Unshackled minds - the endless scam has an expiry date.

in conspiracy •  3 years ago 


I am yet to see a pandemic.

Nope, no bodies in the street either/neither.
How many alleged variants can you claim to exist without having isolated a single one? Ask a politician.
Ask a doctor when this ends, and he will say "I have no idea, I am not a politician."

"Implementation of the Basel III Final Reform Package."

Link here. https://www.hkma.gov.hk/media/eng/regulatory-resources/consultations/CP20_02_Implementation_of_the_Basel_III_Final_Reform_Package.pdf

Having read that document, January 2023 is when the farce ends, someone must be enjoying the power trip "way tooooooo much."

In the UK they spent many millions of GBP setting up what they called "Nightingale hospitals", the government gave con-tracts to friends to erect them, guard them, g4s and all, if you know about g4s you know, Theresa May's husband owns quite a large amount of shares in it, all in it together, politicians.

Well they tore down those Nightingale hospitals due to not a single patient ever being in 1, nice scam if you can get the gig.


Rinse and repeat until enough people catch on.

Does anyone remember the sales brochure for this "event?"
Dead people in the street in Wuhan, alleged medics in white suits, mopping up the scene, I do, not seen it in reality though.
I also watched them dudes in them suits spraying bus stops here, fear porn central.


A link = https://anti-empire.com/whatever-happened-to-dead-people-in-the-streets-that-images-from-wuhan-promised/

Does anyone remember being told to wear gloves?
They did that here at the start, wear gloves to go into a shop, the streets were littered with plastic gloves like they are still with masks.

Biohazard bins, still waiting to see a single one of them, for masks.

They are still saying it, the caring Karen's (note that applies to men too) "Stop spreading your conspiracy theories, I hope one of your family gets it"........

2 years they have had, 2 years to use their eyes, not just believe the lies, 2 whole years.

1 prick, 2 pricks, 3 pricks wait now it is 4.
But and a big but, no not a butt, more a but.
Those of us un-pricked and unmasked are still healthy.

La la land news.

"These cases are from patients taken to hospital for an unrelated reason, such as a fall or broken bone, who just happen to then discover they also have the virus."

Fake tests will always do that for you.


I bought an instant test just before xmas as someone said Coca cola tests positive, indeed it did, what a pile of nonsense people are willing to believe.
You only have to say it on TV, convid is on the rise, and the masses will believe it.

Virtue signal me this, virtue signal me that.

Luckily though more and more are waking up to the scam.


I look at the animals.

Luckily with land ownership comes animals, birds, deer, stray cats, stray dogs, I feed them all, every day.
And they too keep me sane, I watch them live free, thrive, not act like stupid people, as they do not watch TV.

Free as a bird, the expression, is how we should all be,
Do you see any animals acting as stupid as people?
I have said it before, I will say it again "if the TV set said walk on all fours, with a cork up your arse, most people would!"

2020 -2021 has been a study about people, an intelligence test if you like, marks out of 10? Most get a 1.

If we want to set ourselves free, it is going to take a lot more effort than words, you can mark my words about that.
To be honest though, I have no intention of wanting to go back to pre-plandemic so called norms.

All that achieves is giving power back to the few, passport please, papers please, can I see the drivers license you had to get my permission to own?
No, no thank you.
Like I said, we can do better than that.

I do ponder the thought now about historical plagues, did they happen, or were they all just in newspapers at the time.

Word of mouth, peer pressure, virtue signalling, it all plays a part in the psychology of a human allegedly being.
Education or lack of it too.

My point proved here.

Only three of England’s seven Nightingale hospitals have ever been used to treat Covid patients – despite costing the taxpayer more than £500m to set-up and keep on standby, HuffPost UK can reveal. An investigation by this website has shown just how underused the landmark hospitals have been – with the government under fire for overseeing a programme described as a “massive white elephant” from the start."


Unshackle that mind, and set it free, from the bondage of others.

Have a super-Sunday funday

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

If this was a real pandemic... where are the autopsies?
No autopsies = no proof = no knowledge = it's a scam!
Very few relatives demand an independent autopsy.

If this was real, and if govscum cared, and if pharmascum dealt with health, then there would be proof - all we have is proof of silencing anyone with some braincells left.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Agreed 100%, but even those that deep down know it is a scam, are too heavily invested, they have bought the masks, bought 100's of PCR tests, use them daily, been pricked over and over again, they are in the cult for life.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

2 years to FAIL to isolate any alleged virus without using contaminating method.
There are such methods.
The reports I've seen claim they can't get enough real human samples to do such isolation techniques!! really!!? A world full of covidity and not a drop to isolate??!!
another clue of the scam - no scientific genius needed - just logic.
Oh yeah, forgot, we're in a cancel-logic culture.

BTW Matrix 4 is a pisstake of the prev 3 - filled with elitescum propaganda.
Take NEITHER pill ;-)

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

mmm... what I am noticing is different.
It is the "this is a real pandemic but govs are taking advantage of it" trope.
I've now heard a few IRL say this.
This is psychological protection - a barrier to understanding the full enormity of the tyranny - and it means they remain obedient with a grain of self-justification.
I've also heard people falling sick days after being pricked and mentally unable to calculate 2+2.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Even alleged "truthers" will sell out, the sheep will not follow otherwise, this is the reason I refuse to monetize anything, my opinion is not for sale, and this is a hoax virus. Last throw of the dice to save central banksters, it will fail all the same.

One of the glaring lies is the test that they say requires them to stick a long stick up your nose and give you a partial lobotomy to obtain. Yet I'm also to believe that its so prevalent it just swims in my saliva and air I exhale so need to wear a mask.

If it's that prevalent, why cant they just swab a cheek then, isn't ones saliva just saturated with that shit? Never got or getting that lobotomy test, nor taking the death injection.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

They had the Chinese swabbing their anus, I shit you not.

Damn, now you have me wondering if we can get a lot of our lefties to move there. Many of them in places like California love shoving things up their anus.

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

Do a go fund me for them, and give them free "one way" tickets, just a thought. :-)
I would call it a a compassionate act to give them what they want, free things up the ass.

Then they can go and self identify as anal swab liker's.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

If you do not enjoy things up your anus, avoid travel to China.


  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Koch postulates methodology, no alleged scientist goes near it, as the game would be up and germ theory would be put in the dustbin of history.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I’m glad this is finally over.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Me too, but some people need to be held to account.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I don't think it's all over, quite just yet..

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

yep , economy is now enough damaged to start the next step .

Energy prizes will rise fast , climate hoax returns , co2 tax and mindless printing to feed some very disturbing inflation ,.. and when all are down and starving ,. dying , ...it will be blamed on a new dangerous variant that orders people to live in containment camps .
With no other choice ,.. the masses will , flat broke , owning nothing , enter the barracks of "happiness" build by K. Swab en friends .

Yeah , bit of a spoiler , sorry ,.. but i saw the script they hold .
By spoiling this i hope it will disappear and never happen . ;-)

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Every country is spouting 50% gas price rises, and 25% electric from what I noted, fuck em, I have HHO and solar, they can suck my old sweaty balls. :-)

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Norway creates power from water flowing free ,.. cheapest way to get it ,.. still right now , Norway is the most expensive for a KW of power . . Thanks to the EU and WEF .

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Tesla invented said technology, Niagara falls has it installed.
There are many ways to make cheap electricity, here they want to raise it 25% next year and gas by 50% so people move to cities and then the banks can buy the land, you vill own nothing and be happy, bollox, I will make my own gas, and electricity.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I just vomited...

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I can sell you a cure for that, as long as you keep vomiting, if not, I have a pill to sell you that makes you vomit, then I can sell you not only the cure, but also some tissues, to wipe your face with after, and I can do it every month, you sold on the idea yet?

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

You're ex pfizer !..... BUSTED !

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Oh no, you are onto me, I need to suicide you.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Dude we need a chat in private, I have a ground breaking idea.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

bastyon ?

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Can do.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

A sense pessimism...lol

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Yeah , let it be that ,.. otherwise it will be reality and depressing as fuck . ;-)

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

The BS is collapsing by the day..gonna be interesting to see what they're cooking up next....the passports aren't happening, and that's the point of the exercise..

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

The world is not equal, they do not have the infrastructure for that plan here, same as they do not in Thailand, Cambodia and many other places.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

If they can't do it in the west (US and Europe), they won't be able to do it anywhere.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thank you for the gift and much joy for this new year 2022 🍀🪅🍀

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

You are welcome, and thank you for the thank you. Wishing you the same.