Culture Wars Part One: Population Control & The Sexual Perception Deception

in conspiracy •  last year  (edited)



My focus is on abuse, subversion, deception, and manipulation, wherever I see it, and irrespective of its reception, you can be sure I'm going to call it out.

Whilst we live in a highly sexualised environment, many concurrently retain the latent memories of sexual repression and connotations of sin. This can lead to feelings of shame and guilt, which in turn can feed the entrapment of the addiction cycle. Whilst sex is still equated with sin, we now live in an age where the "sins of the flesh" are used to sell the sexual commodity. Certainly, sin has been successfully repackaged as edgy and cool. Still, is lust liberation? Or can it become a self-perpetuating prison of insatiable desire? If you relinquish self-control, then who is the one that's in control?

I'm certainly not telling anyone how to live and the sexual proclivities of consenting adults are neither my concern nor my business. As a heterosexual male with a hedonistic past, I'd be a liar if I painted myself as a bastion of purity, a cyber monk sitting atop my ivory desk tower. That said, you don't have to be religious to discern that the prevalence of STDs and STIs highlight the validity of monogamous intimate relationships. We can of course (to a degree) protect ourselves, but at the physical level, we can also observe how nature points to a more conventional state of being.

That said, what's pertinent to this series of posts is the fact that in our drive towards "sexual liberation," the majority remain woefully illiterate to the malfeasance of the manipulator, and willfully ignorant of the dark underbelly that's obscured by our idealisms. Over the course of the next few chapters, I am going to offer an insight into the networks and promoted individuals that have shaped the sexual perceptions and confused identities of modernity.

You didn't think that human society was engaged in an organically evolving progression - did you??


Rockefeller Sex Research


The Rockefellers both financed and were interconnected with the National Research Council (NRC), and (from 1925-1965) held associated connections with the committee for research in problems of sex. The latter of which was born of a merger between the NRC and John D Rockefeller's Bureau of Health & Social Hygiene. In combination with the medical division of Rockefeller University and the creation/financing of the Population Council, areas of Rockefeller funded sex research include: birth control, endocrinology, morphology, physiology, psychology, biology, hormone therapy, psychopathology, sociology, and anatomy.

The NRC is the "operating arm" of the National Academies of Sciences (NAS), the latter of which continues to be the recipient of Rockefeller grants and is currently chronicling the redefinition of both gender and sexual identity.

Clandestine elements associated with Rockefeller sex research include the Guatemala syphilis experiments. Indeed, the Rockefeller Foundation, the (Rockefeller connected) John Hopkins University, and Bristol Myer Squibb, are currently the subject of a $1 billion dollar lawsuit for their connections to the associated historical abuses.

Doctors infected soldiers, prostitutes, prisoners and mental patients with syphilis and other sexually transmitted diseases, without the informed consent of the subjects. The experiment resulted in at least 83 deaths.[1] Serology studies continued through 1953 involving the same vulnerable populations in addition to children from state-run schools, an orphanage, and rural towns. Source

The Guatemala experiments echo the infamous Tuskegee experiments. Between 1932 - 1972, 600 (399 men with latent syphilis and a control group of 201 that were uninfected) impoverished African-Americans were told they were being treated for bad blood and given placebos instead of medicine. When the experiment began syphilis was untreatable, relatively early into the study penicillin was found to be a successful treatment. Despite this breakthrough, in order to track the disease’s full progression researchers provided no effective care and simply observed the men die, go blind, insane, and/or infect their wives and children.


Alfred Kinsey

Research into sex, including grants to fund the study of endocrinology and the work of Alfred Kinsey, was subsequently taken up by the RF. Source

So let’s take a look at the Rockefeller-funded Alfred Kinsey, a man “affectionately” known as the father of the sexual revolution. The two books informing the philosophical foundation of the revolution are “Sexual behaviour in the human male” and its subsequent counterpart “Human Female”. The books took the world by storm and subsequently led to Kinsey advising governments (the world over) on sex laws and sexual education. Ensuring that to this day, ever increasingly, educational bodies use the findings of Kinsey within the core of their sexual curriculum's.

It's not an exaggeration to state that the work of Kinsey (and the Kinsey Institute) has influenced social and cultural values at an international scale.

In Hindsight, Kinsey's analysis was found to over-represent prisoners, sex offenders, prostitutes, and child molesters. The survey also noted solo participants as married, single mothers as married, included a disproportionate number of homosexuals, and underrepresented religious conservatives, the working class, and African Americans. A further glaring omission being the relationship between love and sex. Indeed, as a former zoologist, Kinsey often referred to individuals as“human-animals.” A perspective that led sociology professor Edward Laumann to argue that whilst Kinsey’s work was focused on the biology of sex, it lacked the required psychological analysis. In essence, Kinsey had created a self-justifying biased view of the sexuality he was supposed to be objectively documenting.

Ever wondered why there appears to be no comparable justice for child sex abuse victims? Well, Kinsey also influenced legislation that focused on the reduction of sex crime penalties.

Over the years, law review articles and court opinions cited the Kinsey studies thousands of times. Kinsey worked with Columbia University law professor Herbert Wechsler to promote the American Law Institute’s Model Penal Code (1955). Most states cited the code, which is largely based on Kinsey’s findings, as the blueprint to ease penalties for sex offenses, resulting in less protection for women and children from sexual predators. Linda Jeffrey, Ed.D, Col. Ronald D. Ray, J.D., A History of the American Law Institute’s Model Penal Code: The Kinsey Reports’ Influence on Science-based Legal Reform 1923-2002, (Crestwood, Kentucky: First Principles Press, 2003). Source

Throughout his research, Kinsey had been funded by the Rockefeller foundation. Prior to the release of his 2nd book, there was already a growing array of warnings (from other scientists) that his work was inherently flawed. As highlighted within their own history, and amidst a cloud of controversy, in 1954 the Rockefeller Foundation withdraw their funding.

The Kinsey reports were used against the RF in congressional investigations. Citing Kinsey, one congressional committee accused the RF of helping to weaken American morality, thereby aiding the cause of communism.

Both worn down by the controversial nature of Kinsey’s research and influenced by Kinsey’s financial success, RF funding for sex research projects came to an end in 1954. Source


Kinsey’s Paedophiles

Although Kinsey’s “Sexual Behaviour In The Human Male” had taken the world by storm, in the furore the readers, the media, and his sponsors, were seemingly prepared to overlook the disturbing subject matter recorded within it. Throughout its now infamous chapters, Kinsey documented what can only be called child abuse. The abuse of 100’s (some estimations as high as 1800) of children and babies (aged from 2 months to 15 years) reduced to data and statistical analysis. Creating a framework and code that utilised stopwatches and enabled the abusers to (callously) document their perversions in scientific detail, equating orgasm with crying, convulsing, and fainting.

Rockefeller Foundation Trustee and President Elect Chester Barnard


Not only did Kinsey hypothesised that infants are orgasmic from birth, but he also suggested that incest relationships and paedophilia benefit children. In his writing, Kinsey asserted that there was no proven medical or other reason to forbid incest or adult-child sex. “Children are sexual and potentially orgasmic from birth (womb to tomb), are unharmed by incest, adult/child sex, and often benefit thereby,” Source

For a deeper layer of context, further archives, references, interviews, and transcripts can be found here. Equally, Kinsey's own books also unashamedly document the abuse that continues to inform educational practices.

Page 39: The Deliberate Dumbing Down Of America by Charlotte Iserbyt.


The Kinsey institute proclaims that the vast majority of this information was derived from a paedophile latterly named as Rex King, an individual who meticulously documented over 800 cases of his abuse. That said, further investigation begins to portray a different story. Another Kinsey collaborator being the infamous Nazi paedophile Dr Fritz Von Balluseck. At Von Balluseck’s trial for the murder of a young girl, the judge went as far as criticising Kinsey for remaining silent and not reporting the atrocities to the police.

The presiding judge exclaimed, Instead of answering his sordid letters, the strange American scholar should rather have made sure that Mister von Balluseck was put behind bars.” Morgenpost, May 16, 1957



Of note is the fact that in 2004 the New York Times went as far as stating that although Von Balluseck was a suspect he never faced trial. As you can see from page 165 of the Reisman archives here and again here, not only did a previously jailed Balluseck face trial, but it was widely covered within the German press.


As highlighted within these transcripts and these archives, Kinsey also collaborated with paedophile rings and organisations. Witness testimony further claiming Kinsey collected data and financially compensated fathers who were abusing their own children. In this Yorkshire television documentary, we can hear witnesses also allude to the possibility that Kinsey was not only collecting data but instructing and directing the type of abuse he required.

When I asked him what the word “orgasm” meant, he told me exactly what it meant. He said that was why he was using a stopwatch to time our “making love.” The words sex and incest were never used, nor did I have any knowledge of those words. Source

After the interview, my grandfather reminded Kinsey about the check. I saw Mr. Kinsey hand the check to my grandfather and my father. He said it was made out to both of them because he didn’t know how they wanted to split it up. Source

In the below episode of the Donohue show, from 0.38 minutes you will hear Kinsey associate Clarence Tripp trying to justify child abuse, also note former Penthouse writer Philip Nobile defending his article on "positive incest". The fact both Tripp and Donohue make light of the situation is deeply disturbing. If you want to know how people get away with such overt declarations, listen to audience members laugh. Cognitive dissonance enables the truth to be hidden in plain sight, this is occurring right now!

An Attempt To Justify The Unjustifiable

Far from relaying these statistics as the actions of perverts and sick minds, Kinsey used this analysis to embolden his belief that children are born as fully functioning sexual identities. That they're unharmed by incest and that sexual relations between a child and adult can be to the benefit of the child. Disturbingly, as we shall observe in subsequent chapters, this is not an abhorrent historical aberration, it is an evolving (advancing/retreating) movement and body of academia - one that is infiltrating the educational system, law system, and the domain's of child psychology and cognitive development.

In 1949, for example, he testified before the California General Assembly’s Subcommittee on Sex Crimes, urging them to liberalize sex offense statutes. He argued specifically for granting immediate paroles to suspected child molesters and warned that societal “hysteria” does more harm to children than the actual molestations.

Kinsey wrote: “It is difficult to understand why a child, except for its cultural conditioning, should be disturbed at having its genitalia touched, or disturbed at seeing the genitalia of other persons, or disturbed at even more specific sexual contacts.” Testimony before California Legislative Assembly Subcommittee on Sex Crimes, 1949, cited in Kinsey: Crimes & Consequences, p. 213 Source

The work of Kinsey gave psuedo scientific legitimisation to aligned academics, the elitist connected paedophile information exchange, and the associated "conspiracy against public morals" that I have documented within previous articles - a conspiracy that is now becoming increasingly self-evident. Equally, I have no hesitation in stating that the perverse foundations of Kinsey's findings informed the work of celebrated psychology professor Helmut Kentler. From the 1970's until the early 2000's, the Berlin city state funded "Kentler's project" involved placing vulnerable children with paedophile foster fathers.

Sexual contact between adults and teens is harmless was an article of faith for Helmut Kentler, a psychologist who was at a leading position at Berlin’s centre for educational research at the time of the experiment. Source

Whilst I contend that there will always be those that push back against its realisation, the point is, they're systematically relentless, have made verifiable progress, and are becoming increasingly emboldened. I also consider the degrees to which children are being increasingly targetted. Children that within another generation will be drafting educational policies. But of course, if you speak out against creeping childhood sexualisation and identity confusion you must be far right - right?


Uncomfortable Bedfellows

Whilst sex research, the social engineering of sexual perception, the desecration of childhood innocence, eugenics, and population control, might seem outside the remit of a singular post, the fact they're largely funded by the same interests (and ultimately connected to the same agenda) gives an insight to my reasoning.

Through a myriad of educational, law, and scientific affiliations, influential individuals, scientists, and associated funding mechanisms, the Rockefeller connections to eugenics both predated and inspired Nazi ideology. With funding from Andrew Carnegie and John D Rockefeller, In 1910 Charles Davenport created the Eugenics Record Office. The ERO was managed by Harry H. Laughlin, a leading authority and champion of sterilisation. He was also the author of a sterilisation statute that was adopted by 30 States.


In the 1927 the supreme court case of Buck vs Bell validated the constitutionality of State sterilisation laws. Throughout the 1930's the Rockefeller Foundation helped fund the German eugenics program and even funded the early work of Josef Mengele. Until 1939, the Rockefeller Foundation were funding (alongside the interconnected Brain Institute) the racial sciences division of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute of Anthropology, Human Heredity, and Eugenics.

Population Council.PNG

Population council 2.PNG

When eugenics became a tainted concept, it was re-branded as population control. In 1952 John D Rockefeller III founded the Population Council, who were concurrently funded by the Rockefeller Bros Fund & the Ford Foundation. To this day they remain heavily financed by the U.S Government, and affiliated with their partner - The International Planned Parenthood Federation.

The Council was co-founded with Carnegie Corporation trustee Frederick H. Osborn, who became a Council trustee and would latterly succeed Rockefeller as it's president. Of further note is the fact that Osborne was director of the Eugenics Research Association, and the American Eugenics Society, the latter of which was co-founded by his uncle Henry Fairfield Osborne.

With abhorrent results, throughout the early 60's the Rockefellers mounted a campaign that (beginning with the Johnson administration) would make foreign aid dependent upon countries adopting "family planning" (mass sterilisation) programmes.


Concurrently, clandestine American sterilisation (eugenic) programmes continued into the 1970's:

These sterilizations were frequently performed without adequate informed consent…. Native American physician Constance Redbird Uri estimated that up to one-quarter of Indian women of childbearing age had been sterilized by 1977; in one hospital in Oklahoma, one-fourth of the women admitted (for any reason) left sterilized…. She also gathered evidence that all the pureblood women of the Kaw tribe in Oklahoma were sterilized in the 1970s. Margaret Sangers Eugenic Legacy by Angela Franks

An influential proponent for population control was World Bank President (and former US Secretary of Defense) Robert McNamara. Regular readers may recall previous research highlighting that McNamara was a trustee of the UN partnered Lucis Trust. Following Mcnamara's banking tenure, the World Bank, the IMF, and an interconnected array of regional banks, soon began attaching "family planning" stipulations to debt proviso's.

Driven once again to desperation, she found herself at the mercy of the World Bank, led by arch-Malthusian Robert S. McNamara. McNamara made it clear: if India wanted more loans, Gandhi needed to use her powers to deal more definitively with India’s supposed population problem. She agreed. Instead of incentives, force would now be used to obtain compliance. Source

Population Council 4.PNG Source

The above essay ( written by Population Council president Bernard Berelson) makes for some interesting and indeed disturbing reading. Although Berelson isn't actively advocating the more extreme proposals, their print and consideration give them legitimacy. Pertinently, the report offers a glimpse into the mindsets of the social engineers and scientists that misguide the direction of our world. Beyond the limitations of their academia, in equal measure, their arrogance and ineptitude are nothing short of astounding.

Population council 3.PNG Source

There are numerous varying degrees of proposals, including temporary time-capsule contraceptive sterilisation of all women. Of note is the above suggestion by pseudoscientist Paul Erhlich and it's subsequent consideration by Bernard Berelson.

Population council 6.PNG Source

Alongside his wife Anne, and John P Holdren (former senior advisor to President Obama), Erhlich, (a darling of the globalist establishment), echoed similar ideas within the collaborative Eco Sciences paper. In this article (written in 1974) we can find further connections between John D Rockefeller III, The International Planned Parenthood Federation, the Zero Gopulation growth movement and Paul Erhlich - who would become ZPG's first president.

Her publications have been a significant source of inspiration to the Club of Rome. Anne Ehrlich

The ZPG is still operating under the name population connection and in recent years have become revitalised. For a comprehensive breakdown of the myriad incompetencies, inaccuracies, and fallacies within Erhlich's population bomb thesis (hypothesis), I recommend this excellent video from the Corbett report.

With Anne Ehrlich serving on their board of directors, the publishers and promoters of the population bomb were the Sierra Club (SC). As I previously documented the SC is the driving force behind the Green New Deal, and have funding connections to the Rockefeller Bros Fund. Indeed, as referenced in numerous articles, population control legitimises its modern expression within the narratives of climate change and corporate-sponsored environmentalism, a movement that I have clearly and verifiably displayed is funded by the same eugenic-inspired interests. Coincidence?

The Pill & Contraception

It was in 1913 that the newly formed Rockefeller Foundation formally took charge of the Bureau of Social Hygiene, in the same year, the BSH was tasked with conducting “research and education on birth control, maternal health, and sex education. In terms of birth control, the previous incarnation of Planned Parenthood was (Rockefeller grantee) Margaret Sangers American Birth Control League (ABCL). As we can observe here and (as acknowledged in their own history) in 1924 John D. Rockefeller Jr began to fund the ABCL's research into contraception.

From 1911 to 1934, the Bureau of Social Hygiene funded research and sought to influence public policy on a number of issues related to sex, crime and delinquency. Although the Bureau received contributions from a number of organizations, including the Rockefeller Foundation, the Bureau was largely dependent upon the patronage of John D. Rockefeller, Jr. (JDR Jr.), who created the organization to address many of his own personal concerns and interests. Source

The Rockefeller Foundation founded/funded Population Council have also been at the forefront of developing hormonal contraceptives. This included the wearable long-lasting Norplant, an implant whose severe side effects were later the subject of a $50 million dollar settlement package that was decided in favour of the 36,000 women who filed a class-action lawsuit against its manufacturers.

Other Population Council scandals include their collaboration with the International Planned Parenthood Federation, and relate to the (oft severe) side effects encountered by thousands of women coerced (through foreign aid packages) into using IUDs, (intrauterine contraceptive devices). Source: Connelly, Matthew. Fatal Misconception: The Struggle to Control World Population - The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press. Cambridge, Massachusetts. 2008. PP. 204-206.)

The Indonesian population control program was extensive and coercive; Betsy Hartmann has recounted a case in 1990 in which “family planning workers accompanied by the police and army went from house to house and took men and women to a site where IUDs were being inserted. Women who refused had IUDs inserted at gunpoint.” Source

It was in 1950 that Margaret Sanger (the founder of Planned Parenthood) set the challenge to develop an oral contraceptive pill. By 1960 the contraceptive pill was given FDA approval and in 1970 Nelson Rockefeller signed the abortion reform act into law. Running alongside cultural changes associated with birth control and abortion rights, we have the continuation of sexual and social re-engineering.

The United States Social Science Research Council (SSRC), founded in 1923, was the first national social science institution in the world and might be said to represent the creation of a "science of society." In Fundamental Development of the Social Sciences, Donald Fisher shows how this institution, under the considerable influence of Rockefeller philanthropy, shaped an entire discipline. Source

Intersecting with their formative sex research and (as we shall observe in the next chapter) financing of the Tavistock Institute, the Rockefeller Foundation shaped the discipline of social science as a means of elevating the fetishised "expert opinion" whilst eroding self sovereignty and maintaining social control. Lets hear it from one of their own reports.

“increase the body of knowledge which in the hands of competent technicians may be expected in time to result in substantial social control.” A Policy for the Advancement of Science: The Rockefeller Foundation, 1924-29

Following on the heels of Kinsey’s sexual revolution; with the advent of the contraceptive pill, and in unison media driven social engineering, we can begin to observe a seismic shift in sexual morality. To a degree this is an understandable outcome, equally, by using the sexual revolution and then the pill as a foundation, sexual perception/energy was also being shaped, engineered and redirected. Over the course of this book I intend to display that far from being a disconnected sequence of events, we are observing the advancement of an alchemic process. One that is very much connected to the mantras of the moment.

“Operant conditioning shapes behavior as a sculptor shapes a lump of clay.” B.F Skinner Science and Human Behavior

In the modern era, through initiatives like contraception 21, we find the Rockefellers leading the charge for a "Second contraceptive revolution". In this contraception 21 inspired report, we find researchers looking into the feasibility of combing STD/STI protection and contraception into a single treatment, no risks no consequences - now wouldn't that be a brave new world?



I'm not denying that contraception has benefitted our society, but by its nature, every light casts a shadow. In our journey towards no strings sex, what could we have lost along the way? Contraception has enabled the redefinition of sexual perception; and with gratification now a button away, in relinquishing the responsibility have we forgotten the validity of restraint? Are the juxtapositions of social sexual engineering and contraception both being utilised as a means of taking us out of step with the natural order? With an incrementally socially engineered disconnection between love, sex, and procreation, are we being nudged towards an alternate evolutionary pathway?

Breaking down the interplay between the masculine and feminine and reducing it to its lowest common denominator.

With a nod to a brave new world, are we being (mis) guided towards renouncing the concept of biological procreation? Incrementally deconstructing the fundamental essence of our humanity, and archetypal identity? Certainly, those that are able to see beyond the limitations of an individuals perspective will understand that the infiltration of sexual perception carries an occultic undertone. Personally, I have come to contend that the associated mantras of population control are simply the outer ripples of a far deeper narrative, a subcontext that obscures the deeper layers of an inverted contextual reality.


Building Upon Shallow Foundations

As we’ve already ascertained, the sexual revolution was built upon shallow foundations and misleading assumptions, it was also the carrier for dark and disturbing undertones. To my mind and from a social engineering perspective, the revolution wasn’t so much about recording sexuality as redirecting it. In many ways, the Kinsey reports served as a distorted foundation for the next generation of social-sexual engineering, one that (as we shall observe in subsequent chapters) is increasingly dictating the format of modern sexual education.

As with all aspects of life there are varying degrees in which people express themselves. Sexual commodification, promiscuity and decadence have always existed, the technological ability to condition and influence vast swathes of the populace hasn't. How many people are living as the true essence of their sexual self? How much has this barrage of nonsensical hypersexual pop culture and pornography altered our perception and thus behaviour? Cumulatively and ultimately, where does the erosion of morality lead us? Certainly, perception and thoughts are primed by the environment in which we live - identity and sexuality a doorway into the human psyche.



It’s certainly no surprise that in the same year (1953) that Kinsey released “Sexual behaviour in the human female” was the same year that (Kinsey Institute backer) Hugh Hefner started Playboy magazine - and cultivated a playboy philosophy that was based upon Kinsey's science. This was followed by the more explicit Penthouse in 1965, and then the sexually explicit Hustler in 1972. In many ways, we can observe a three-step process towards the infiltration of collective consciousness, and the mass consumption of hardcore pornography. For most this is obviously motivated by monetary gain. Equally, I also point to a deeper layer of subversive infiltration that resides beyond the comprehension of the collective majority.

"Nobody seems to notice, nobody seems to care" - George Carlin. Hustler magazine featured a paedophilic comic strip character known as Chester the molester". The cartoonist was later convicted of molesting his own daughter.


I (Dr. Reisman) served as Principal Investigator for the Department of Justice, Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (Grant No. 84-JN-AX-K007) study of Children, Crime and Violence in Playboy, Penthouse and Hustler (1953‒1984). The $800,000 study found Playboy exploiting 4,656 children in cartoons and visuals between 1953 and 1984. Children were actors in or watching sex an average of 8.2 times per issue, with over 30% of images depicting a child and adult in a sex scene. Most cartoon children were aged 3 to 11. Children were drawn laughing at their gang rapes by adults. In one cartoon, a girl of about 6 years old is depicted in her middle-class bed, charging “$50” to a man taking off his pants in preparation for sex. Playboy’s sexualized children were systemic, statistically significant marketing decisions. Playboy Press published photos of 10-year-old Brooke Shields nude, oiled. Jodie Foster, age 14, was also displayed fully naked and described as “mature beyond her yrs.”

Whilst we entered the 70’s with a new air of cynicism, we carried with it the liberal (free love) sexual perceptions of the ’60s. Both of which served to fuel a future multi billion-dollar porn industry. Free love when juxtaposed against the polarity of war was considered to have merit, equally when the idealism of the '60s came crashing down, seemingly much of the "love" went with it.

In 1972 Deep Throat was released, as the first full feature pornographic film it took the media by storm, a manufactured uproar (advertising campaign) ensued and it’s banning within numerous states played to the polarities of attraction/repulsion and turned it into a cultural phenomenon. The media enabled/created the mass exposure and their subsequent attempts to demonise their creation provided the mystique/drive for people to see it.

No news is bad news and certainly, it must be understood that in terms of youthful rebellion, anti-press and manufactured outrage is the best form of exposure a social change can be given. In many ways, and like the magazines before it, we can observe how (once manifested within the public consciousness) Deep Throat (a name that also found it's way into the Watergate scandal) provided a strong foundation for the evolution of an increasingly hardcore porn genre. One thing is for sure - we are not in Debbie does Kansas anymore.


Description: Lot and his Daughters; Lot sits at left with one of his daughters on his lap; she holds out a goblet with her left hand which her sister at right fills from a large jug with her right hand; in right background Sodom and Gomorrah burn and in centre background, Lot and his daughters walk away from city, while his wife pauses to look back. 1530 Engraving British Museum

Historical Context

From the Romans and Greeks to silent movies and stag films, I’m not pretending that pornography hasn’t followed us through the course of human history. As with the majority of men of my generation, I'm also not pretending I've never watched any. I am saying that with advances in technology and associated mass consumption, porn is being utilised as a tool of social change and now has the potential to rewire neural sexual response pathways, influence identity, infiltrate the subconscious, manipulate sexual perception and collective psychology.

Both within pornography and the wider context of mass media, the agenda-driven splicing of reality and fiction has ensured that we now live in a world of illusion and externally programmed sexual perception.

Neuroscience displays that willpower is related to the function of the brain's pre-frontal lobes. Habitual viewing of pornography has been shown to rewire these areas of the brain, a cumulative effect that can erode both self-discipline and a moral compass. This is known as hypofrontality - a condition that's observed within both mental illness and addiction. Desensitisation is a portent for the deconstruction of values and the perversion of the valued, the corrosive nature of demoralisation intimately entwined with the erosion of morality.

The Basal Ganglia

The Basal Ganglia is interconnected with the cerebral cortex, the thalamus, and brain stem. An area associated with our primal/primitive instincts, and survival mechanisms. Through numerous methods (in the modern era, media, and visual stimuli are a key component) we can be manipulated to exist within the reactive lower resonances of our being, to bypass the rationale of the neocortex and forgo higher states of intuition.

Base lust and primal sexual urges are aspects of the Ganglia that can be manipulated through the production of dopamine. How? Because dopamine controls motivation by prioritising and encouraging feel-good sensations, subconsciously assigning value to action based upon the potential to receive a euphoric high. Controlled base desire; the externally programmed stimuli of lust hijacks the reward system and overloads the ganglia with a transient hit of dopamine.

Libido Dominandi shows how sexual liberation was from its inception a form of control. Those who wished to liberate man from the moral order needed to impose social controls as soon as they succeeded because liberated libido led inevitably to anarchy. Introduction: Libido Dominandi Sexual Liberation & Political Control - E. Michael Jones.

As the Marquis de Sade realised that sexual energy could be utilised as a tool of social change and revolution, the youth of the 60's were taught to equate with a revolutionary act. Equally, the children of the modern era are now being taught to equate gender with oppression and non-binary self-definitions as freedom. What they fail to understand is that (in a myriad of ways) the evolution of that which is being marketed as liberation, are the foundations of an intended prison.


Fear is another important aspect of the Ganglia, and like lust, it's about bypassing higher states of awareness and keeping us locked down in the base layers of reactive instinct. In terms of the latter, that which we think liberates us can be used to control us. Hence why it's interesting that we have a growing demographic whose sexual proclivities and convoluted gender identities are considered the epitome of freedom.

Staying with fear for a moment, the war on terror/the climate emergency (study the psychology of those words for they are carefully selected) ensures that we seek outward protection from the very individuals we need protecting from. As we enter the age of chaos and deconstruction, manufactured fear, artificial scarcity, and their associated survival mechanisms will become increasingly leveraged.

For the Buddhist the cause of all suffering is said to be born of lust. The dangers of carnal lust are highlighted within most ancient belief systems and inverted within many dark occultic practices. Whilst the effects are physically felt, lust is a psychological phenomenon that can be externally induced. Externally programmed carnal lust could be considered as an altered state of consciousness that manipulates the primal urge to procreate.

Lustful desire can be confused with love, but could be considered as more inclined towards self-serving and selfish proclivities. Whereas true love is selfless and enlightened, lust is about the taking whilst to love is to share. This is not to say that you can't experience lust within a loving relationship - but this is not really the area I'm discussing.

Reciprocated love is freedom, lust can evolve to become a prison.

“Thus, a good man, though a slave, is free; but a wicked man, though a king, is a slave. For he serves, not one man alone, but, what is worse, as many masters as he has vices.” City of God - St Augustine

Lustful desires are powerful and intoxicating, but due to their furtive and transient nature, they're ultimately unfulfilling, addictive and can be damaging to the psyche. Returning to my previous observations, philosophical and spiritual perspectives of lust hold true in the realms of science, with MRI scanners revealing brains lighting up in the same areas as addicts receiving their fix.

Within a society that perceives the gratification of lust as an expression of virtue, the obstacles between desire and the pursuance of immorality begin to erode. Indeed, lust can be utilised as a means of alchemically altering sexual perception, identity, and morality. Within modernity, lust is oft the master, the mind and body, it's unwitting slaves.


Sex Magick?

We caution you that this Principle has no reference to the many base, pernicious and degrading lustful theories, teachings and practices, which are taught under fanciful titles, and which are a prostitution of the great natural principle of Gender. Such base revivals of the ancient infamous forms of Phallicism tend to ruin mind, body and soul, and the Hermetic Philosophy has ever sounded the warning note against these degraded teachings which tend toward lust, licentiousness, and perversion of Nature's principles. Source

As I shall highlight over the coming chapters, we are entering an age where the education system is becoming a social sexual grooming tool of epic proportions and profound implications, the progenitor of confusion and psychological sexual abuse. In terms of sex magick, it's interesting how aspects are being brought into the mainstream and targetted at children. In this teen vogue article, the readership (age 11-17) are taught "how to use sex magic to manifest their best self".

In fact, occultists believe that orgasms can help cleanse the body, produce magical power, and are a vital tool in manifesting desires. Teen Vogue


A prominent proponent of sex magick was occultist and former head of the Ordo Templi Orientis, Aleister Crowley. Some of Crowley's sex magic works were published, whilst others remained secret and could only be obtained by initiates of the temple. It is well known that Kinsey sought access to Crowley's sex magick diaries, whether he gained it is unquantifiable. What are documentable is Kinsey's meetings with "experimental" filmmaker, occultist and Crowley devotee Kenneth Anger. The above image (of Anger and Kinsey) is taken at Crowley's Abbey of Thelema. Below we have Anger describing a further meeting with Kinsey.

Kinsey 1.PNG Source

Following the death of Aleister Crowley, it was Grant who became heir to the aforementioned Ordo Templi Orientis.

None of what I'm relaying here is new, from the biblical Soddom & Gommorah, to ancient Rome & Greece, the erosion of morality, the obsession with sexuality, and the desecration of innocence, are both a repeating pattern and a portent of a civilisation in collapse. All these progressively deluded useful idiots that believe they're at the cutting edge of social reformation, are simply following another iteration of the script. A narrative that is intended to take us to some very dark places.

In light of these observations and in relation to what we've already discussed, the passage below provides a correlation between the sexual philosophies of both Crowley and Kinsey. It also speaks to the sexual aspect of the law of inversion and the union of contradictions. A statement we'll return to within later chapters.


Page 114: The Extended Commentary On The Book Of The Law. By Aleister Crowley.

Scientists have identified a specific region of the brain called the amygdala that is responsible for immediate reactions including fear and aggressive behavior. This region develops early. However, the frontal cortex, the area of the brain that controls reasoning and helps us think before we act, develops later. Source

Fast forward to 2023; here we find academic "Queer Theorists" equating childhood innocence (and the nuclear family) with "hetronormative" oppression. Queer theory and gender ideology is a very obvious gateway to paedophilia - because if children can consent to profound life altering decisions; medical interventions that mutilate their bodies and impact on future reproductive capability - what else can they consent to? Has anyone noticed how children are being increasingly heralded as the epitome of wisdom?

Queer futurity and childhood innocence: Beyond the injury of development.

Queer theories of childhood are often brave in the ways that they wade into such taboo territory in order to show how what is considered perverse is often a mode of securing heteronormativity. Source

Washington Times

Alluding to the broader context of my book; what we're observing is the ideological erosion of distinction, a national identity, masculine and feminine, and pertinently, adults and children. Quite literally, the birth of a religious doctrine that operates behind the veil of pseudo- intellectualism.

You are dying. I see in you all the characteristic stigma of decay. I can prove that your great wealth and your great poverty, your capitalism and your socialism, your wars and your revolutions, your atheism and your pessimism, your cynicism, your immorality, your broken-down marriages, your birth control, that is bleeding you from the bottom and killing you off at the top in your brains, can prove to you that these are characteristic marks of the dying ages of ancient states - Alexandria and Greece and neurotic Rome. The Decline of The West by Oswald Spengler.


Final thoughts

Juxtaposed against the verifiable direction of our society, what I'm attempting to highlight is the philosophy of those that seek to claim dominion over humanity. I note this because I am not detailing isolated aberrations, I am referencing a systematic process, and documenting the increasingly overt manifestation of an ancient doctrine. One that is currently (from myriad perspectives) waging a literal war upon the minds and bodies of the future generations. As we approach 2023, the next phase of the sexual devolution has your children firmly in its sights. Make no mistake, there is a method and methodical ritual obscured by the chaotic madness of this world.

Written by @perceptualflaws
Gifs courtesy of
All public domain artwork is source referenced.

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Great chronology and very informative. 🖖

Thank you kindly my friend. :)

  ·  last year  ·  


@theocu and I argued for an hour about this.

It was in 1913 that the newly formed Rockefeller Foundation formally took charge of the Bureau of Social Hygiene, in the same year, the BSH was tasked with conducting “research and education on birth control, maternal health, and sex education. In terms of birth control, the previous incarnation of Planned Parenthood was (Rockefeller grantee) Margaret Sangers American Birth Control League (ABCL)


  ·  last year  ·   (edited)

I added a couple of extra reference points for further clarification. Thanks for the support dude. :)

  ·  last year  ·  



  ·  last year  ·  


Curated by @ultravioletmag

Thank you very much. :)