It is all about your health of course.
Listen, it matters not that hospitals have been empty for 2 years, just clap into thin air on your door in appreciation for them, while they do choreographed dance routines on Tik-Tok you idiot.
Honestly, this is all about you and your health.
No do not go outside stupid, stay home and vegetate.
We will close the health shops and any small business to protect you, but McDonalds drive through will still be open. Because it is all about your health.
No we are not going to tell you to eat a healthy balanced diet, why would we, how could we? But we are going to lock you up in your own home, if you comply.
It is only 2 weeks to flatten the curve, 2 years later. it is only do not visit a relative on deaths door in hospital.
It is only a mask.
It is only temporary (2 years later.)
No we will not be having vaccine passports, that is against the law regards medical discrimination and article 6 section 3 of the Nuremberg code, by the way, you now need a covid passport.
"Covid passports: Where will I need a pass and how do I get one?"
Now listen to me, you can not go outside in the sun, as the sun and exercise is good for you, stay home and save a granny while we murder them with Midazolam in care homes.
Do not think for a second we have made it thousands of years on this planet with something called an immune system, you idiot.
How dare you look back on history before medical tyranny came into force, how very dare you?
You can not have friends around for xmas, nor relatives, or the police will beat down your door.
But we can.
"Boris Johnson's aides joked about Christmas party in Downing Street while London was in lockdown."
It matters not the mRNA is a trial drug and we need to keep emergency powers in place to keep pricking people.
Just obey, or the people you pay called the police will beat you down, water cannon you, and arrest you in your own home, to keep you safe, get it yet idiot?
No you can no longer protest, we are the dick-tators.
"Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill 2021: protest powers factsheet."
Now listen to me, you may pay my wages.
You may vote me in, but I am selected, not elected, so I care not what you think, I am a useful idiot to central banks, you call me a civil servant, I call me a slave to my bank masters, that print money backed by nothing, and worth? Nothing, BUT!
It is only a mask, keep it on, there is science, real science that shows it is dangerous, but wear two then.
Stay away from people, social distance, even though we are social creatures, do it or else.
No you can not go to see a relative who is on deaths door in hospital, yes they will die, yes they will be alone, but hey, you voted for me, so let me dictate your life.
Of course I go to Davos, but only for fun, yes you pay for it, but never mind, you are not allowed to fly, but I am, as I represent you, get it yet?
Listen cupcake, when you want to fly, you have to social distance in the queue while wearing a mask, you then need to get onto a plane full of people, and wear the mask, you can only take it off while eating or drinking, but never mind then, the rona knows you are hungry or thirsty so will stay away.
It takes no notice of the 2 people sitting next to you, inches apart.
Now put that mask back on.
So you own a hotel yes?
You need to close it down, we are in the middle of a plandemic, how dare you want to earn a living!
Sack your staff, shut your bar, let the fuckers starve, because, well "we care".......
Now about going out, you now need a vax passport, so we can sell you the cure, but hey, you paid for it with tax, we are nice people, just vote us in again, get it?
If you want to leave the country, you will need to buy 3 tests, you paid for with tax, because we care you see.
We must keep granny safe, after all.
Why on earth do you think you are special and should be entitled to the kind of life I live? We in government flout all rules we tell you to abide, but we only do that to protect you, get it?
We only bought most of the hotels we closed at 10% of the retail value, so you can pay to stay in them, if you dare go abroad, we did it for you. You now have to self isolate, at your own cost, for 14 days, in a hotel we bought with your tax money, enjoy.
Now switch off your mind, sit at home, comply, obey, get a jab, no get 2, now 3, then 4, 5 and 6, and trust the science, even though it like the lamestream media is for sale, shhhhh trust "the science"
Yes we love 3 word ditties, build back better, hands face space, matters not old Klaus anal slob of WEF/Davos fame thought it up. Just trust us, we have your best interests at heart, now roll up that sleeve and take our experimental jab, your welcome.
By the way, you can no longer go shopping to a supermarket now, you know, those places where none of the staff that took your money, handled your shopping never died, but hey, they must be immune. Without a medical passport.
It is all about your health you see.
Just a piss take, or is it?
Have a superb day, weekend, and take no notice of the lunatics in alleged power. P.S. Love you mom xxxx
It feels nice to acquire the vaccine pass because you are now free to enter any establishment you want although I am not planning nor could even go to establishments physically. So either get the pass or get restricted or get the jab and be more free with going places.
The restrictions here in my place is based on how many are infected, the less numbers of reported cases the less restrictions there is. People are now used to wearing masks and face shields, they are not taking any chances.
People her are compliant and are eager to get vaccinated which is why the hospitals are reporting a declining number of cases which means that the vaccines worked unlike during the start of the pandemic where hospital beds for the CoViD patients even in private hospitals had extended outside outside the hospital buildings.
I had the Moderna jab and considering my health issue there are no untoward effects that I can report now except the fact that I have a peace of mind that even though I can get infected it will not be as bad enough to get hospitalized and use those expensive breathing apparatus if not oxygen supplementation support. 😊
I personally believe that the new normal is to get booster shots at least twice a year because I don't think that CoViD will not go away. It is like water, you strike hammer against it, it will just move around and not die, it is not even alive.
Internal and external environmental factors starts from being a minute amount that in time builds-up to cause illnesses. It also includes food additives that will definitely cause a person to get ill in time.
Being so small like a virus doesn't meant that it can't be fatal because living organisms are made out of small things like cells that can get ill because of smaller things like bacteria and most especially viruses.
Ever wonder why the germ THEORY is still just a THEORY even tho it has been used by the medical establishment for 150 years now as if it were fact? Germs do NOT cause disease, it's been proven. Pathogenic Viruses do not exist, no-one has yet proved they do.
I can't even fathom why a person could even type such statement. Well if you would go into surgery just ask the surgeon not to use antiseptics (which I think they will laugh at and ignore you anyway) since you believe that germs could not cause illness. Humans and other living organisms had co-existed since time immemorial, there are good germs and there are bad germs.
Even in your guts you have good germs, if they would die like you overdone a use of antibiotic or get a colonics treatment without reintroduction of good bacteria you will get infection of the guts.
Keeping wounds clean has nothing to do with germs either, it has a lot to do with things getting in the body that shouldn't be there. Germs do NOT cause disease. Go find the proof if you don't believe me.
I would never have elective surgery myself so won't worry about that.
If surgery is so sterile why do they always give antibiotics after it?
The 'good/bad bacteria' ruse was dreamt up when the germ theory was being debunked. It's a scam.
he is one of them, believe anything he is told by the TV morons
Your blind faith in government is dangerous. Leave my friend alone, or else, I am not amused, leave her alone, if you want to believe some government bollox is going to do so, live it. Leave my friends out of your nightmare.
Bored of it now tgal, bored of the morons too, guess we have to let them go now, my sister can hardly speak after jab number 3, I did warn her, now she wants to come live with me, but can not get out of the UK.
I'm bored of it too, tired of hearing myself trying to wake up the zombies. Couldn't let this one go without trying to inject some brains tho ;-)
you be the brains, by god I will be the hammer, smack some sense into it.
1 big joke, but the morons comply, bollox to to them, we gotta let them go now
That's why they called it 'moronic' it really is a culling of the stupid
...tedious, isn't it?
mind numbingly so......

I hope this isn't another one of urs I accidently stumbled on.....
No , its not mine...the tape is doing it's job thus far it seems......
can you do for me what no government, or scientist can, prove it exists?
My brother himself got infected, tested positive, luckily he recovered but he had to use Oxygen because he couldn't breathe easy while during while he was ill with it. I don't think it is just a flu.
Now I set you a project, prove it exists, and i GIVE YOU 1 MILLION BLURT.
Believers do not need proof - their belief IS the truth.
The really powerful psyops is precisely those who have recovered from the alleged virus - their belief is now doubly strong as they have the proof of being ill then being cured.
Doesn't matter that it was something else.
I have spoken to people who didn't even consider that their sickness was soon after being pricked.
Depressing, but very true...
I already mentioned this to him (re the millions of $'s on the table if you can prove it exists in isolation).
But you can mind feck em, they do not know or under stand the social contract they did not sign, now, what we going to do next? 'mind feck 'em', would be to break the delusion - which can be done (and it takes time and patience) - but logic and facts are not the tools...crazy but true.
I read some 'rockefeller' paper segment (or some other similar thing WEF, CFR, whatever - can't remember which one specifically), that talked about the r'ona shite and the change in society.
The part that stood out was (I paraphrase) 'during this time of change, it will be a case of survival of the fittest...'
Kinds sounds like the it's the 'a global IQ test', reworded....
I'm not sure that a lot can be done for the those refusing to see reality, anymore...unfortunately.
It's almost like the very necessary midwit types (needed to build systems) are now surplus to requirements - (a temporary blip needed to push the advancement of tech?).
'Gaming nerd' or 'farmer' - which has more value in a world without decadence ?
What comes after decadence? ask Romans
If you get told to walk on all fours with a plug made of cork, stuffed up your arse, will you do so? It helps lower your infection rate.
Papers needed in some situations in Australia.
Fucking ridiculous.
Very much it is ridiculous.
How people can treat each other so badly defies logic.
I refuse to pay for a cock I own, it works, you may not have it, wrong sex, not sorry.
I just slept for 16 hours, must have needed it hey.
I can't remember the last time I slept like that....(not including feeling rough)...7 hours is my max nowadays
It was ace, think I must be getting bored of moron world. Shoot me and put me out of this misery of morons. ain't getting away with so easy, pal .lol
Git ya.