of the Magi included the consumption of a drink that was derived from the sacred plant haoma which is a cognate of the Vedic soma. As documented in the Zoroastrian Avesta and Vedic Rigveda, haoma and soma were associated with the tree of knowledge, the Persians stating that the haoma was the first tree. Of course, with an eye on the deeper layers of context, the word soma would latterly become synonymous with Huxley's brave new world.

Page 124

As documented above, the ritual was practiced to both positive and negative effect.

A fatalistic branch of Zoroastrianism was Zurvanism. Much like his Tibetan counterpart Kalachakra - Zurvan was the androgynous (or neutral) god of time, the ruler of the eternal, historical, and cyclical - destruction and regeneration. From the sun to the moon and all the stars of the night sky, his body was said to contain the entire universe - the hierarchies of light, the colours of the rainbow, and the apocalyptic fires of the end time all emanating from within.


Codifying The Lore

As displayed by the findings at Ketef Hinnom, the original Torah was written in paleo Hebrew, an ancient codification that is a ramification of the Phoenician alphabet. Indeed, the Phoenician the alphabet contains three alphabetic sets: Greek, Aramaic, and Ancient Hebrew. The original paleo Hebrew text of the Torah is considered lost to the sands of time.

In the context of this post and the wider implications I will document throughout the series, we can begin to observe that the merger of religion, the occultic principles of monist mysticism, and social governance, enable the evolving implementation of feudal world law. A law whose overt manifestation awaits the dialectic delirium of the end time.

Obscured principles and doctrines were interwoven with elements of Jewish law and Judaic mysticism through the oral tradition. The Tannaim (meaning repeat), and the latter Amoraim (meaning interpret) scribes gradually merged with/became the biblical Pharisee, who codified elements of the oral law (Mishnah = oral law, and the Gemara = sea of learning) into the Babylonian Talmud. The esoteric aspect of the spoken law (elements of which were later immortalised as the Kabbalah) are referred to in the Talmud as the sitrei torah and razei torah - the "secrets of the Torah".

Due to the fact that they have no scriptural basis, the Sadducees refused to accept the oral law of the Pharisee (both of which were represented in The Great Sanhedrin i.e Grand Council) and thus were embroiled in constant conflict with one another.

Amongst the people, the Sadducees were perceived as elite and corrupt, and thus unpopular, whilst the Pharisees were broadly welcomed on the perception that they divulged more power to the common man. In the context of our current shift of ages, polemical powerbases, and communitarian new ages that energise their one-world thesis against the corruption of its antithesis, this ancient dialectic is quite interesting. That said, as none of their writings remain, most knowledge about the Sadducees is derived from their critics.

What is worth pausing to note is that the Pharisee opened Jerusalem’s gates to the Romans and supported the slaughter of the Sadducees.

With the destruction of the Temple (70 A.D.) the Sadducees disappeared altogether, leaving the regulation of all Jewish affairs in the hands of the Pharisees. Henceforth, Jewish life was regulated by the Pharisees; the whole history of Judaism was reconstructed from the Pharisaic point of view, and a new aspect was given to the Sanhedrin of the past. A new chain of tradition supplanted the older priestly tradition (Abot 1:1). Pharisaism shaped the character of Judaism and the life and thought of the Jew for all the future. Source

"The Jewish religion as it is today traces its descent, without a break, through all the centuries, from the Pharisees. Their leading ideas and methods found expression in a literature of enormous extent, of which a very great deal is still in existence. The Talmud is the largest and most important single piece of literature . . . and the study of it is essential for any real understanding of Pharisaism." Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, 1948, Vol. 8, pg. 474.

As stated by Rabbi Lois Finklestein, “Pharisaism (meaning set apart/separatist) became Talmudism, Talmudism became medieval Rabbinism, and medieval Rabbinism became Modern Rabbinism.”

The Pharisee codified elements of the oral law as the aforementioned Babylonian Talmud, a 64 volume set of laws, decrees, debates, biblical stories, entwined mysticism, incantations, and social governance structures. In its English format (often relayed as a singular book) the Talmud is heavily edited, although its first translation is still considered the gold standard and can be found here.

In addition to the written scriptures we have an "Oral Torah", a tradition explaining what the Five Books of Moses mean and how to interpret them and apply the Laws. Orthodox Jews believe God taught the Oral Torah to Moses, and he taught it to others, and others taught it to others down to the present day. This tradition was maintained in oral form only until about the 2d century C.E, when much of the oral law was compiled and written down in a document called the Mishnah.

Over the next few centuries, authoritative commentaries elaborating on the Mishnah and recording the rest of the oral law were written down in Israel and Babylon. These additional commentaries are known as the Tosefta, Mekhileta, Sifra, Sifre, Jerusalem Talmud, and Babylonian Talmud. The last was completed at about 500 C.E. The two largest works are the Jerusalem Talmud and the Babylonian Talmud. The Babylonian one is more comprehensive and is the one most people mean when they refer to The Talmud. Source


Priest, lawyer, and banker, are historically synonymous with one another.

Elements of Talmudic law intersect with the dialectic principles at the heart of the Kabbalistic union of opposites. Thus, if you have the lawyers and means to do so, through hair splitting technicality and legal alchemy, the adept can construct an argument where even the most contradictory statements can be construed in such a manner that they're both authoritatively right.

As time moves on we will observe how similar philosophical and legal sorcery will begin to redefine the perception of equality (as the pseudo intellectuals and new age philosophers bathe in sacred waters of their ignorance and naivety, we can observe a morally relativistic ambiguity of mind), ethics and human rights. Papers like the UN human rights act, the declaration of human duties, and the new UK bill of rights, ensuring that individual rights are quietly usurped by a responsibility to the global to local community. Unfortunately, equality without individual sovereignty is the path toward a totalitarian technocracy.

The subversive over complication and dilution of easily discernible laws and moral principles, speak to the nature of deception and elitism. Masters of manipulation, we are observing a process of legitimised corruption and social dissection - where black becomes white. The (attempted) triumph of intellect over discernment and intuition. Laws of indistinguishable distinctions, and neurotic nuances, a noose of red tape that is intended to hang the aspirations of the common man.

With all this said, it would be remiss of me not to point out that the nature of the union of oppositions/contradictions is not a Kabbalistic construct, it is alchemic in nature. The paradox of a unified point of view, the language of the alchemist. The ongoing process of usurping individual rights in favour of the global to local (hive-mind) community, a disorientating sleight of hand that speaks to the age of manufactured liminality.

Harnessing universal principles to energise the narratives of the unprincipled. Through the looking glass of occultic law, the entangled underwiring and shadowy underworlds of lore, speak to the statutory circumvention of natural law.


The Kabbalah

The Kabbalah is considered to be akin to the blood and bones within the body of Babylonian Pharisaism - a codified book of esoteric knowledge that was historically handed down through the spoken word of the priest-craft. Thus, Kabbalists consider themselves to be the students of a secret science that interprets the hidden meaning of the Jewish scriptures. From this perspective, the seven laws of Noah/the Noahide commandments, (which will be discussed later in this chapter) correspond with the Sephirot, i.e the Kabbalistic emanations through which the God of Kabbalah (the infinite Ein Sof) reveals himself.

The Kabbalah s Ein Sof could be equated with the one mind of Hermeticism, pantheism, alchemical conceptions of the Ether, and the modern observations of quantum mechanics. An eternal state of being (undefinable and inconceivable) that permeates all space and is without substance, or intelligence. A void that is filled with what magicians have referred to as the "universal magic agent" or "Luminiferous" aether.

Luminiferous = Light bearer
Lucifer = Latin for the ancient Greek phosphorus
Phos = Light
Horus = Egyptian sun god, synonymous with the all seeing eye
Horus = The one on high/ meaning above
Light above/Light Bringer = Lucifer.

Under the guise of elitist secret knowledge, the Zohar embodies the subversion of simplicity and direct language. Through interspersing elements of the profound with the irrelevant, and with metaphors and allegorical obfuscations masking the failures of its conceptual limitations and irreconcilable contradictions, we are able to discern that the Zohar is a compilation of different doctrines. An occultic emperor's new clothes. Certainly, in its English composition, it retains distorted fragments of the bible it reinterprets, and the occultic knowledge it emulates. Hence why individuals such as historian and philosopher of Jewish mysticism - Moshe Idel, declare it to have an origin independent of biblical interpretation.

In keeping with the observations of this chapter. If we take a look at the Kabbalistic tree of life, the highest Sephiroth is the crown of Keter, which is representative of the divine spark. Below (right) Keter is the Sephiroth known as Chokmah, it pushes the energy from the divine spark into the (left) Sephiroth known as Binah - which is commonly associated with the planet Saturn. Binah is the Sephiroth of material formation - a resistance against the expansion of the divine spark. The material world (which is equated with the feminine) transforming the divine into the impure. Materiality perceived as being an opposing force that impedes our return to divinity.

Upon entering the material realm the divine spark was considered to have been shattered into a multitude of pieces that are engaged in a process of restoration. The two main bodies of the Jewish Kabbalah are theoretical and practical. The latter more heavily focused on witchcraft and delving into the evil realms of the Qliphoth, separating the divine sparks of God from the evil shells (a concept that is oft equated with the human body) that encase them. The former comprising of the two main bodies of the Sefir Yerizah (whose original manuscript is considered lost) and the relatively modern Zohar, which means light.


It's worth pausing to note that although the Jewish Kabbalah (specifically the Sefir Yerizah) heavily focuses on the numerological use of the Hebrew alphabets 22 letters. As documented in both the Talmud and the bible, around the 6th century BCE, the ancient Hebrew lettering was discarded in favour of Aramaic. Hence, there is nothing magic about them. Equally, in keeping with the observation that the majority of Kabbalistic principles are not predominantly Judaic, we find similar concepts within Islamic esotericism and Arabic Grimoire's like the Shams al-Marif - The Sun Of Knowledge.

Jewish Encyclopedia

The Jewish Kabbalah contains elements and principles that are believed to be derived from (or at least heavily influenced by) the oral tradition of Chaldean sorcery. My own study leads me to contend that the undercurrents of Chaldean esotericism are a tributary of Vedism and potentially ancient Egyptian occultism. Although as a caveat I will state that these are very murky waters to drink from. Likewise, much of this is window dressing, whilst people spend lifetimes discerning all the ideological differentials - my key interest is in observing how (at a base level) we can discern similar principles.

The fact also that the “Ḳelippot” (the scalings of impurity), which are so prominent in the medieval Cabala, are found in the old Babylonian incantations - is evidence in favor of the antiquity of most of the cabalistic material. Jewish Encylopedia (1906)

Much of Chaldean cosmology and esotericism has been lost to historical record, although through a treatise known as the “Observations Of Bel” we can observe precursors to Darwinian evolutionary theory, i.e the first human is discerned as a fish-man. The Chaldean fish-god Oaness/EA (who is later associated as the great serpent dragon) can be connected to the Sumerian Enki.

Human evolutionary theory was further expanded upon by Isaac Luria (1534-1572), the father of a Lurianic Kaballah that is heavily associated with the Sabbateanism of Sabbatai Zevi and Jacob Frank.


Traditionally the Sefir Kabbalah is relayed as being an occultic doctrine that runs complimentary to the bible. The contradiction resides with the biblical God being monotheistic (a personal one God) whilst the Kabbalistic god can be (albeit crudely) equated with elements of a pantheistic Monism - an impersonal all is God. A conception that (as we shall observe) very much aligns with the mantras of one worldism. In terms of Sabbatean interpretations of the Lurianic Kaballah, they seek to return the divine sparks to their original state of unified divinity and fulfill the realisation of prophecy. Thus, if all is God, then (through a ritualistic process of inversion) as a perceived means of earthly restoration, the one can be served through the "holiness of sin" and evil.

It is a mainstay of Saturnian gnosis that the darkness contains the light. Therefore the darkness is necessary for light to exist. It follows then that in fact the darkness is superior to the light—ohne Finsternis leuchtet kein Licht! Page 45: Fire & Ice: The Brotherhood of Saturn by Stephen Flowers.

For the later Kabbalists, the corruption, degeneration, perversion, and ultimate transcension, of the material realm, speaks to a form of restoration that alludes to the Luciferian aspect of Saturnian occultism. A statement that is further validated by the fact that Sabbatai in Hebrew means Saturn. This shouldn't come as too much of a surprise when you consider that high ranking Kabbalists are oft equated with the "sons of Cain". Global architects who shape the world according to their interpretations of a grand design. A mythology that is re-interpreted throughout schools of Freemasonry - where the sons of Cain become the Freemasonic sons of the widow. As I highlighted in a previous article:



Hasidism & Sabateanism

The 16th/17th century Hasidic & Sabbatean sects connect us directly to the modern era. The Hasidic sect of Chabad, heavily focused upon further assimilating the law system of the Babylonian Talmud (and the Noahide laws) within international and religious law.

Many scholars contend that the roots of the Hasidic movement are born of Sabbateanism. In his book Major Trends in Jewish Mysticism, Jewish scholar Gershom Scholem defined Hassidism, Sabbateanism, and the Lurianic Kabbalah, as "three stages in the singular process behind the historical development of Jewish mysticism". Although more heavily focused upon messianism as its central dynamic, the Lurianic Kabbalah is widely perceived as a re-interpretation of the earlier Zohar, and is often considered as the basis for modern Jewish mysticism.

The founder of Sabbateanism was proclaimed messiah Sabbatai (Hebrew for Saturn) Zevi, a disciple of the Lurian Kabbalah who taught a doctrine of redemption through sin. Following his forced? conversion to Islam, many followers left in dismay, his remaining faithful infiltrating the religion and becoming known as the Donmeh. Historically, there have been accusations that the Donmeh are associated with the Saudi royal family and Wahhabism.


Some fifty years after Zevis’s death, Sabbateanism was resurrected by polish Jew Jacob Frank. Proclaiming himself as Zevi's reincarnation, Frank's brand of Sabbateanism would become known as Frankism. Believing that God would not return until the world had reached the epitome of evil and devastation, Frank taught a doctrine of order through chaos. On an ever-evolving quest to mine the pits of deviance and debasement, Frankists practiced an inversion of morality and biblical law, willfully crossing every boundary and transgressing all taboos. This is not without historical context.

the group of Kabbalists in Spain cultivated a violent, demonic form of magical Kabbalah intended to destroy the prevailing historical and religious order, including Christianity, for the sake of bringing the Messiah.

Page 198: Kabbalah in Italy (1280 - 1510) by Moshe Idel.

Whilst the methodology may seem incompatible with the fundamentalist elements within Judaism - there is an alignment. Both seek to bring about the judgement of God - and (for the latter) if that can be brought about by the manipulated actions of the fallen gentile, it fits into a broader narrative of a religious feudalism that distinguishes the chosen as a superior race who will inherit the spoils of God's kingdom. Personally, I consider this to be a monumental self-deception - a course of action that ensures the end does not justify the means.

Again, none of this is new, the Frankists are simply re-packaging principles that can be traced back to the ancient world. Here we can also consider how the ritually applied principle of inversion is perceived to catapult the enlightened to a synthesis of beyond good and evil.

“The same deed for which a normal mortal would burn for a hundred million eons, through this same act an initiated yogi attains enlightenment.” Page 272 1985 editon: Yoga Immortality & Freedom by Mircia Eliade

The law of the inversion predates the Sabbatean's by at least two thousand years and can be found within the principles of divination. It also has a close relationship with the unity of opposites, a Hermetic principle that informs the establishment of the Kabbalah s union of contradictions. Within the context of our current age of the Kali Yuga, mystics believed that the ritualistic rites and symbolic acts associated with the left hand path of the inversion principle, hastened our passage through its intrinsic darkness and would propel us into the dawn of a golden age.

The deeper I begin observe its inherent processes, principles, and patterns, the more I contend that there is a method to the madness of our world. A manner of infiltration that implicates and manipulates all who partake in it.

The struggle against the subversive hidden hand is perhaps personified by what would become known as the Emden Eybeschutz controversy. Notable due to the fact that Rav Eybeschütz was considered a child prodigy in the Talmud and when living in Vienna, had even obtained permission to print the first European copy. Controversy erupted when Rabbi Jacob Emden (a fierce opponent of the Sabbatean’s) publically accused Talmudic Kabbalist Rabbi Jonathan Eybeschütz as being a secret Sabbatean.

Whilst Eybeschütz would latterly be cleared of these findings by the Hamburg senate, the Royal court of Denmark declared the matter as officially unresolved. In more recent times, notarised copies of Eybeshutz’s amulets have been discovered and would appear to validate Emden's claims.

Rav’s younger son Wolf Jonas Eybeshutz declared himself a Sabbatean prophet (Carmilly-Weinberger, Moshe. Wolf Jonas Eybeschütz - An "Enlightened" Sabbatean in Transylvania. In: Studia Judaica, 6 (1997) ) and retained close friendships with several Frankists.

A Vienna based Sabbatean connected lodge was the Asiatische Bruder (order of the Asiatic brethren.) The order was also known as the Asiatic Brethren of St. John the Evangelist, St John being traditionally identified with John of Patmos who was believed to have authored the book of revelation.

A key founder member of the order was Moses Dobruschka - who later changed his name to Baron Thomas Von Schoenfield. Whilst he is recognised by the orders historian, Franz Joseph Molitor, as being the grandson of Rav Eybeshutz. This connection is disputed by Jewish historian Jacob Katz, although he recognises Schoenfield as an “apostate Jew” and an “active adherent to the Sabbatean movement.” Indeed, Dobruschka's mother was a first cousin of Jacob Frank, and is often referred to, as "the great whore of Brunn".

In the context of later chapters, Gershom Scholem notes that the Asiatics mixed Kabbalistic and Sabbatean concepts with Christian Theosophy.

There is no doubt about the Frankist rites of the Asiatic Brethren lodge and their esteem of the All-Seeing Eye.

The Asiatic Brethren adopted Christian symbols and were required to eat pork and milk. Professor Scholem has proven that the Brethren were dominated by Sabbatian conceptions.

While Dobrushka, founder of the Viennese Asiatic Lodge, went to an early death, Ephraim Joseph Hirschfield (1755-1820), a Frankist and activist in Mendelssohn's circle was active with the Vienna Lodge and was a missionary for the Asiatic Brethren. He was described as its "central spiritual pillar."

Hirschfield preached that he who occupied himself with Kabbala could pass beyond the confines of the Catholic, Muslim or Jewish religions and reach "the one and only true, pure and overall religion." From 1792 until his death in 1820 Hirschfield settled in Offenbach, seat of the Frankists, where he devoted much time to their activities.

Rabbi Marvin S Antelman: page 124 - 125 Eliminate The Opiate.

It's worth pausing to note the Rothschild influence within the order.

In the wake of Illuministic German-Jewish freemasonry Lodges, we find that the Rothschilds very adroitly steered their way into a position of control over these lodges in much the same manner as Friedrich, the Duke of Brunswick, member of the Illuminati was one of the main sponsors of the Vienna Asiatic Brethren Lodge until his death in 1792.

Eliminate The Opiate Pages 125 - 126

The Frankist cult included the upper echelons of society and black nobility. A famous individual connected to the Frankists being Mayer Amschel Rothschild, born Mayer Amschel Bauer. Indeed, I contend that (much like today) whilst remaining in the shadows, the Rothschild’s are proficient at funding and elevating narratives and individuals that are beneficial to their agenda.


In his aforementioned book, Rabbi Antelman (the former chief justice of the Jewish supreme court of America), traces a direct lineage from Zevi to the CFR, he also connects Rothschild to both the Frankists and the founding (alongside Adam Weishaupt) of the Bavarian Illuminati.

As with the vast majority of the sects and orders I'm going to discuss, the Illuminati had an inward and outward-facing membership. Most were led to the belief that the lower degrees of mystery they had attained were the highest achievable. The majority believing that they were working towards a virtuous cause.

Interestingly, the numerical (Kabbalistic) relation to the start date of the order appears to have been carefully selected. 1st May 1776; 5 + 1 = 6 and then 1+7+7+6 = 21: as displayed in previous posts both of these multiplied numbers possess an numerological significance. Finally, by adding the numbers 6 and 21 we arrive at 27, which is achieved by thrice multiplying the incredibly important number 9, whose relevance I have elucidated within previous posts.

After becoming disillusioned with the enlightenment, in 1798 John Robison wrote the book: Proofs of a conspiracy against all the religions and governments of Europe, carried on in the secret meetings of Free Masons, Illuminati, and Reading Societies. In the book, Robison documented how the Freemasons had been infiltrated by the Illuminati and included details of the Bavarian government's investigation into the Illuminati connection to the French revolution.

An eminent professor of natural philosophy at Edinburgh University, Robison was also a member of the Edinburgh Philosophical Society, the first general secretary to the Royal Society of Edinburgh, a mathematician, and scientist.

Worthy of note is that the Illuminati was preceded by the Alumbrados, an order founded by the “Marranos.” Again, the Alumbrados believed that once the human soul had reached a state of perfection, people were free to commit sinful acts without staining it. A conception that that derives its influence from sects of eastern mysticism. Interestingly, the Jesuit founder Ignatius of Loyola was accused of being an Alumbrado by the Spanish inquisition.

Whether or not Loyola was an Alumbrado, as an order, the Jesuits are themselves an integral component within this control structure.

Later in life, Jacob Frank ( thousands of his followers) converted to Catholicism, the geneology (I have taken the time to verify several of these progeny) of which can be explored in this article. Lineages include Rothschild and Frank connections to the Cardinals of Ireland and Australia, plus marriages between Frank and Rothschild’s descendants.

This paper explores the potential influence of Sabbateanism and Frankism within a Frankfurt school whose connections to the Tavistock Institute I have explored within previous posts.

Whilst outside the remit of this post, from the Rothschild affiliations (and interconnections with the Schiff family) we can begin to connect Frankism into the heart of banking and modern Zionism.


The Noahide Laws

Biblically, the rainbow is symbolic of God's covenant that “never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life”. Derived from the Babylonian Talmud and oral Torah are the (Kabbalah connected) seven Noahide laws. Following the great flood, these seven laws were said to be God-given to Noah and are symbolised by the rainbow. In truth, they appear to be manmade laws constructed for commerce between the Pharisee, the non-Jews (gentiles), and the allied righteous gentiles.

At first glance, the Noahide commandments appear similar to the ten commandments, but there are some important distinctions. Firstly, for the gentile, this is a feudal law that appears to supplant the inalienable rights of self-determinism. Equally, whilst the Israelite is subject to the essential formalities of trial and procedure, in direct contravention of an established legal maxim, the gentile carries a presumption of guilt that enables them to be convicted on the testimony of a singular witness, and to be sentenced by a single judge. The potential punishment? Decapitation (see page 1192 of encyclopedia Judaica).

Legal Maxim: Actori incumbit onus probandi – The burden of proof is on the plaintiff.

I'm not stating that our systems of law aren't already heavily compromised or that juries aren't shepherded by judges, but still, the fading vestiges of the presumption of innocence remain. At least outside a communitarian court of public opinion that has already been subconsciously assimilated into the hive mind "inclusivity" of the one world order.

These laws would appear to be set in place for a very different world from the one in which we currently live. A form of esoteric authority that is preparing us for an era of judgment that patiently awaits its judge. Indeed, Talmudic eschatology paints an image of the Jewish Messiah as a military leader who has similar characteristics to the Christian anti-Christ. The Messiah is said to fight great wars against the enemies of Israel and rein victorious over them. On the eve of his victory he is killed and then subsequently resurrected. His resurrection pertaining to a key reason that the world follows him. Thus begins a series of increasingly violent events that will culminate in the genocide of all that refuse to recognise the Messiah as king.

No record exists of a gentile having been put to death for violating the seven Noahide laws. Some of the categories of capital punishment recorded in the Talmud are recorded as having never been carried out. It is thought that the rabbis included discussion of them in anticipation of the coming Messianic Age. Source

Within the rabbinic tradition of Judaism it is explained that there will be two Messiahs at the end-time. The concept of two Messiahs is only apparent within said tradition and is probably a later assumption/explanation, to explain the distinctions between the two aspects of the Messiah.

Within Noahidic law it explicitly states that idolatry is a transgression, by following the letter of the law this would seem to suggest that from Christianity (a foremost focus) to Islam and Buddhism, the vast majority of the world’s religious practitioners and perceived unrepentant sinners could be identified as idolaters and thus transgressors of the law.

I have come to consider whether (at some level) both Frankism and Chabads’ merger of mysticism and Noahidism, allude to some form of transgressive dialectic. From this perspective we can consider both a state of inversion and debasement, and an opposing capitalised era of judgement. A law of inversion – the genocide of the heretics justified as the means to an end of a greater good.


The Hasidic Noahide Agenda

Medieval Hasidism shares the same social and geographical origins as Frankism, both of which intersected with Lurianic Kabbalism, Messianism, and transgressive revolution. Although the Hasidic movement is now considered an aspect of Orthodox Judaism, historically it was condemned as heretical by traditionalists like the Mitnagdim who described it as a deviant sect and identified it with Sabbateanism. This connection was justified by the Hasidic suggestion that followers should serve God (and the greater good) with both good and bad impulses.


Page 110: Sigmund Freud and the Jewish Mystical Tradition: by David Bakan

Following founder Baal Shem Tov, the successor to the Hasidic movement was Rabbi Dov Baer ben Avraham of Mezeritch, commonly known as the “Great Maggid.” The Maggid’s inner circle included Lurian adept Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi, who was accused by contemporaries as being a Sabbatean, and who would later become the founder of Chabad Lubavitch (Habad) which is a distinctive branch of Hasidism. The Chabad Lubavitch movement are awaiting the return of their Messiah, and are instrumental components behind the realisation of the Noahide laws.


Page 217: The Paradoxical Ascent to God – The Kabbalistic Theosophy of Habad Hasidim.

Also present at the meeting on Monday, though not seated in the 71-seat semi-circular row of chairs, was famed archaeologist Dr. Vendyl Jones. He is working with the Sanhedrin to establish a system of courts for non-Jews adhering to the Seven Laws of Noah, which the Torah obligates all of humanity to follow. One of those laws is to establish courts of justice. A high court has been established by the Sanhedrin for such purposes, and a subsidiary of that court will soon be established in the United States as well. Source

The supreme court was funded by the Rothschild Foundation and Dorothy de Rothschild.


In 1977 President Jimmy Carter signed a joint resolution by Congress to create an education day that marked the birthday of Chabad Lubavitch leader Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson. Indeed, from Carter onwards, every President of the United States has signed an annual proclamation in honour of Rabbi Schneerson and the Chabad Lubavitch movement.

In 1982 on the eve of Rabbi Schneerson’s birthday, then President Regan and the U.S congress signed joint resolution 447, which set aside a day of remembrance for the Rabbi, and included the words; “He has provided a vivid example of the eternal validity of the seven Noahide law, a moral code for all of us regardless of religious faith.” This remembrance day is marked by every subsequent President.

In 1991 by unanimous consent President Bush signed joint resolution 104 into law. Unanimous consent is a technicality that ensures no vote has been recorded, i.e there is no official record of the congressman and senators that endorsed and signed this unconstitutional law into existence.

The bill claims that the United States was founded on the bedrock of the Noahide laws. The bill also states “Whereas in tribute to this great spiritual leader, `the rebbe, this, his ninetieth year will be seen as one of education and giving, the year in which we turn to education and charity to return the world to the moral and ethical values contained in the Seven Noahide Laws."

You may notice that the Rebbe’s birthday and thus education day wanders, the is because the Chabad Lubavitchers retain a Babylonian lunar calendar.

Regarding the Trump presidency, Jared Kushner is connected with a Chabad Lubavitch movement that has also received numerous donations from his parents. In the dying light of the Trump presidency he commuted the sentence of Philip Esformes, who was involved in a 1.3 billion Medicare fraud. Interestingly, Esformes is a donor to the Aleph Institute, which is an organisation started by Chabad. Equally, his father Rabbi Morris Esformes is a long time Chabad supporter and benefactor.


United Nations Noahide

With the weight and reach of the United Nations behind them, The Institute For Noahide Code is a “special consultative” UN-accredited NGO, that is vigorously working towards the worldwide adoption of the seven laws. The Noahide Code NGO explicitly states that the Seven Laws of Noah are an obligation on all of man-kind, they seek to “break down the barriers” between cultures and unite them under the banner of Gods oneness, i.e a Kabbalistic Pantheism that lends itself to the cultivation of a one world order. “Uniting the United Nations with seven Noahide laws”, with an agenda that’s manifested through seminars like their “One people, One world, conference.

Titled "One People, One World,"the conference brought together journalists, diplomats, and delegates from countries across the globe –including Egypt and Israel. Guests of honor from the UN Diplomatic Corps also signed a "Declaration of the Seven Laws of Noah," which emphasized the importance of the Seven Noahide Laws in maintaining peace, justice, and harmony among peoples and nations.Source

Here we can observe that the Vatican is also embracing the seven laws of Noah.


Communitarianism & Noahide Law

The proclaimed father of communitarianism and director of the communitarian network is Amitai Etzioni, a German Jew, born Werner Falk. In Hebrew the name Amitai means truth/true, Et being a preposition displaying a relationship to the other word, Zioni, is self-explanatory. In essence, the name means true Zionist, thus it should come as no surprise that Etzioni is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. The CFR founder members include John D Rockefeller, J.P Morgan, and Jacob Schiff, scanned documents from1922 highlight its drive towards a one-world government.

Amitai Etzioni: Nationalism must be ended. It is a creed that has come to burden the expansion of globalism. Source

At Hebrew University, Etzioni was a student of Martin Buber, who was a Zionist, Kabbalist, that embraced the teachings of Hasidism. In this paper, Etzioni identifies the communitarian elements within the works of Buber. Communitarian Noahide law is intended to supersede all national and religious laws, drawing each component into a singular communitarian system of one-world governance.
Whilst the governance structures of Noahidism (notably a feudal law system) may be apparent within communitarianism, I note that many of its inherent principles could be considered as transgressive to a Noahide law.

Martin Buber quoted on Page 107: Sigmund Freud and the Jewish Mystical Tradition: by David Bakan.

At the July 12-14, 1996 First Communitarian Summit in Geneva, the communitarians’ modern guru, Amitai Etzioni, said: “I am very close to George Soros; we have been friends for twenty-five years.” Source


The communitarian system of governance developed by Etzioni is based upon Talmudism, Hegel’s dialectic, Kabbalism, Obscurantism, and Alice Bailey's (Lucis Trust emanating) channeled Theosophy, which is now an official aspect of the United Nations. Again, once you peel away the layers of overly obfuscated mysticism, and flowery articulations, we are looking at spiritual disciplines that lend themselves to the mantras of social governance. Doctrines that benefit the formation of a one-world (surrender your ego for we are one) dis-order into the public subconscious, whilst remaining cloaked behind a homogenised eastern/theosophical/new age veil that never really goes anywhere. A synthesis of religions and spiritual denominations - that plays to the mantras of one-worldism and spiritual subjugation.

Serving the Common Good—through the sacrifice of selfishness. Only what is good for all is good for each one. Lucis Trust

When pondering the occultic nature of the Kabbalistic union of opposites and contradictions, we can begin to juxtapose this concept against the formation of an intended one world order and the interlocking hive mind of communitarianism.

In his essay titled: “Hegel a study in sorcery” political philosopher Eric Voegelin referred to Hegel’s “The Phenomenology of Spirit” as “a ‘Grimoire’ which ‘must be recognized as a work of magic—indeed, it is one of the great magic performances.” In essence, Hegel was a Hermeticist, the dialectic his alchemical magnum opus. When juxtaposing Hegel’s dialectic against the communitarian synthesis of politics, finance, consensus, we can observe how the former influences the latter. The dialectic nature of the Lurianic Kabbalah's breaking of the vessels - derive from an alchemical principle. Here we can consider how this process is being applied at a global scale.

Sefirot = Original idea
Shevirah = The shattering of the idea
Tikkun = Original idea reconstructed at a higher level of comprehension.

The shifting social sands of the thesis, antithesis, and synthesis, use the fear of alienation and collective isolation to pressure the individual/country into surrendering/compromising beliefs and convictions at the altar of perceived social harmony. From a more extreme perspective we can consider an engineered clash of opposites. When the thesis and the antithesis reach a consensus (agreement) this becomes the new synthesis, from this newly found foundation (understanding) the process repeats itself.

Within alchemy the term is "solve et coagula", which means dissolve and coagulate.

The pariahs that refuse to bow to the weight of the recently established consensus are identified, collectivised, and incrementally vilified. Slowly but surely, the populace is steered and transformed, an alchemical transmutation of thought, and perception.


As we are observing an evolving process , it doesn't mean that the communitarian merger with Noahide law is currently focused upon the principles of the Noahide. What is does retain (and you can observe this with your own eyes) is the presumption of guilt, and the erosion of self-determinism. It is also akin to a two tier social contract, outside the inner circle, the manufactured consensus is now the judge and jury, the out of context virtue signalling (single) witness testimony, akin to the prosecution.

Incrementally, the minds of the public are being prepared for something far more insidious, and if it devolves into the intended chaos and psychosis, it is the weight of the consensus (and associated manufactured hate) that will instigate the intended persecution (and eventual execution) of the one world heretics.


Within communitarianism the ewes are used to control you, leaving the individual at the mercy of the dogmatic delusions and neurological neurosis of the socially engineered consensus. With militant fervour they stalk the halls of cyber halls of social media, invoking the spirit of the inquisition against all who fail to abide by their hive mind disposition.

The rainbow symbol displayed throughout the plandemic? Symbolic of a subconscious acquiescence to a (where all in this together) one world order of communitarian social governance and its centralised consensus-driven cult of scientism. Both of which appear to be maneuvering us towards an era where your health choices are no longer an individual matter, they are a bio-security issue.

Within Sanskrit, the rainbow bridge is known as the Antahkarana, a bridge between the higher and lower self, and indeed the physical and etheric realms. Within the Luciferian merger with New Ageism, the rainbow symbolises the bridge between man and a Lucifer that is equated as the oversoul.

When observing this concept from the perspective of the Lucis Trust we can observe the interweaving correlation of agendas. The rainbow bridge is also symbolic of the bridge between the individuality of the old and the desired state of one world uniformity that is now socially manifesting itself as communitarianism. Thus, its ever-increasing prevalence (especially throughout the plandemic) as a symbol of hope and change, is not accidental.

As relayed below, it's about leading the collective subconscious to a state of alignment that will gradually (unwittingly) become an integrated aspect of our conscious awareness.

In the case of the New Group of World Servers, it is not simply ascending energy which must be considered; there is also a focussing of consciousness and a receptivity which can develop into fixed intention; this can be followed later by a recognition in the physical brain consciousness of what has transpired.Lucis Trust


"The revolution will be complete when the language is perfect." George Orwell.

Whilst the communitarian social consensus rallies against the building of walls, they appear unaware of the walls that have been constructed within their minds. Entire topics walled off, pacing thought police and flashing febrile heat sensors that alert the conscious mind to an ever-expanding array of subconsciously pre-programmed code words. Transgressors of social law tried and hung in the court of public opinion, careers and lives destroyed without recourse or trial.

Are you a humanitarian or a communitarian?

At all times, the communitarian (i.e global citizen) must perceive that they're working towards something greater than themselves. Unaware that they not only represent the system, they are the system. A cog in the machine, doomed to walk a treadmill of perpetual triviality and reactive inconsequentiality.

The communitarian yoo's are controlled by the ewes, but remember, there is only one you!

Written by @perceptualflaws
Gifs courtesy of
All public domain artwork is source referenced.


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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

From sacrilegious to the religious, we are all being prepared for judgement.

Slowly but surely, the populace is steered and transformed, an alchemical transmutation of thought, and perception.

it is the weight of the consensus (and associated manufactured hate) that will instigate the intended persecution (and eventual execution) of the heretics.

(I'm trying to boil this down to a central message for myself.)

Thank you for doing this eye-opening work! It's easy for many of us to say that the Rothschilds and the Soros' of the world are at the heart of our current topsy turvy-ness, but here you've mapped their, and others', involvement back for thousands of years. I am grateful to know all this, and look forward to the next FOURTEEN installments. That there will be 14 is shocking, so much is here in this first.

Thank you for the kind words my friend - I really appreciate the support.

Thank you for doing this eye-opening work! It's easy for many of us to say that the Rothschilds and the Soros' of the world are at the heart of our current topsy turvy-ness, but here you've mapped their, and others', involvement back for thousands of years. I am grateful to know all this, and look forward to the next FOURTEEN installments.

No, thank you for taking the time to read and comment. :)

The further this series progresses, the more heavily documented and validated it is going to become. The connections I've made throughout, are in equal parts eye opening - and very disturbing. By the time you finish the series, you will understand why I have broken it down into multiple chapters. :)

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I used to read so much of those subjects , i even made some videos , i wish i could have read these when i was 10 years old instead of stupid books , i was hungry for answers and knowledge and at last i found peace in Hermetism , art and health .
Even though i will always be blind and sick until this system exists .

Posted from

Peace and balance is very much needed - an island of calm within the eye of the tempest. :)

This is nothing short of awesome. I skimmed it do to its length, but will be returning later today to read it more fully. Years ago I had a search for God, which led me into seeking understanding on cultural mindsets of the original religions the offshoots came from.

One thing before moving to that is I would often watch debates initiated by some Christians on how the book of Revelations proved no other religion coming after could be legit, as it states that there will be nothing added. What those arguing such don't realize it many of the books in the NT were written after the book of Revelations, lol. Using their logic, their own holy book is committing this blasphemy they claim exists elsewhere.

An unpopular position I gained that really pisses many Christians off was gained when I took the effort to study Judaism and hold many conversations with Jews. I wanted to know primarily why they didn't accept Jesus as their messiah. Many don't realize they are awaiting a messiah that will give them heaven on earth, rule over the earth. One would be correct in saying a military leader who was not capable of being defeated by anyone else as they were a divine military genius with the blessing and power of God.

Simon Bar Kochba was the last real openly hoped for person they believed would hold that position, backed by rabbi Akiva.

I mention all of this to arrive at my position that most Christians find repugnant.

Understanding what the Jews believe a messiah will be, Judas is getting a bum rap as a betrayer.

IF, and I say IF, he believed Jesus was the long waited messiah then his actions were not a betrayal. If he was the messiah as Jews believe one will be, they simply would not have been able to arrest and crucify Jesus according to Jewish beliefs on messiah. The messiah they await is invincible and will solidify world domination by the chosen.

This large focus on afterlife is largely one that is from the offshoots (Christianity and Islam). Judaism is more focused on this life here right now.

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

Thank you for the kind words my friend, and for leaving such an expansive and interesting comment - much appreciated.

Personally, I draw a distinction between Christ - and the hierarchal infrastructure of Christianity. Indeed, there are many things that have been done in Christs name that are the antithesis of everything he stood for. And yes, I've heard all of the standard "debunking's" of Christ - alongside many obscure areas that the majority won't have heard.

A large part of what I do is based upon social engineering, psychology, spell- ings, observing group psychology and peoples knee jerk (emotional) reactions to certain subject matters/names/words. From this perspective, it certainly hasn't evaded my attention that Jesus is one of the most ridiculed and maligned characters in popular culture - a character assassination of epic proportions. Of course, the machinations of the Catholic church have a lot to do with this (hence the need for a distinction) - but there also seems to be something deeper going on. It's difficult to get into it, as I don't want to steal my own thunder lol - but by the close of the final chapter I will have laid all my cards on the table. :)

Many don't realize they are awaiting a messiah that will give them heaven on earth, rule over the earth. One would be correct in saying a military leader who was not capable of being defeated by anyone else as they were a divine military genius with the blessing and power of God.

I'm really glad you brought this up as you're bang on the money - in fact, I was going to mention it during my opening paragraphs but couldn't find a way to shoe horn it in. Yes, they're most certainly awaiting a military leader - my contention is that (in line with certain scriptures) the anger they're building up towards the Jew (and Israel) is intentional - much of it cultivated from within. There is an intention to bring Jerusalem to a state of near war and destruction (armies at it's gates) and that their salvation (global peace) will come from an enigmatic leader of such tactical and military prowess that he will be hailed as the Messiah - but will in fact be the anti-Christ.

The book of revelations lays a lot of this out - my problem is that the heavily codified (Kabbalistic style) and elitist language ("let him who have understanding") is kind of what Christ was rallying against. He elucidated a way of living that was egalitarian- for everyone, he also spoke about the end times in very different terms. A key message being, live for today and not worry about tomorrow - whereas the book of revelations draws Christianity into an apocalypticism that is Saturnian in it's flavour. It's symbolism is also heavily promoted within many secret societies, and it's author (John of Patmos), is heavily connected to Freemasonry etc etc. It's also the only book in the bible that threatens repercussions for it's alteration, and in many ways (observing how certain elements are manifesting) it appears akin to a blueprint.

In terms of Judas - I think the Christian gnostic Gospel of Judas - has a similar slant, in which it is stated that Judas was not the betrayer - rather he was following (as an instrument of a grand plan) an ordinance given to him by Christ.

Anyway, thanks again for taking the time to write such a concise and thought provoking comment. I have a vast array of information to share, each part is going to be very distinct from the other, and I am going to take the series from the mists of ancient history - to the verifiable and quantifiable cutting edge of technology, modernity, and the (documented) infiltration of perceptual reality. I'll explain it much better once I get fully into it! lol :D

Posted from

Wow, thankyou so much for this epic work. I have used common sense and gut-feelings to come to the conclusions you have so eloquently documented and sourced here. I love it and look forward to the next installments.

Thank you for the kind words my friend - really glad you appreciated the effort. Lot's more to come. :)

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Thank you very much - next time I'll be sure to remember the tag. :)

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Thanks you very much - I really appreciate it. :)

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Couldn't read all, too long for one sitting. But I do want to comment on the fish symbolism. Years ago I read a book that mentioned that all religious or historical records were deeply entwined with the horoscope. Like we are taking the route of each sign, which is why we had the minotaur (Taurus) who died and then Aries the ram appeared Jesus the lamb (Aries) died because Pisces was coming, and that is why we have so many fish associations with religions. And now comes Aquarius, which will bring brotherly love. A New World Order? I actually don't belive this, as I don't believe in the divinity of religious scripts, but then who am I to question hundreds of generations of scholars? I do like to read and reach my own conclussions which is why I will be reading your series.

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

But I do want to comment on the fish symbolism. Years ago I read a book that mentioned that all religious or historical records were deeply entwined with the horoscope.

Thank you for taking the time to comment -much appreciated.

But I do want to comment on the fish symbolism. Years ago I read a book that mentioned that all religious or historical records were deeply entwined with the horoscope.

I am very much aware of the astrological connection and (without wanting to give anything away) will be touching on this aspect throughout the series. Indeed, as noted in the introduction we are looking at an overarching ancient belief system (control mechanism) that is synonymous with astrotheology - and is still a controlling aspect in the direction of human society. Indeed, there is a deeper reason why Christianity - has become drawn into this system and equated with fish symbolism i.e the age of Pisces - and I will explain why in the final chapter of the series.

I think the term new world order is a bit of a red herring (pun intended) - there is nothing new about it. It also doesn't really come down to belief - we can both observe and document the attempt to cultivate a one world order. The centralisation of power, and corporatisation of earth - I am not saying they will achieve it - but most certainly (if you read the series, and my subsequent investigations) there is an observable trend and intent behind it. This should not really be a surprise, there is a rich history of those attempting to assume global power - the only difference being a far more successful change in justification and methodology.

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