Comfort is clearly one of the greatest enemies of success, and most successful people in the world today didn't achieve success from their comfort zones.
When we speak comfort, people may define it in a variety of ways. Some may be doing the ordinary, while others may be napping or resting. I mean it when I say that the only thing you will never give up in order to be successful is your comfort. Before you can be successful, you must be willing to sacrifice anything to ensure your success, such as your sleep, food, or whatever. I'm not suggesting you starve yourself.

I'm sure there will be some skeptics who will never agree with me here.
How many hours of sleep do you get per day? 7 or 8 e.t.c. What if giving up two hours of sleep helped pave the road for your success?
There is no doubt that we all enjoy comfort, but comfort will only go you so far unless you discipline yourself. You must be able to modify when necessary and make every effort to sacrifice in order to obtain more.
I'm sure individuals that enjoy science will bring some old theories and deviate from the standard. For example, scientists recommend that we sleep for a minimum of 7 or 8 hours per day; what if you could reduce that to 5 hours and focus purposefully on your passion?