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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I'm moving too! But absolutely no way it can take just one day.
I'm estimating 100 boxes of stuff. So much of my time is packing - really dull.
Hope it goes smoothly for you :-)

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

It took me a full year to dismantle, sell off a lot of, and relocate my home of twenty years. Not an easy task!!! And even after selling as much as I could, I still had 100 boxes of stuff. And I spent a lot of that year just packing. I have no idea how someone moves in one day! Awful!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

lol life without kids.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Wow ..everyone is moving !

Posted from

I'm moving too! But absolutely no way it can take just one day.

Hopefully a smooth process for you. Mine is a headache due to both time frames and lack of monetary resources. I have most of our stuff packed and she has tackled a lot of the deep cleaning already.

We sold our living room furniture, and I broke down my two hutches into pieces for the trash man and threw them away already. I had thought I was going to have to bribe him to haul our mattresses away at the last moment before we move. However it appears there is a chance her adult kids are going to be able to rent a moving truck to haul our stuff.

That will make this a little smoother for me, and allow us to move the mattresses to use until I can finance a newer set. I was dreading sleeping on the hardwood flooring, and more so her displeasure in doing so, hahahaha.

I had planned (and still may have to) renting a storage unit there which I have to anyway. I was going to make a good dozen trips hauling loads up there into storage over the next several days so it would be within a few miles come the day we have to be out. Which would allow us to have this place empty and fully cleaned by that time.

And yes, it's boring as hell.

Thanks for the well wishes.

I'm feeling pretty good about being able to fit all my belongings into a back back still. haha

Story with me is I had a good amount of business success in my early 20s. I ended up buying a big house with a pool, two car garage and within a few years I was buried in "stuff". Years later I sold everything I own and have been basically moving around the world living entirely out of bag ever since. I love it...I know it's not for everyone, and frankly down right impossible for many. But damn @Rycharde...100 boxes and @practicalthought with a dozen truck loads. My goodness. Let me know when you guys are ready for Travel Pro bootcamp! lol

Sincerely wishing you both the best of luck! :)

If I get to use the uhaul for that day it will leave me with only needing to move a full storage of boxes and tubs from a 5x10 storage to a new one there locally. Still time consuming but I have until the 16th to get that done. Or I could actually just pay another month on it here and spread it out till May 16th. But I'm anal and prefer to get things that need doing over with as quick as possible.

I hope one day to minimize my own life in a different way than yourself. I dream of buying a few acres to start farming, and would build a shed on it that I could store things and actually sleep in safe from the conditions outside. It wouldn't be anything my partner would consider living in, so I would still need a separate normal dwelling to keep her satisfied and then she could view the shed as camping or something, lol.

Congrats on freeing yourself from the system to the extent you have.

"I'm anal and prefer to get things that need doing over with as quick as possible."

We certainly have that in common! hahaha

I think that is great. If I ever go back into settling in one place, I would certainly do the same as what you have in mind. Get some land, farm, build it up as a nice place to live. And yes, it's important to keep your partner happy. You know what they say.... Happy Wife, Happy Life!

Have a great day and best of luck with the move!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Mi estimado amigo, espero y deseo que todo salga bien en este nuevo camino. Por lo que sé siempre has afrontado estos cambios con la mejor disposición, pero sobre todo con buen animo. Sé que todo cambio conlleva resistencia por parte de nuestro cerebro pero vendrán dias mejores. Espero tu pronto regreso porque aun nos debemos muchas cosas dentro de Blurt e incluso en la vida 1.0. Aqui estará un buen amigo siempre esperando un comentario, publicaciones y sobre todo a mi maestro.

My dear friend, I hope and wish that everything goes well on this new path. As far as I know you have always faced these changes with the best disposition, but above all in good spirits. I know that every change brings resistance from our brain but better days will come. I hope you will be back soon because we still owe each other a lot of things in Blurt and even in life 1.0. Here will be a good friend always waiting for a comment, publications and above all my teacher.

Posted from

Gracias como siempre por sus amables palabras y valoraciones.

Esta mudanza es una de mis más estresantes debido a la logística, la falta de fondos y la mentalidad de la zona a la que me traslado. En estas situaciones encuentro necesario compartimentar mi mente para forzar la salida de lo que pueda del estrés y centrarme en lo que hay que hacer. Dicho esto, sin embargo, espero que el próximo mes sea extremadamente difícil, ya que trato de reconstruir algún sentido de normalidad en mi capacidad para pagar mis facturas y adaptarme a una mentalidad general de la gente local que es muy contraria a la mía.

Espero con ansias mi regreso, que espero sea en algún momento dentro de una semana. Seguiré votando y comentando durante los próximos días quemando mi poder de voto entre las muchas cosas que aún tengo que hacer para prepararme.

Estoy agradecido de tenerte aquí y poder llamarte amigo. No colecciono amigos así que la lista es muy corta para mí.

Thank you as always for your kind words and assessments.

This move is one of my more stressful due to logistics, lack of funds and the mindset of the area I move to. In these situations I find it necessary to compartmentalize my mind to force out what I can of the stress and focus on what needs doing. Having said that however, I expect the next month or so to be extremely trying, as I try to rebuild some sense of normalcy in my ability to pay my bills and adjust to a general mindset of the local people that are very contrary to my own.

I do look forward to my return, which I'm hopeful will be by sometime about a week from now. I'll still be voting and commenting over the next day or two burning up my voting power in between the many things I still need to do in preparation.

I'm grateful to have you here and able to call you friend. I don't collect friends so the list is a very short one for myself.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Into the Frying pan is right! Holy cow that seems impossible, but I don't know what kind of possessions you have. I spent a year selling off as much as I could, and still had 100 boxes of stuff! Not so much furniture thankfully, but still.

Good luck to you. I look forward to your return, and some stories about your move.

Thank you. To make matters worse, without saying the location I'm moving to one of the beacons of what passes for liberal here in the U.S. So frying pan in more ways than one.

I sold our couch and loveseat Sunday, and have broken most of the wooden furniture into pieces so the trash man could take them.

I will be relieved in a couple of weeks once everything has been moved, all legal papers (permission slips) are paid and held, and I have a means of income to start paying my bills that will continue rolling in, lol.

I have a lot of possessions, exacerbated by a locker filled with stuff I acquired to resell before the pandemic lockdowns. I'll make it through but will be quite glad when the uncertainty is over and whatever the new mode demands is in place.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I left (fled) one of those beacons of what passes for liberal six months ago. 90% of them are still wearing masks, and businesses are requiring proof of jab to enter. I hope that's not the case where you're going!

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

I hope that's not the case where you're going!

It is. The field I work in now requires the injection (all of them) in the new state, so will not be applying for anything similar to what I do now. Perhaps if I still need work for another in a year or two and enough of the injected begin having (totally unrelated wink wink) health issues they will relax their requirement.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Good luck with your move buddy. I know the feeling I always hate moving and it is unnecessary stress. But sometimes it is freeing, a new space, new job, unburdening yourself with some things on the way. I always tried to get rid of everything that I had not touched since my last move, making me feel a little lighter.

It is all temporary anyway and we will see you on the other side.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

All the best for you!
See you....

Thank you. 🙂

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

not sure on how long it will take for my internet service to be turned on.

2 minutes after the next available technician arrives at your place. Which will be immediately available in most cities, or within 48 hours in a small city that outsources IT industry.

Usually you don't even have to pay until the 2nd or 3rd month too.

It's a matter of when the tech can be scheduled indeed. Hopefully it will be only a few days tops, and the move occurs over this weekend. So I'm hopeful that by the middle of next week perhaps.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

You can leave a key for those guys too if you dont have anything valuable in the house, just leave it unlocked for the tech depending on the areas security.

I don't let anyone in my dwelling without my presence. I called earlier and looks like it is all set.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I usually wouldnt so that wither, but when you are new and its a empty house seems low risk.

Also make sure to delete the device the tech tested your connection from. Some internet guys just use their personal phone and his device could be infected with something that could end up violating your privacy, or worse he is a hacker and has access to hour router from day 1.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

All the best for the move. I wish there was a place here in my country that was less restrictive, but Germany is far too small for that. Your country still seems to be one of contrast, which I appreciate.

The many material things you have always become a nuisance when you have to move around with them. That's still ahead of us, too, and I'd be glad if we'd already got it over with.

Are you leaving relatives behind? And close friends?

Good luck finding a new source of income.

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Are you leaving relatives behind? And close friends?

None of the above. I moved where I am to be closer to her family for her, and this puts us close enough she will be able to drive to them now (she doesn't drive on highways).

I don't collect acquaintances which is what most people who people refer to as friends really are. I can quickly count those I given that name to and has been many years since I had one within close proximity to myself.

I find most people, while they can be agreeable most times, are willing to back stab if the circumstances offered both a reason and ability to escape consequence for such. I also find most people to be tiring quickly, as the incessant need to talk of trivialities coupled with misconceptions drains my energy. I much prefer the company of animals and plants.

Good luck finding a new source of income.

Thank you :)

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Hoping everything runs smoothly with the move my friend - and that the challenges you face serve to illuminate the path towards your new life. Look forward to your return - the place won't be the same without you. :)

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Hoping the move isn't to stressful and goes well, We just did a move in one day's time several hundred kilometres away and the logistics was crazy.

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

I hope you are going to be ok. Will miss you and hope you'll be ok. Bon voyage for now xxx

Thank you. 🙂

I hope that everything on the shifting in new place be good, good luck for it. Risk is everywhere, whatever we want to do contains some risk but in crypto the risk is higher than anything. Digg showed us profit and also took us down.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Luckily at this time your crypto doesn't have to be transported by car, just one smartphone or one paper with a password and username note.

Yes, that is a positive. :)

Good luck with the move. I’ve moved about 25times so I understand the stress of it well 😅 are you moving far ?

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

lol, yeah, I've prob moved about 10 times - is a drag.
From the UK had to sell my "bookshop", which took forever. With so much digitised, is only worth dealing in rare books - hence why it took a while to get their true value.

yeah I have lived in so many boroughs/ places, I lived in a health spa for 7 months, thought about moving to America at some point and got all my possessions down twice to fit in a car lol, it[s very freeing actually.

Thank you. Yes, its about 100 miles from here in a neighboring state.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Why are more and more people moving? I'm starting to get confused, what exactly happened?

I'm moving so my partner can be closer to her adult children. I'm not leaving Blurt as I think that's how you understood my post. I was wanting to let those I interact with frequently know not to be worried at my absence. 🙂

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yes, I think you will move on from Blurt and it worries me that I will no longer be able to read every post from you and interact with you. Thank goodness you're still here. I wish the best for you and your family.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  


I noticed that on Steem and Hive. Some even quitting multiple times. When I left Hive I was sick of their methods there, sick of seeing so many in my circles have meltdowns over folks targeting them. I never announced I was leaving, just quietly powered down and left.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I made it as painful as possible just becasue the top 20 hate me, I also won over some of their respect finally for powering down yet continuing to blog there with a vested interest that reflects the worth of the network, less than $500 because i expect too loose it on hive due to the unstable nature of the most important accounts (top 20).

If you have a small amount of HP support the witness @earn.hive it pisses off the top 20 because they payout all of the witness funds to the people who vote for them. Finally someone giving the them a taste of their own shit.

I only left 5 Hive powered up in case I needed to post there, but as I knew there has been nothing calling me to post. I ended up delegating the witness vote to Logic Zombie as he was pissing them off on only voting those not in that down vote circle jerk.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

@logiczombie showed me earn.hive funny enough

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Hello friend, I hope everything goes well for you and it is not so complicated to fix the documents you need.
And may the new place where you are going to live be a blessing for you and your partner, it is beautiful that you do this for her.

Have a great day!

Thank you :)

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Sounds like you have a magnificent woman ;o)
Haha, we wanderlust women keep our men young!

Hope all is going well, enjoy the new adventure - because really, life is short and getting out of our comfort zones is what makes it interesting :)

Thank you, but in this case she isn't a wanderlust woman, lol. She needed to return to her home state to be with her adult children and grandbabies.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Oh gotcha. There's nothing wrong with that. My kids are just turning 19&22, so I'm in that before grandchildren stage. I imagine I may feel differently when they settle and have children :)

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Sometimes in life we make a move, so that we can have an impact. If the move will not be convenient try and reconsider before you move, but if your move is a good one and will create revenue for more income as you said. Then Goodluck with your move.
Please don't forget us 🤗🤗🤗

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Make it joyful 🌺

Posted from

Thank you

Sometimes it happens so and we should respect it. All the best!

Posted from

Thank you

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Staking currency, is optimal for days away. take it off the hot markets and stake it if you dont use bots to manage the trends.

Yeah, I can minimize the loss by voting most of my power. It will still produce a smaller amount of rewards due to diminishing claim power, but will mitigate it from a complete loss.

I don't understand how to use bots (nor trust them) so i do everything manually.

All the best with the plans and your wonderful woman :-)

Thank you

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

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