A couple of weeks ago I got into a debate with an old friend on FB which resulted in this comment
We've had the same discussion ad nauseum because he seems to think 'The Jews' is the answer to everything.
First off I will not state something I do not agree with. I don't believe the Jews are responsible for all the woes of the world nor that they control everything.
I also think by taking that stance you automatically inflict censorship on everything you say or do. Yes he is constantly being banned.
I have worked for some Jews, had a jewish business partner, my ex's best friend married an Israeli and had to convert. I know for a fact none of those people under the umbrella of 'Jewish' had anything to do with any of this.
He asks me to 'name' or 'call out' the perpetrators but what ARE their names? Apparently Rothschild and Rockefeller are not good enough for these 'Jew truthers' so how am I supposed to 'call out' names I do not know? (Not to mention it is not my area of expertise either.)
From what I have managed to garner the 'group' in charge go by many names openly touted - the illuminati, shadow government, The Jesuits, Luciferians, CIA, Satanists, Freemasons.......and on and on.
Are all these seperate groups to keep us all chasing our tails or are they all the same people?
The name I would go with under all these is The Illuminati.
Wikipedia as usual gives only a tiny portion of the truth.
Call me old fashioned but it ticks all the boxes for me. Are some of them Jews? Probably but even those do not follow the Jewish faith as they follow Lucifer. So does the vatican tho who we all know as Catholic/Christian but look at the architecture in the vatican and see all the Luciferian symbolism.
The snake inside the vatican
So it seems the Illuminati have infiltrated all religions, politics, law and police forces, schools/education, Hollywood, the music business, media and the medical establishment. Did I miss anything out? They are everywhere.
I wondered what those roman numerals meant on the money pyramid and found this explanation-
How do we stop them? By calling out 'the Jews'? Pfff
My method is clear - knowledge is power. Teach people the truth so they can avoid the fruits of this demonic society they've built with our own fair hands and willingly.
Once people know what the game is they don't need to know 'who', they can just boycott. They need us more than we need them.
Their currency of choice is not 'money' it is our blood and our children (oh and land it seems).
All these people demanding safety, how safe do you think your children will be in the New World Order?
The great reset is going to pull all these establishments down supposedly which many see as not such a bad thing. All that corruption, where will it go? Is it to be rebooted?
This website names some names-https://buzznigeria.com/illuminati-members/
Will their blood sacrifices be out in the open instead of hiding behind phoney wars and false flag terrorism and disasters?
I also personally believe royalty dating back to the Pharoahs are STILL now running the world just as they always have. They say the Queen has no powers (officially) she's just a nice little old figurehead. Yeh right.
So who do I name? Who do I 'call out'? What good would it do and who the hell would listen? I'm just one more 'conspiracy theorist'..............
Now where's my tinfoil hat gone.....................
Good websites if anyone wants to delve in deeper
UPDATE: Today I was sent this video which connects all the dots and names names -
When you said this negative force, whoever the humans or humanoids serve it, dates back to the Pharoahs, I knew you spoke truth. 4000 years, a fairly short time really. This force can only destroy, it cannot create. When it destroys itself, we the creators will rebuild.
I think we've had this battle umpteen times too but they just come back and rewrite history. Lots of clues left behind tho.
Amen to that ,. ;-)

It takes 5 hours to get some info that makes sense ,...
And about 3 hours more to hear there side on it ,..
But in the end ,.. it's all history ,.. and history is only existing in the mind . ;-)
fascinating talk that, makes sense to a lot of things
Thanx for the links will have a look. History is also written by the victors so they say.
Alan seems moist lol something triggered him before he logged into facebook
I think it might have been PMT meself....
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Well….. Jesus is Jewish. Jesus is God. So therefore it is true. God runs the World. It’s not a bad thing. God is Good. Ja Guru deva …. OM. Jesus is God the Son. He is the eternal, all-powerful, all-loving, self-existent Creator God.
Source: https://www.ncregister.com/blog/50-biblical-proofs-that-jesus-is-god
I’m on a 30 day ban from Fb for quoting from a study about masks 🤣 being off it this long just let me see how toxic it is I’m now cleansed lol
yes it is toxic but I have built a good bubble there. This guy is a real-life friend, we go back a long way and we always 'fight'. It's not as bad as it looks.
For me it’s more toxic because it eats my time so much it’s designed to be addictive lol it works on me sadly as I work from home I need consistently banning at least on here I make some money
I suppose it depends on who you're following. All the toxic people have gone from my friends list, I either scare them off or delete them for my own sanity.