The year was unknown as was the soldier.
He was not a soldier though, the statue had been erected by the people - for the people, the plaque read, the unknown soldier.
Any inference to this statue is purely coincidental and not by design https://rochestermi.org/257/Statue-of-Unknown-Soldier.
It had taken many years to get to the stage where everything was banned, protesting was a thing of days long gone before. Those in power had abused the power for many a long century, not just a year or two.
Not only was owning a weapon banned, thought crimes became the norm. They had striven you see for total con-trol and domination of the people, stretching so far as to control their mind as they saw fit.
When the last sharp item was banned, a knife, a fork, even a pen or pencil, it was then, right there, the unknown soldier was born. Not from his mothers womb though.
He came to be what he was due to the limitations placed on his mind, on his life, and with nothing left to lose, he threw the first stone.
Having nothing to lose as he had lost it all anyway.
He picked up a pocket full of stones, they were free and easy to find, he set off to throw it at those that wanted to con-trol his mind.
He threw the first stone at those that had armies to use as they saw fit, filled with child soldiers, teens, kids who thought they were doing the right thing, all they wanted was a job, some money, they knew not what they did.
The stone hit the target smack on the temple, (this is fiction, I am not advocating violence nor am I encouraging it) it was the first stone thrown, it cost no more than effort.
Everybody that watched thought long and hard about that first stone, that first rebellious action in decades, and picked up some stones.
People started trading stones even, as they became the weapon of choice, could not be banned neither or con-trolled.
The world had been upside down before that day. Like the image above not below.
Before the stone was thrown.
Rebellion had been downgraded to not wearing a mask was seen as being a rebel.
The unknown soldier was no soldier at all, he was a product of a system of con-trol, one that had him so much in bondage; in chains - he had no alternative than to throw that stone.
One can consider many reasons why he threw that stone, threw it so hard, the world had watched so many meaningless wars, meaningless was not his aim.
Yes that stone cost him his life, but in that moment, that split second he was free from his mental bondage, mental slavery, he was truly free.
Like many before him his statue will stand for many centuries.
The unknown soldier was free.
As is this article. All rewards go to someone more in need than I @celi130
A superb read here sent from @antisocialist @freebornangel http://www.thecrowhouse.com/Documents/mary-book.pdf
@perceptualflaws I had you in mind whilst reading the PDF above, I feel you may be aligned to the thinking and logic applied in it.
Images are free open source from istock and pixabay.
Thank you for your generosity, kind-hearted person... Blessings to you and family...
You need not thank me, thank those that vote, they are the real heroes, not me, not I.
Thank you for the blessings though.
The confluence of the financial scam and the spiritual scam only seems like bringing together two separate realms, but in ancient cultures priests were also the bankers as few others could read, write and do mathematics. This is a very long con.
But then again, most people seem only too willing to buy the con. It makes life so much easier to believe - until it doesn't!
Very long con indeed, but oh so many invested into it.
The part that annoys me the most, is the "you must think like me or else" which tends to come from those that are so lazy they have never even read a book, or looked for alternative views away from what they "are told" to think.
Right, but as I've mentioned before, weren't most people like this most of time ?
What has changed is that they are now in a dangerous synchrony.
And as a scientist, this is just so anti-human and anti-knowledge. Away from the scientz of kovid, many other scientists have found themselves on the streets for researching the "wrong topics", such as all the other technocratic lies. Those that remain must be heavily rewarded to abandon any scientific principles - somewhat like doctors of death abandoning any Hippocratic oath.
This is how the true psychotics at the centre create psychotic behaviour in others to further their hell on earth mission.
And this attitude comes from a century of relativism.
The "I have a right to an opinion and therefore my opinion is right!!"
Lol, as an engineer, root cause and corrective action are the answer, the problem being though, you can lead them "people" to knowledge, you can not make them bloody read it. And this site just like all of them prove it beyond any reasonable doubt.
Nothing new comes from inside the box thinking, or we would all be driving a model T Ford still!
I find myself in an interesting place. I went through what many consider an elite education - i've seen it from the inside. It wasn't through money, but out of sheer interest - as you know, an individual can work for hours with focus on something that is of deep interest - he doesn't count those hours as "work".
So, you didn't study for a degree in Engineering? Not so important, altho may kinda back up what I'm about to say.
But I can see how thoroughly indoctrinated places of "learning" now are - far worse and far more in-yer-face than even 20 years ago (when it was still more subtle). Hence, I try to think through with my kid, kinda imagination exercises, of the kinds of things she can do without going through the indoctrination-schools. Coz she is very bright and sharp, so is a real shame we have ended up in this world of shit - but there remain many paths open to her. We just need to get away from the tyranny that skills only come via certificates.
Also, that life doesn't revolve around bits of paper in a frame nailed to a wall behind a desk!
I had zero training as an engineer, I just did engineering, I still get asked to do it now, not willing though. I also only had hands on experience as a mechanic and made it all the way to Grand Prix level, as a young dude, there is no limit to what anyone can achieve, if they put their mind to it, you and I both prove that.
The only limit is in ones mind, or I would still be living in Birmingham, and you your home town, but we are not.
Right, sounds like we both followed our interests, albeit different. I've said before, I studied the engineering of nuclear power plants - NOT something one can play with at home, but that was my interest at the time. And that's how I bumped up against knowledge I didn't have and needed to progress eg quantum mechanics.
When I got my first car, I investigated how the thing worked and could fix many things up to the limits of not having a proper garage and equipment. I could even tune an engine! lol.
In medieval and renaissance Italy, most people never went to university, but there were 100s of trade schools - everything from navigation to choral singing! lol. That's the background of people like da Vinci and Michelangelo - learning how to do stuff.
Some famous people have written about all these things - and nothing happened - I'm thinking Bucky Fuller, who I think of as the grandaddy of decentralised thinking. His latter works sound to me like a man pissed off with the world actually moving away from his ideas. eg Grunch of Giants.
he had an interesting revelation - when he was rather poor and with family - what can one man do to make human life better? That was his ultimate experiment - what can one person do!?
Nowadays, even being outside the box means landing inside another box. Need to rise up another dimension and see all the boxes one doesn't want! lol.
another example, Political Ponerology describes this descent of society in great detail - was almost never published and few seem to have ever read it. 1984 is fiction, PP is reality.
I don't quite agree with Lobaczewski's overall solution, but his first step is for everybody to realise that their rulers are mentally sick - psychopathy is a mental disease, so is being delusional and blind to evidence, narcissism and cruelty - all mental diseases. So the first step is to acknowledge this - in both oneself and others - coz... why would anybody wish to follow a lunatic or a deranged idiot??
I have said for years, decades and some more, those in "power" are insane, if not, why is the world shaped like it is, it could be utopia, instead it is wars and the hunger games, it is their vision not mine, indeed the world is upside down, but to lose belief we can change it, is to give up and die.
Billy Connolly says it best, “The desire to be a politician should bar you for life from ever becoming one.”
"Don't vote. It just encourages them....”
The problem is these books you mention are superb, are from outside the box, but and it is a big but, politicians as we know are not willing to read them, most are products of Eton, Oxford, Harvard and the regurgitate and repeat grade system.
You and I setting our children free from state bondage indoctrination may one day pave the way for a different society, we may though never get to see it, but at least we can rest assured, "we tried".......
Oh, I think those elites do read such things - that's precisely why they get banned. I mean, the process of refusing to publish a book goes right up to the top of the publishing ladder. Notice in novels such as BNW and 1984, the elites are allowed to read banned books, but only so that they can further articulate their own system's superiority.
You may or may not like this https://citizens.news/598762.html
lol. why would I "not like this"?
I do still find it perplexing - the self-proclaimed chosen people killing their own. Oh, hold on, didn't some of them do that 80 years ago!? ;-) a self-sacrifice towards a greater good, no doubt.
Indeed they did, and I live near a work camp, been to it, visited it when my sister came as she wanted to see it, her holiday so I obliged, all the people here know, I have spoken to may, that Jews ran the camps, only the poor died, those with not enough shekles to keep them alive. And the truly wealthy Jews left here early 1930's after they had declared financial war on Germany. Not a fact they like you to share.
Right - that's hugely important! Not very different to many Jews running the Atlantic slave trade.
And the "financial war" included giving the Germans enough financial-rope with which to hang themselves - through the subsequent retributions.
Germany between the two wars was hugely successful - shows what can be done with your own currency and without a leeching private central bank. That's what the banksters really hated - what if other countries did the same?
All stuff the vast majority of people really cannot process.
But I look at Israel now and think WTF!!
Agreed, the economic success had to be quashed at all costs, and Saddam Hussein found out the hard way you can not back money with gold in a fake Fiat world. https://newamericangovernment.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/JewsDeclareWarOnGermany1933.pdf
Those headlines - replace Germany with Russia and look dangerously like so many tweets I've seen.
Propaganda just keeps on working.
Tell a lie often enough, keep repeating it and it works. Convid is proof. The bigger the lie, the more that believe it springs to mind.
I have seen a raft, a gush, an outpour of "save the Ukraine" on fakebook.
People are so easily distracted, it seems.
Nice work my friend. :)
Thanks dude - I'm a bit busy today, but will enjoy having a good read once I have a chance to put my feet up. :)
Cheers brother, I think you will like it.