How to improve Blurt ? How about higher %rewards for upvoting Comments ?

in comments •  3 years ago  (edited)

I see time and time again...

“We need more engagement on these Blogging Blockchains... “

More comments ... better comments.

Currently you earn 50% from Curation of Author posts ...

How about we modify Comment rewards to 60/40 .... so that curators earn more from rewarding good authentic helpful comments ?

70/30 ?

80/20 ?

Would this encourage more engagement ?

Any other ideas ?

I think I am going to spend a lot more $$$$ rewarding good comments ...

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

What's happening is post and drop. I'd love to be able to make good content in every social media site by just pasting and dropping but where is interaction?

Three years ago the way I earned Steem was adding comments on people's posts that had borrowed Steem power. What was happening was people would flock to those posts to get an upvote. I looked at my posts and got ten cents but if I made a silly comment on a whale post I got one dollar. Of course the whale would upvote his reply to my comment for 20 dollars. This doesn't happen since communities were made. Those people who have a like interest interact with each other.

A couple weeks ago I started and I am sucked in to interaction. I think it's the algorithm for free tips. If I am out exploring and making friends and creating new content then tips come in heavy. If I am posting in the same place and not interacting tips are dry. I tried several chambers and I didn't really fit in except Blurt. Our Blurt community support each other there and I got to know more users there and even meet people who wanted to join blurt. Burt when it comes to go back to Blurt I don't feel like exploring. I use my vote on people I know and when it gets close to 90% voting power I quit and come back later. There is no resteem except tweeting. There are a lot of front end issues that can be improved. I'd like a place where I could write a little and share a one minute video like Instagram but without all the crap.

Blurt has a long way to go. But some good point of Blurt is there are not creepy commercials stalking me. Instagram and facebook sometimes scares me so much I can't use it.

I also think communication with developers is really important. It's decentralized so there is no us and them but there are a few witnesses who approve developments. I really don't know what is going on. Maybe it is secret in discord and sometimes they need to bed for security but it would be nice to see more updates of projects and posts like this that discuss the state of Blurt.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

This is an amazing post and deserves all the support it can get.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Yeah .... there is discussion on Discord but I’m not sure what all the upcoming developments are ... I think they are still looking to fix the image problem.... then maybe Splash 💦 ? Not sure exactly. ... I’m just happy rewards are working again. Would be good if we had, and working again ....

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I also try to stay above 90% voting power but sometimes get down into the 70s ....

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

what is missing here is a tool like that in steemit from @steemchiller called I love this tool is way better and more useful than others, maybe sometime in the near future we get such a magic tool here too ;)

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Yes .... maybe @steemchiller will create a for Blurt.... this would be awesome. ... I use it all the time too. Very helpful.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

There is no good reason to stay at 90% VP - none at all! lol. It's one of many myths inherited from our ancestor chains.

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

Ok.... should I stay at least around 50% to give some rewards ? ... if I voted every Awesone Blurt post and comment I see each day I would quickly be at 0 % voting power

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

It's a question of the value of each subsequent vote. Can even go down to 40% VP - just be careful the actual votes are not too low that the fees eat at them.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Ok ... I will keep voting until I hit 40% then let it recharge while I sleep.

If I let it get too low, my vote would be worthless, and it takes many days for it to recover to 100%. I try to keep it at 90% but I never can hahaha I always find something to vote or comment and it ends up at 70%.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I'm just saying, there is nothing magical about 90% or 80%, it refills linearly at 20% per day but votes use it up on a %-basis. What is a waste is being stuck at 100% while sleeping or shopping or away for a day! lol

I don't think I'll ever get stuck at 100% hahahaha. I always say, I don't vote anymore and Brunobot appears with his evil notifications XD.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Implement a comment voting system, if the person promotes their post on twitter and pastes the link at the end of the post they can automatically receive a positive vote, if it is a comment that has a certain amount of words, they would receive a positive vote. This is just an example of something I have seen in other blockchains. This would help the internal blurt economy no doubt.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Good ideas .... Tweeted to 300 Million people...

The thing I dislike about that is many of us don't use Twitter or other social media. On Hive, Dan who runs 3Speak has pushed hard with large rewards for Twitter. Not only did it exclude many, but if it worked that well they should have onboarded so many people that they didn't. Go look sometime at the actual engagement most of them are getting for sharing on Twitter.

One area I do think bears watching and targeting however would be the Hive initiative where they hired an advertising firm recently to promote them. Now that would be a GREAT area for Blurt folks to target comment sections of, offering a comparison of things like no flags on ours, malicious flags on theirs, a history of true milking as opposed to one building ways that even small accounts can participate, etc.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

for sure that is good ideas, just the users must step up and put in some work also, to write a good comment on a good post, that´s it so easy is win/win ;)

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Yes.... it seems that many people are just here for the quick buck. I’m interested in giving rewards to people who are here for the long term and to make Blurt better.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Many thanks again. Your well-thought-out opinion very important for the development of BLURT plartform. I also usually make comments.
From now on, I will be very active on Twitter.