The new scary variant, they say, deadly disease, they say.
The marketing angle is something I had to deal with before I sold the last of my companies, why pay someone to do it when you can do it yourself?
After all, I once owned a hi-fi shop too, and that was all about marketing, I did the accounting also for all the shops or companies I owned. So I am nobodies fool.
As most countries roll out the new scary Omicron "alleged virus" I started playing around with the word, yes it does come from ancient Greece. But with Greece now charging old age pensioners that do not roll up the sleeve to be pricked 100 Euros a month, naughty people wanting to remain sovereign, how dare they. (Allegedly)
Greece has also mandated all over 60 years old have to be pricked, but a mandate is not a law.
One variation of Omicron (anagram) is "moronic" Add in delta the scary variant before and you have media control.
Back to marketing.
Katie Hopkins covered this aspect well in this video.
I am surprised the video has not been removed from draconian/tube, but anyway, here it is.
I know most people only want to believe corrupt politicians.
And equally as corrupt alleged scientists.
But do they want to be pricked in the arm forever more? Every alleged scary virus they roll out means a roll up of the sleeve.
Here the blatant morons in poli-tiks said they were banning flights to several African countries they say moronic arrived from, or where it developed.
The problem is though, the countries they state, there are no direct flights there from Poland, so who is the moron now??????
Factually speaking, more deaths occur from alcohol abuse, vehicle accidents and neglect from hospitals than any alleged virus they can think up.
Yes they will show you the computer generated version of what the snake oil salesmen and alleged ladies in poli-tiks think is a virus, but the truth is, they are the virus, and the media too.
I spent one night watching TV to work out why the media are whores to this whole event, and timed each advert, 78% of them were from pharmaceutical companies, why would they bite the hand that feeds them with money?
They have everything to lose by being honest, advertising revenues.
Now if you want to be an endless pin cushion, that is fine by me, 2 years on, I have never worn any mask, taken any jab and I am still healthy as can be, work that one out.
Do not even mention asymptomatic, not buying that nonsensical brain fart.
I will tell you how they get the fake numbers up here for alleged infected people with the alleged virus, sorry disease, make your mind up, which one is it?
They raised the pay of doctors by over 100% 20 months ago, then closed all the hospitals, so they have no incentive to speak out.
They also get a bonus for each person they inject for each shot they give, they have no interest in this whole thing ending, ever.
Today for instance, my wife's boss went for a check up at a doctors surgery for her son.
He asked if they had - had the jab, when she said no he ordered them to travel 40 km's to a medical centre to get tested for the rona with a known and admitted even by the WHO, faulty PCR test, and that folks, is how you get the numbers up and doctors to comply.
I would have told him to go stick a hammer up his arse, since when do doctors give orders? Are we in Nazi Germany now?
They have no reason at all in ending a game where they are being incentivised to not treat people and get a bonus for pricking them.
If a Nuremberg 2 trial happens, I hope like after ww2 the medical industrial complex from the top down are first on the list.
I never kept quiet, I spoke up, let this be noted on this blockchain.
First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me. (Martin Niemöller)
Let future generations know, not all of us agreed or played any part in agenda 2030.
Have a superb day ahead,
I don't think that there will be an end to the virus, new virus, new restrictions based on the severity of the transmissibility (wow it rhymes :)). So get your arms ready, I mean your injection arm, its the new lifestyle to some and nuisance to some.
Then there are rumors of wars 😞
There will be a war, one against governments and the few that control the money system, it will happen, that I am certain, for too long they have killed people.
Yeah we can never have nice things, we just have to try to be strong in order to survive this concrete jungle and it is jus t as easy.
I do not have a injection arm ,.. don't know what DNA manipulation created you one , but i for sure came in to this world without such a strange object attached to my body .
A imaginary virus , that does not exist in any other place then the deluded mind , will indeed never end .
For one can not end what was never there in reality to start with . ;-)
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Felicitaciones, su publication ha sido votado por @r2cornell-curate. También, encuéntranos en Discord
As always, thank you.
C-ovid 19
C : gather at the well .
ovid : the sheep .
19 : to destroy them .
Any one willing to force me to take any jab ,.. is waging war on me !
Any one willing to force the jab on others ,... is a aggressor starting a conflict !
Any one voting for any government ,.. is voting for war against freedom loving peaceful people !
Speed sign's ,... are a weird thing to me ,.. when speed means freedom of the soul . Speed sign's where the first sign to me about something being terrible wrong in this world . ;-)
Hey bro, just seen my articles on fakebook, seems people are waking up at last.