Unshackled minds Nuremberg trials 2 started in Warsaw

in conspiracy •  3 years ago  (edited)


If you value freedom of choice, you need to have a choice.

29th of November this was put up on youtube, surprised it is still there, but then again the gent with the beard is an opposition MP to the unlawful and undemocratic Polish government.
This is the start of a commission to look into the unlawful mandates for masks, PCR test fraud, illegal lock downs too.

With professional athletes dropping like flies after being pricked with the convid jabs, rugby players dropping dead at 26, 12 year old children dropping dead too, they want answers.

I have been following 1 of the gents in the video for over a year, he formed the Corona Investigative Committee In Germany with other lawyers, solicitors and over 150 scientists to investigate the over reaction of all governments, perpetrated via PCR test fraud.


The Polish MP clearly states towards the end of the video; thoughts that echo what I have been saying, governments are treating people like dogs being trained, mask on, mask off, you can go outside, you can not now, wear a mask again, no need to wear a mask etc etc etc, you know the drill.

I feel sorry for people that have been duped into being pricked, but that is their own choice not mine, so my pity for them is very low on the pity scale.

This is the start of the truth coming out about the crimes against humanity that have been committed. We can get to the bottom of the matter who conspired to dream up this event after politicians are dealt with first in a legal binding setting, judged by their peers.

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich Is the man in Germany, Lawyer, solicitor and Dr that started the committee in Germany to investigate the fraud.

His website below.


At last we might see an end to the never ending circus of the last two years, and just in time, as Pfizer has been gloating that a yearly prick will be needed to boost their profits.

"Pfizer boss: Annual Covid jabs for years to come."


I am not interested in being a lab rat.

If you want to give away your freedom for safety, you can feel free to be a pin cushion, but you complying to rules that make no sense, drag us all down with you.

When you stop complying, it all ends, until then expect more rules.

This is the start I hope with regards to bringing the global scam to an end, culminating/finishing at the Hague.

Death is too light a sentence for those that want to prick people to death.

Research for yourself how many athletes have had heart attacks or dropped dead whilst playing sports.
It was not normal either for children to be dropping dead of heart attacks, it is now.

If you have any form of conscience, refuse to comply.

Freedom or bust.

Have a superb day ahead.

@mariuszkarowski You might enjoy this video above.

Edit, as per usual youtube removed the video as it challenges the official narrative.

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Hopefully this is the start of the end of convid crap show indeed that would be awesome.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

It is bro, the end is nigh for the circus clowns that attend Davos, hope it takes down Bill Gates too.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thank you, ajerkoff for sharing this important input!

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Most welcome :-)

Grzegorz Braun

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

My wife said that, but left for work before telling me how to spell the name, thank you.

Hmmm, try this one. When you learn it, you'll impress your wife

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I will have a go :-) Cheers.

Great post

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thanks :-)