unshackled minds - Freedom, no fear.

in con •  3 years ago  (edited)


Having written for decades about how the MSM is not our friend.

Note the photo from today above, every single newspaper in the UK telling people to get a 4th booster shot.
This proves how heavily they are invested, or corrupted, to tow government lines.
Or are they part of a wider conspiracy? I have never in my 55 years seen every newspaper spout/print the same headline, EVER.

For sure they - whom ever they are, want everyone vaxed forever more.

But fear not, this proves beyond any reasonable doubt that the media is as corrupt as politicians, doctors, scientists and they are showing you, the great reset is upon us, for those paying attention, those that conspired to poison our minds, poison our food, poison our skies, treat not cure, fore they have all now exposed themselves.

They thought we could not reason, they thought we lacked the ability to make alternatives to their fake Ponzi scheme Fiat money, how wrong they were.

We already have alternative news, we already have our own crypto currencies, exchanges and alternative natural healing medicines, we have in "fact" already out thought them - out manoeuvred "them" and exposed them for decades.

Now if you consider the resources "we had" compared the trillions of monopoly money they had, the corporations they own via quantitative easing that morphed government into corporations, We won with limited resources.

Sure they can con-trol social media like fakebook, mention a vaccine and it auto places this below.


Sure they lost the psychological war too.

Sure they can shut down our accounts via google owned youtube, But we made alternative video platforms.

All this is doing is the polar opposite to what they wanted, making sites like this that is decentralised and not able to be corrupted, more popular, with benefits, crypto currencies, outside of government control, fakebook mines your data, fakebook works hand in hand with government agencies, this site @blurt pays you for your blogs, thoughts, not mines you and sells the data.

We have our own digital currencies, with no middle man, I can send any crypto I want, to any wallet, no middle man, no tax, no VAT, Liking this yet Boris and co? By the way, I will be sending this article to governments.

We out did you, out thought you, excelled your planned digital currencies, and we did it years ago, over a decade now, come on gov, catch up, get with it, we beat you at your own game.

Not only that, we have our own crypto sites for buy and sell, and yes, you are not invited to that either.

You have had your time, you followed the fake UN plan, you attended your WEF/Davos events all thinking you were smarter than us, yes? Wrong!

We the people are the great reset, you can forget your Georgia guide-stones, your little freemasonry clubs, your blue doors and your 33rd degree masons.

You can also forget your London within London, we have blackballed you.
We have our own town mayor too, just like you do, but ours is all of us, not 1 man.
We are the 99.9%, you started the war, we will end it without a single shot fired, we already have, you just do not know it yet.

The beat once sang "Stand down Margaret stand down please, stand down Margaret", we now sing it to you all in politics, you lost our faith, we trusted you, you forgot you only get to make laws by consent, you are the servant not us, now put yourselves under house arrest.

You turned the police against us, made them protect you, gave them guns, let them become corporate whores, they also only get to police via consent, we the people no longer consent.

The curtain HAS been pulled back, we see your handlers, Your IMF/World banksters, we see the non federal reserve for what it is, our currency is proof of energy, your Fiat is proof of puppetry, backed by nothing and worth nothing.

WE already have our own system, you just never noticed, we do not need you any more, and thank you for waking up the rest of the sleepers with your draconian visions.

The 4th industrial revolution is upon us, but as we are the engineers, and you are mere public corrupt servants that forgot your role, we bid you farewell.

What have you lot ever invented?
What have you lot ever done for a real living outside of crony capitalism and the theatre that is places like Westminster?

What value added are "you" to society at large?

Your wars, your greed, we pity you, you did not see us coming, because you were all so narcissistic, vile and easily bribed by those you considered friends, that were just as easily bribed as you.

Your filthy lifestyles. Your never ending greed, your passion for power at any cost, has now cost you all.

The lords, the ladies, the class system, everything you built over 200 years, the Grand lodges, funny handshakes, rings on little fingers the lot, it all comes crumbling down, and there is nothing you can do about it.

Rockefeller's perverted medicine system, your contempt for the public because you consider regurgitate and repeat as eduction, it all comes tumbling down, you did it, it was your own fault.

Go on, tell us to stay at home again, I dare you, and watch them walls come down.

We won this war a decade ago, you just do not know it yet, you will soon.


You had your chance, but you got greedy.

For what, bits of paper backed by nothing, worth nothing?
What were you all thinking?

I almost pity governments now, they have no idea what is going to happen next, because we are 10 years ahead of them.
They forgot we made the technology, they forgot it is the 99.9% of us that produce everything, whilst they only produce lies, and argue with each other.

We the people have had enough, and out thought you.

Enjoy the ending, it may surprise you, now go sell your boosters elsewhere, you snake oil salesmen.

To everyone else, Have a superb week ahead, look over your shoulders Politicians, you deserve what comes NEXT.

Somehow I managed to edit this into my intro post, no idea how.

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Hey welcome back old shepz1. Glad u got ur name back.
There is one downer to this whole hating the gov malarky tho. They WANT us to thro out our local/national govs. It's all part of the plan to get rid of our seperate governments and slide into their one world government. Revolution and chaos is what they are trying to manufacture. 'Order out of chaos' remember. Their motto.
Yes we need to bring these people to justice but to be honest they have not been running this show, only acting as puppets. The real government of the NWO has already been working behind the curtain for a long time. All that's happening is the curtain is coming away when it is too late to do anything about them.
We need a plan.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thank you, the plan is in place, we have the tools in place already, they control via money, we have that sorted, their plans matter not now, relax tgal, we got this.

Thanx I knew you'd have it xx